Theories and Therapies
Sigmund Freud known as… and for…?
known as father of psychiatry and for the psychosexual theory and talk therapy
psychosexual theory
theory of personality structure, levels of awareness, role of defense mechanisms, and stages of psychosexual development
name freuds levels of awareness
conscious, preconscious, unconscious
name freuds theory 3 components
mind, personality structure, and psychosexual stages
conscious level of awareness is
contains all material a person is aware of at any time (our operational computer)
preconscious level of awareness is
contains all material that can be retrieved rather easily through conscious effort (also called subconscious)
unconscious level of awareness is
includes all represented memories, passion, and unacceptable urges lying deep below the surface (things we forgot)
name the 3 components of personality structure (freud)
our ID personality structure is
unciocus and impulsive, reflexes at birth, seeks immediate gratification
our EGO personality structure is
executive brain, after 1 year old develops and is our problem solver, reality tester, aims to satisfy the id's desires realistically and appropriately within societal constraints.
the ego resides in?
the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious levels of awareness
the ego is able to differentiate?
subjective experiences, memory images, and objective reality
our superego in personality structure is
develops 3 to 5 and represents moral component of personality, develops from positive feedback
the superego consists of
the conscience (all the “should nots” internalized from parents and society)
what happens when the ID is more successful than the superego?
experience melancholia (depression) or anxiety
psychosexual stages names?
oral and anal
oral psychosexual stage age?
0 to 1 yr old
oral psychosexual stage examples
mouth sucking, biting, chewing, eating too much or too little, biting nails, fetal position sleep
anal psychosexual stage example
expulsion and retention of feces, control over impulses, people will be cruel and obsessive
anal and oral psychosexual stages can be an example of a type of?
defense mechanisms and anxiety are?
the ego develops defenses to ward off anxiety by preventing conscious awareness of threatening feelings
2 common features of defense mechanisms
they all (except suppression) operate on an unconscious level, they deny, falsify, or distort reality to make is less threatening
repression defense mechanism is?
to protect the ego taking a traumatic event and erase it from your mind, and the bad memory will be stored in the unconscious mind
freud alleged that mental illness is due to?
repressing traumatic events and not dealing with them head on
denial defense mechanism is
falsifying, distorting reality to make it less threatening
rationalization defense mechanism is
justified failure
projection defense mechanism
projecting feelings on someone because of the way you think they feel about you
what is the best way to control projection?
self-awarness and asking yourself why you feel this way
displacement defense mechanism is
UNCONSCIOUSLY taking your anger from somebody in power and putting it on someone without power, and is a way to channel your anger in a way thats acceptable
sublimation defense mechanism is
CONSCIOUS and is when you put your anger from a socially unacceptable form to an acceptable form
rejection formation
unconscious showing the opposite of what you feel
intellectualization defense mechanism is
putting a scientific spin on bad news (type of denial)
classical psychoanalysis is
rarely used today and expensive
classical psychoanalysis do not believe mental illness is caused by what?
the brain, don’t believe in mental illness
unconscious feelings a patient has toward a healthcare provider originally felt in childhood or for a significant other
unconscious feelings that the healthcare worker has toward the patient
psychodynamic therapy is
a type of talking therapy that helps people understand their unconscious thoughts, feelings, and past experiences
catharsis memory
retrieving information from unconscious mind through therapy
interpersonal theory created by?
harry stack sullivan
sullivan developed a model for?
understanding psychiatric alterations that focused on interpersonal problems
interpersonal theory is
purpose of all behavior is to get needs met through interpersonal interactions and to reduce or avoid anxiety, humans need interaction
security operation in interpersonal theory is
measures an individual uses to reduce anxiety and enhance security
self systems in interpersonal theory
all of the security operations an individual uses to defend against anxiety and ensure self esteem
interpersonal therapy is
short term therapy where psychiatric disorder are influenced by interpersonal interactions and social interactions
interpersonal therapy most effective in patients with
grief and loss, interpersonal disputes, role transition
sullivans interpersonal theory was the foundation for?
Hildegard Peplaus interpersonal theory of NURSING
implications of interpersonal theory to nursing describes the nurse as?
both participant and observer
the nurse participant observer in interpersonal nursing theory has what characteristics?
mutuality, respect, unconditional acceptance, empathy
peplaus art of nursing is to
provide care, compassions, and advocacy to enhance comfort and wellbeing
peplaus therapeutic relationship 3 steps
level of anxiety, interventions for anxiety, and improving patients ability to think and function