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The useful checklist training the phases of globalization was drawn by _____ (1998), _____ (2001), and _____ (2012).
Mid 18th Century - 1870s
years of first phase
1920s - 1960s
years of second phase
1960s - present
years of third phase
development of international networks
first phase (1)
beginning of international affairs
first phase (2)
international relations through treaties and agreements in Europe
first phase (3)
international relations through treaties and agreements in Europe
first phase (4)
establishment of international committee of the Red Cross in 1863
first phase (5)
significant development in communication and transportation
first phase (6)
development of international competitions
first phase (5)
first World War
first phase (6)
establishment of League of Nations
second phase (1)
global effect of Cold War
second phase (2)
rise of Third World Countries in international arena
second phase (3)
increased attention to humanitarian works and development aid
second phase (4)
introduction of global icons and American consumerism
second phase (5)
establishment of global communication
third phase (1)
increasing power and influence of international financial institutions
third phase (2)
rapid rise of US and expansion of Western investments and multinational firms
third phase (3)
end of cold war
third phase (4)
increase in social movement and global civil society
third phase (5)
introduction of World Wide Web and continuous influence of telecommunications
third phase (6)
rise of global attention to environmental concern and snit-globalization campaign
third phase (7)
1914 - 1918
years of World War I
Austria Hungary,
Ottoman Empire,
4 Central Powers countries
Great Britain,
5 Allied Power countries
1939 - 1945
years of World War II
3 Axis Powers countries
Great Britain,
United States,
Soviet Union,
4 Allies Powers
year when Cold War ended
Soviet Union
Cold War ended because of fall of _____.
Thomas Friedman
For a better grasp on the historical developments of globalization, _____ described the phases of globalization into three periods.
globalization 1.0,
globalization 2.0,
globalization 3.0
3 phases of globalization
1492 - 1800
years of globalization 1.0
1800 - 1950
years of globalization 2.0
1950 - 2000
years of globalization 3.0
period of mercantilism
glbzn 1.0 (1)
age of industrialization (rise of British Economy)
glbzn 1.0 (2)
steam engine,
printing press,
railway system
glbzn 1.0 (3)
development of social systems and institutions:
exchange of goods within the region
glbzn 1.0 (4)
end of World War II
glbzn 2.0 (1)
age of Pax Brittanica
glbzn 2.0 (2)
formation of Market Integration and Institutionalizations of major economic activities in global marker
glbzn 2.0 (3)
period of technology and Internet
glbzn 3.0 (1)
age of Information
glbzn 3.0 (2)
intensification of trade worldwide and development of multination corporations
glbzn 3.0 (3)
new players and prominent economic actors:
European Union,
South Korea
glbzn 3.0 (4)
Anthony Giddens
described the globalization as intensification of worldwide social relations.
global economic activity
is the most obvious face of this phenomenon where economic activities have immense effect to other global operations such as governments, education, and technology.
world capitalist economy,
nation-state system,
world military
3 dimensions of globalization
world capitalist economy
primary force of glboalization
capitalists states
are the main engines of global production and distribution of goods and services
engage in transnational operation maintaining pool of resources such as labor and capital
multinational corporations
are very powerful in controlling domestic and foreign market
nation-state system
sovereignty of states has been emphasized as a primary part of independence and autonomy
the concept of ____ in a globalized world is understood as the best form of asserting the existence and operation of a state in order to be recognized
nation-state system
it has been used as a major political unit in international relations
nation-state system
nation-states have the right to make their own collective objectives
A system of organization in which people with a common identity live inside a country
4 countries that are examples of nation-state
world military
strengthening military power is the priority of the first world countries as well as the developing and third world countries
world military
budget allotted by governments to defense and military surged hundred folds with the aim of delivering world-class defense operation and services to its people
maintains the rank as the world’s most powerful military in terms of military spending
source that said US maintains the rank as the world’s most powerful military in terms of military spending
Cold War era
The concept of First World, Second World, and Third World was a construct of the _____.
Soviet Union, US
number of interpretations on the origin of Cold War:
The conflict was cause by aggressive behavior and domestic policies of _____ prompting other countries especially the _____ to react.
US economic system of expansionist-capitalism
number of interpretations on the origin of Cold War:
The cold war was a result of the _____.
two countries on the power vacuum,
threat of central Europe
number of interpretations on the origin of Cold War:
The war was a consequence of security response from the _____ and _____.
United States,
United Kingdom,
Western European Countries
4 First World During Cold War
Soviet Union,
Half of Germany,
North Korea,
8 Second World During Cold War
Neutral and non-aligned countries
Third World During Cold War
First World
Powerful economies having stable governments, robust financial markets, and advanced and modern infrastructures, low poverty, and high standard of living
Second World
The idea of world order is associated with role of political and military power during Cold War.
Second World
The communist countries of the _____ are found to be trapped between poverty and prosperity.
Third World
Countries are described as less developed and developing economy or global south.
Third World
Most of the countries have experience colonialism from Western World.