Histopathology colloqium

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35 Terms

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Icterus retention hepatis canis

  • Distended bile duct

  • Bile plug

  • Kupffer cells hyperplasia

  • Distended sinusoids

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Thrombis of pulmonary artery branch

  • 1- Fresh (Acute)Thrombus: fibrin mesh with embedded erythrocytes and leukocytes

  • 2- old (chronic) Thrombus: Hyalinisation of the Thrombus + organization (fibrin)

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liver lipidosis

  • - peripherally displaced nuclei

  • - lipid droplets dissolved in ethanol in vacuoles

  • - hardly visible hepatocytes

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Myofirbril degeneration of skeletal muscle

  • - deep red color

  • - desintegrated myofibril surrounded by nuclei

  • -some myofibrils are still continuous

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<p>1,2,3= more and more zoomed in </p>

1,2,3= more and more zoomed in

Hemorraghic infarction of the spleen

  • - sharp transition between necrotic and normal area

- Necrotic area:

1- Haemmorraghe

2- Thrombosis of small vessels

3- hemosiderin pigments + calcium deposit

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Liver hepatitis suppurative and necrotizing, multifocal, chinchilla

  • -disseminated small necrotic foci and bacterial colonies

  • -necrotic foci

  • - inflammatory cells within the foci

  • - hypereosinophilic remains of hepatocytes

  • -congestion of blookd vessels

  • -vacuolization of liver parenchyma

  • -

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Liver hepatitis fibrous, intersitial, chronic and eosinophilic

-pronounced lobular pattern

-interlobar septa thickened, distended and filled with thick fibrous tissue

-infiltration of eosinophil into the fibrous stroma

! difference with cirrhosis= decreased lobules due to pressure of fibrous tissue that doesnt enter the lobule !

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Skin actinomycosis, swine

-multifocal to coalescing pyogranulomas — composed of degenerate neutrophils surrounded by macrophages

  • - with basophilic filamentous bacterial colonies in the center with eosiniphilic radiating material

-layers of dense connective tissue- fibrosis

-superficial epidermis is necrotic

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Stomach ulcer, dog

  • -necrotic mass in the lumen (not on this exemple slide)

  • - Thrombi within submucosal blood vessels

  • - Proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory cells infiltration

  • - in ulcerative mucosa: loss of mucosal structure, disrupted normal architecture

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Small intestine : Necrohemorrhagic enteritis - parvovirosis

-Blunting and fusion of villi

  • -loss of apical enterocytes

-bacterial colonies in lumen

-crypts necrosis and regeneration

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Pyogranulomatous interstitial nephritis plus phlebitis multifocal, severe, and thrombosis - FIP


-activated fibroblast

  • -thrombosis

  • - activation and necrosis of endothelial cells

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Lung : Multifocal, necrotic, partly purulent bronchointerstitial pneumonia, subacute

-supposed to have inflammatory foci but not visible on the picture

  • -purulent- necrotic bronchitis and bronchiolitis plus neutrophils and macrophages

  • - necrosis and exfoliation of pneumocytes

  • -eosinophilic inclusions ( not visible on picture)

  • -alveolar edema

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Brain : Multifocal, perivascular, nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis - rabies

  • -blood vessels surrounded by lymphocytes

  • -negri bodies

  • - degenerated neurons

  • -perivascular gliosis

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Fibrinous and necrotizing pneumonia

-Disrupted architecture

-Pleura : amorphous eosinophilic mass thickened by fluid (edema) and fibrin

-Bronchial walls are necrotic ( not on the picture)

-multifocal bacterial colonies


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Bonchopneumonia , suppurative and embolic

-preserved architecture

-Thrombosis of blood vessel : 1-Fibrin + cell debris+ erythrocytes = fibrinous thrombus

2- Fibrin+ bacteria = spectic thrombus

-Multifocal area of neutrophils, residues of necrotic alveolar septa, bacterial colonies

-parenchymal, interstitial and subpleural edema

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Bronchointerstitial pneumonia, lymphohistiocytic, lymphoid hyperplasia

-Lamina propria of bronchi and bronchioli are infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages

-hyperplasia of BALT

-in lumen of bronchi, extensive infiltration of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes

-Focal emphysema

-Alveoli are filled with macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils

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Lymphoma dog

-Disrupted architecture - difuse infiltration of dense round uniform neoplastic cells

  • -Tumor extends through capsule into perinodal tissue

  • -cytoplasm is eosinophilic

  • - tumor necrosis and hemorrhage

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Mammary gland: Benign mixed mammary tumor, dog

  • -subcutis well demaracated, encapsulated neoplasm

  • -2 cell types : luminal epithelial ( form tubules, round nuclei with 1 nucleolus) and myoepithelial (spindle to stellate cells with oval nuclei)+ cartilage (hondrocytes in lacunae)

  • -moderate amount of fibrous stroma

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Mammary gld adenocarcinoma ( tubulopapillar), dog

-Poorly demarcated, partly encapsulated, partly infiltrative

-tumor cells- tubule and papillary proliferations are less pronounced

  • - scant to moderate fibrous stroma

-multifocal area of necrosis

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Papilloma- dog

  • - exophytic neoplasm from epidermis, form some papillary projections, supported by stroma

  • -neoplastic cells progress from a hypertrophied stratum basale to a thickened stratum spinosum

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Squamous cell carcninoma

-poorly circumscribed unencapsulated, infiltrative neoplasm composed of polygonal cells, supported by stroma. Nuclei are irregularly round

-cord and island often contains compact eosinophilic lamellation of keratin ( keratin pearls)

-Multifocally stroma is infiltrated with abundant mixed inflammatory infiltrate

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Nodular hyperplasia of sebaceous gland, dog

-unencaspulated, well circumscribed mass of multiple lobules which surround ectatic ducts, lined by keratinized stratified squamous ep. filled with keratin

-Lobules are divided into adenomeres

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Testicular seminoma

-Multinodular neoplasm composed of round cells, large round, vesicular nuclei.

  • -moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis

-lymphocytic intratumoral infiltrates

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Embolic Myocarditis

-Multifocally, randomly distributed bacterial colonies within small blood vessels and myocytes

-Around bacterial colonies myocytes are swollen with hypereosinophilic sarcoplasm, loss of cross striation and pyknosis

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Lymphocytic myocarditis

-Multifocally disrupting the myocardium and endocardium, are lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages with some edema

-Cardiac myocytes are swollen with vacuolated or hypereosinophilic sarcoplasm, loss of cross striation and pyknosis

  • - Myocytes can be replaced by activated fibroblast that form fibrous tissue

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Milliary hepatic tuberculosis

-Multifocally, randomly distributed coalescing granulomas

-smaller granulomas : macrophages and epitheloid cells

-Larger granulomas : necrotic central core ( caseous necrosis) surrounding it are macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and reactive fibroblast and concentric connective tissue

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Valvular Endocarditis

-Accumulated layers of irregular deposit on the endothelium valves

  • Surface layer : fibrinous, homogenous, pink mass containing bacterial colonies and hemosiderin pigments

  • -middle layer : deposit of fibroblast, fibrocytes, collagenous fiber and mononuclear infl. cell

  • -last layer: reminder of mitral valves, fragments of undamaged endothelium, collagen and myocytes.

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Endocarditis, thrombotic, septic, dog

-Acute : hemorrhage, fibrinous mesh, active fibroblast, neutrophils, macrophages and bacterial colonies

-Chronic : Hemosiderin, intracellular and extracellular accumulation of calcium, thick collagenous fibers, fibrocytes, macrophages, plasma cells

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Post necrotic liver fibrosis with nodular regeneration - cirrhosis

-Parenchyma : hepatocytes islet which are various in size and shape - disrupted architecture

-irregular trabecular structures of lobules

  • -aggregation of necrotic cell+ rbc+ infl. cells

-Bile stasis

-hemosiderin- central area and within the fibrous tissues

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Liver : Centrilobullar necroses, multifocal to coalescing

-architectures of lobules are disrupted

  • - hepatocytes are swollen,, hypereosinophilic, with distinct cell border and pyknotic nuclei- necrosis

  • -surrounding of collapsed hepatocytes are individuals infl. cells - neutrophils and few macrophages + numerous rbc - hemorrhage

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Mastitis : necrosuppurative , bovine

  • - Multifocal to coalescing foci

  • -Alveoli contains degenerated neutrophils and exfoliatred ep. cells

  • -Edema in alveoli and interstitium

  • -Tissue necrosis, melting of alveoli filled with pus = abceses

  • -Thrombosis of blood vessel, hemorrhage

  • -corpora amylacea

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Endometritis, suppurative, cytsic, chronic -pyometra

  • -Mucosal epithelium : columnar epithelium, hyperplastic, partly exfiolated in the lumen with some suppurative exudate

-Lamina propria : dense infl. cell infiltrate, endometrial glands are ectatic, lined by flattened epithelium and filled with degenerated neutrophils (pus)

-Myometrium: contains perivascular predominantly plasmacytic infiltrate

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Nephritis: glomerular, interstitial, chronic

-Glomeruli : fibrin exudate in Bowman’s space, occasionally thickening of Bowman’s capsule, terminal phase= proliferation of fibrous connective tissue ( hyaline appearance)

-Tubules : Degeneration and necroses of tubular epithelial cells, occasionally flattened or ectatic with hyaline cylindres

-Interstitium : Multifocal neutrophils and fibrous tissues

  • Bacterial colonies

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Hepatitis : necrotizing, acute, multifocal, with basophilic intranuclear viral inclusion bodies

  • -Hepatocytes are swollen

  • - Subscapular hemorrhage

  • -sinusoid dilated with exudate, rbc and mononuclear

  • - Interstitium contain occasionally mononuclear infiltrate

  • -Intranuclear basophilic inclusion bodies fill almost whole nucleus

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Lymphadenitis : Hemorrhagic, acute, pig

-Parenchyma : edematous, severe congestion and hemorrhage

-Peritrabecular sinuses and central area of lymph node without hemorrhages

-thrombosis of capillaries with around it most intense hemorrhages

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