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What is this?
contrast extravasation at Right Ureter
Intraoperative retrograde pyelography revealing left sided ureteral defect from blast injury
What is this?
T2 image of the MRI shows an abnormality in the anterior prostate which is dark
What is this?
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Map (ADC) for prostate cancer, demonstrating suspicious pirads 4 lesion in anterior prostate also dark
ON T2 imaging how do pca lesions appear?
On DWI images how do pca lesions appear?
ON ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) how do pca lesions appear?
Describe the lesions in a) T2 imaging b) DWI c) ADC
Axial T2 weighted image (a) demonstrate an hypointense mass (arrows) with ill-defined, “smudgy” lesional margins. The mass restricts diffusion as it is bright on high b value (b1400) diffusion weighted image (arrows) (b) (arrow) and is dark on the ADC map (arrows) (c).
What is this?
5 cm mid- to proximal bulbar urethral stricture
What’s is this ?
Fourniers on scrotal US
What is this?
B/l ureteroceles
What is this depicting?
Left adrenal mass
What is this MRI showing?
Prostate cancer on the right with extra capsular extension. And Large right lymph node.
What is this MRI depicting?
Prostate cancer extending into the bladder.
Ct scan shows lnoob ky
large retroperitoneal fluid collection and right hydronephrosis