Africa and Asia
If the current population trends continue which regions of the world will experience the highest population growths
life expectancy and infant mortality rate
What is the best indicator of quality of life in a country
How is US pop. increasing despite lower fertility rate
China, India, USA
three most populous countries
70/growth rate
how to find doubling time
70/3.5 =20
what is the doubling time for a countries with a growth rate of 3.5%
70/7=10 years
what is the doubling time for a country with a growth rate of 7%
family planning, high education costs, late marriages, high land prices
what are some reasons for population decline in Japan
death rates are decreasing
what does current global data indicate
sub-saharan Africa
where is the prevalence of AIDS the highest
it is greater in countries with higher infant mortality rates
what is true about replacement level fertility
the Kyoto protocol
Which official document is the best example of global collaboration for the environment
formation of carbonate deposits
which process indirectly removes carbon from the atmosphere
up 0.5* C
how much has the global temp increased in the past 100 years
reducing use of fossil fuels
What would reduce acid rain/ deposition
what is released by CFC (Chloroflourocarbons)
it’s a strong oxidant and respiratory irritant
why do we not want a region of ozone near the surface
melting of continental ice caps
what is contributing to rising sea levels the most
infrared radiation from the earths surface is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere
what is the greenhouse effect in the atmospere
decreased area of snow/ice cover
what not only results from global warming but also furthers global warming
478 or 500ppm
what is the irreversible tipping point for CO2 levels
expanded ranges of tropical diseases, more hurricanes and typhoons, more crop damage from pests and diseases
what could happen the atmosphere becomes warmer
which greenhouse gas is produced by livestock
sulfur dioxide
what is the causative factor for acid deposition
which gas is harmful in the troposphere but helpful in the stratosphere
the major pollutant that comes from smokestack emissions
industry, transportation, energy production
what are the three main anthropogenic sources of air pollutants
absorbs infrared radiation by atmospheric gases
how does the atmosphere keep the earth warm
production of electric power
what is the primary cause of ground-level ozone in the US
coastal flooding
what is a likely cause of global warming
a release of CFCs into the atmosphere
what contributes to both global warming an ozone depletion
replacing coal-burning power plants with wind farms
what would reduce global greenhouse gas emissions
increasing concentrations of heavy metals in ponds
what is a good indicator of acid deposition