The theory where living arose from nonliving.
Prebiotic conditions of earth
-Water (oceans) -High UV radiation -Reducing atmosphere gasses -Lightning storms -No free oxygen
4 stages of Abiogenesis
Self replicating polymers become surrounded by membranes (Creates unique internal chemistry). Last stage of Abiogenesis.
Self- Assembly
Organic molecules assemble into polymers. Second stage of Abiogenesis.
Polymers begin to self replicate (enabling inheritance). Third stage of abiogenesis.
Inorganic molecules synthesized organic molecules. First stage of Abiogenesis.
Membrane: Amphipathic phospholipids
The spherical bilayered structure thought to have enclosed the first protocells.
Miller Urey
The experiment that attempted to replicate probiotic conditions on earth.
Goldilocks Zone
The distance the Earth orbits the sun is just right for water to remain a liquid.
The first Genetic material
RNA Qualities
Self-replicating and catalysis
Modern day replacement of RNA.
Last Universal Common Ancestor
LUCA Evidence
Alive 2 to 4 billion years ago
Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents
Fossils of prokaryotes (~3.7 billion years old)
Minerals precipitate out
Hydrogen for energy
Gene for high temperature
Endosymbiotic Theory
Large Prokaryotes use endocytosis to engulf small aerobic bacteria. Eventually created eukaryotic cells.
Cell living inside another cell with mutual benefit.
Evidence for Endosymbiotic Theory
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Naked & Circular DNA
70s Ribosomes
Same size as bacteria
Membrane Proteins
Advantages of being a Multicellular Organism
Exceeds size limits
High complexity
Differentiation & Emergent properties
Longer lifespans
Disadvantages of being a Multicellular Organism
Variation of Cell Size in Multicellular Organisms
Red blood cells are small (7-8 um)
Neurons (very long but not wide)
Striated muscle fibers
Ovum (egg) very large (120um)
Sperm very small (~um)
Traits of cells that exchange materials in Multicellular Organisms
Long and flat shape
Tissues can have villi and microvilli
Characteristics of Stem Cells
Have self renewal which is the process of continuously dividing and replicating.
Have potency, this is the ability to differentiate into specialized cell types *necessary for multicellular organism development.
Main types of Stem Cells
Forms any cell type, develops into new organisms
Forms any cell type, arising from three germ layers; embryonic and blastocyst
Some closely related cell types “adult”.
Stem Cell Niche
The area where adult stem cells are maintained.
Locations of Stem Cell Niche
Bone Marrow- Hematopoietic stem cells, Creates blood cells
Leukemia Treatment
Hair Follicles- Epidermal stem cells, hair, skin, vascular wound repair
Burn and Baldness Treatment
Examples of Adult Stem Cells + their Therapeutic Purposes
Embryonic stem cells- Greater potency, ethical issues
Adult stem cells- Lower potency, less ethical issues, and low rejection chances
Use of Stem Cells for Therapeutic purposes
Used to replace damaged or diseased cells.
Meristematic Tissue
Found in the tips of roots and shoots, and it is not technically a stem cells.