Duties, support, caring for the sick, educate children
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Parent & child relationships : Christianity
Children respect parents, children are sacred gifts
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Marriage : Christianity
Unity under God, to fulfil the sacrament from God, covenant, in the bible
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Divorce - Jesus : Christianity
Jesus taught that divorce is only right when adultery has been committed - Matthean exception
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Divorce - RCC
Divorce isn’t recognised
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Divorce - Anglican church
Allows it if marriage had failed
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Adultery : Christianity
‘you shall not commit adultery’
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Homosexuality : Christianity
God created men and women to procreate (POWER), most churches against it
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Sexual relationships : Christianity
Chastity, sex only during marriage prevents unwanted pregnancies, A relationship shouldn’t be built upon ‘eros’ love (lust)
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Gender roles : Christianity
Women: look after house and children, provide for husband, be faithful and marry
Husband: Provide for family, remain faithful, work
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Gender equality - against : Christianity
Men and women have different roles in life and church - women can’t lead and should be quiet, Jesus’ disciples were all men
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Gender equality - for : Christianity
Jesus’ world was very different to our own - the reasons for gender inequality were more political than religious, men and women were both created in God’s image
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Families : Islam
Best way for children to be educated as muslims, roles for family members, strong bonds between members
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Types of family : Islam
Nuclear families are ideal, with extended families also widely accepted, single parent families aren’t ideal and the parent should remarry as both parents are necessary for the child, same-sex families are against Allah’s will
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Marriage : Islam
Follow’s Muhammad’s example, prevents casual relationships, symbolises religious and social unity
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Marriage teachings : Islam
Many are arranged, Nikah is a sacred social contract of proposal and acceptance, men can have up to 4 wives, commitment sexually
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Nature of sex : Islam
Expression of love, procreation, provides spiritual and emotional comfort
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Adultery : Islam
Adultery is a severe sin with heavy punishment, premarital sex is considered close to adultery by many
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Homosexuality : Islam
unnatural and sinful, can’t procreate, attitude stems from the story of the prophet Lot, in some conservative countries, homosexuality is a sin
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Gender roles : Islam
Men: should marry, responsible for income and caring for family
Women: should marry, run the home and educate children of Islam, can work but are not obliged to share their wealth
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Gender prejudice : Islam
During Muhammad’s time : Incest and womanising was common, female infanticide, females were inferior
Modern day : Female political leaders like Benazir Bhutto in Pakistaan, women more involved with mosques, gender prejudice is against Allah
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Contraception: Christians
RCC forbids use of contraception a s it is against natural law