The 5 steps of project planning
Brainstorming/Choosing a Topic, Identify Topic Elements, Write a Script, Create a Storyboard, and Create a Shot Log
Brainstorming/Choosing a Topic
You and your group come up with as many ideas as possible then narrow it down until you have just one idea. You now have the main focus of what your video is about.
Identify Topic Elements
You write out as much detail as you can about the 5 Ws. To figure out the base for the video. You know what you want to do in the video and how you are going to get the video done.
Write a Script
You write out all of the spoken dialogue in the video. You know which person is saying what, when.
Create a Storyboard
You create a frame that shows where people and items are going to be positioned at a certain point in the video. You know where to position the camera.
Create a Shot Log
You put together which clips are filmed at the same location, who's in frame, if you need any props, and when you want to film the clip(s).
List the shots in the video repertoire
Long shot; Medium shot; Bust shot; Close up; Extreme close up; Over the shoulder shot
Explain the “rule of thirds“
The screen is divided up into three rows and three columns. The two lines that run parallel horizontally are called the eye line (upper line) and the horizon line (bottom line). And the ideal places to put something/someone of importance is at the intersections of the lines.
Identify and discuss two videography tips
Beware of backlighting ~ make sure that the light behind the subject does not cause all of the focus to be taken away from the subject and make them a little darker. Fill the Screen Make sure that the subject takes up a lot of room in the frame without cutting anything off the subject. Find the correct shot level ~ make sure that you follow the line of the background and on the same plane as the subject.