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Test Automation
The use of software to control the execution of tests, compare actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, set up test preconditions, and perform test reporting functions.
Software Testability
The degree to which a system or component facilitates the establishment of test criteria and the performance of tests to determine if those criteria have been met.
How easy it is to observe the behavior of a program in terms of its outputs and effects on the environment.
How easy it is to provide a program with the needed inputs, in terms of values, operations, and behaviors.
Test Case
A multipart artifact with a definite structure, including test case values and expected results.
Test Oracle
A mechanism for determining whether a test passed or failed based on expected results.
An open source Java testing framework used to write and run repeatable automated tests.
JUnit Assertions
Methods used to test expected results in JUnit.
Test Fixture
The state of the test, including objects and variables used by more than one test.
Data-Driven Tests
Unit tests that run the same test logic multiple times with different sets of input data.
Parameterized Tests
JUnit tests that allow actual parameters to be passed to test methods.
Theories in JUnit
A way to express assumptions, actions, and assertions in unit tests with parameters.
JUnit Test Runner
The component that executes tests and reports results, either in a command line or graphical interface.
Exception Testing in JUnit
Tests designed to verify that specific exceptions are thrown under certain conditions.
@Before and @After Annotations
JUnit annotations used to set up and tear down test fixtures before and after test methods.
JUnit 4.0 Changes
Major changes in syntax that include moving away from extending TestCase and modifying method naming conventions.
@Test Annotation
Indicates that a method is a test method in JUnit.
Fail Assertion
A method used to indicate that a test has failed manually.
Happy Path Test
Tests that verify expected functionality when everything operates correctly.
Collection of Test Cases
A test set containing multiple test cases, used for organized testing.
Executable Test Script
A test case prepared to be executed automatically and produce a report.