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Island chain in present-day Indonesia; chief source of spices in the 1400s
Prince Henry The Navigator
Portuguese prince who sponsored technology and mapmaking to send Portuguese mariners around Africa and to Asia
a map maker
Vasco da Gama
Portuguese navigator; first to sail around Africa and then to Asia
Christopher Columbus
Italian navigator; sponsored by Spanish monarchs to sail west across the Atlantic; explored what became the Americas
Line of Demarcation
line drawn by the pope dividing the non-European world into two zones split between Spain and Portugal
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 treaty in which Spain and Portugal officially agreed to the Line of Demarcation
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese nobleman; his crew were first to circumnavigate the globe in 1522
to sail around the world
Aztec emperor at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico
advanced native civilization in what is now Mexico
Hernån Cortés
Spaniard conquistador who conquered the Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro
Spaniard conquistador who conquered the Incas
advanced native civilization in what is now Peru
string-based communication device developed by the Incas
a representative of the king who ruled in his name
Encomienda System
the right given to colonists in the Americas by the Spanish government to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans
Bartolomé de Las Casas
a bold Spanish priest who spoke out against the evils of the encomienda system and pleaded with the king to end the abuse
a worker forced to labor for a landlord to pay off a debt
member of the highest class in Spain's colonies in the Americas
an American-born descendant of Spanish settlers in Spain's colonies in the Americas
a person of Native American and European descent in Spain's colonies in the Americas
a person of African and European descent in Spain's colonies in the Americas
a pirate who operated with the approval of European governments
New France
French possession in present-day Canada from the 1500s to 1763
English Protestants who rejected the Church of England
an agreement among people
Mayflower Compact
agreement signed by the first pilgrims while on the Mayflower
cash crop
a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower
French and Indian War
a war between France and England that erupted in 1754 in North America and ended in 1763
Treaty of Paris 1763
the agreement that officially ended the French and Indian War as well as other fighting between France and England, and ensured British dominance in North America
Columbian Exchange
a vast global exchange of goods, people, plants, and animals that began with Columbus and profoundly affected the world
a rise in prices that is linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available
Price Revolution
the period in European history during the 1500s when inflation rose rapidly
an economic system in which most businesses are owned privately
a person who takes on financial risks to make profits
an economic policy in which it was believed that a nation must export more goods than it imports to build its supply of gold and silver
a tax on an imported good
Divine Right
the belief that a ruler's authority comes directly from God
Louis XIV
French king who went on to rule with absolute power, saying, "I am the state"
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Louis XIV's finance minister, who imposed mercantilist policies to bolster France's economy
royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV
James I
the first Stuart monarch, who repeatedly clashed with Parliament
a group of dissenters who sought to "purify" the church of Catholic practices
Oliver Cromwell
leader of the supporters of Parliament during the English Civil War, who went on to lead the short-lived Commonwealth between 1649 and 1658
Glorious Revolution
peaceful overthrow of James II in Britain
English Bill Of Rights
several acts of Parliament that limited the power of the monarchy and restated the rights of English citizens
Constitutional Government
a government whose power is defined and limited by law
a strong military state that emerged in central Europe in the late 1600s
Frederick William I
a Prussian ruler who came to power in 1713 and gained the loyalty of the Prussian nobles to increase his control of the state
Peter The Great
a Russian tsar who took control of government in 1689 and used his power to modernize Russia
the adaptation of Western ideas, technology, and culture
Catherine The Great
Russian empress as of 1762 who embraced Western ideas and ruled as an absolute monarch
Columbus discovered the Americas
Treaty of Tordesillas
Pedro Ălvares Cabral discovered Brazil
End of French and Indian War; signing of the Treaty of Paris
Maps with lines radiating from compasses that showed routes to important ports
An ancient device adapted for finding latitude and telling time
A new, lighter, fast ship that could travel long distances
magnetic compass
Instrument first used by the Chinese; showed direction
Bartolomeu Dias
sailed along the western coast of Africa and discovered a way to cross the Cape of Good Hope.
Vasco da Gama
sailed around Africa, past the Cape of Good Hope, and all the way to India.
Christopher Columbus
sailed west in search of India but landed in the Caribbean
Ferdinand Magellan
sailed southwest around the tip of South America, then northwest to the Moluccas. Only one of his ships made it back to Spain.
Hernån Cortés
went to Mexico and conquered the Aztecs.
Francisco Pizarro
went to Peru and conquered the Incas.
People born in Spain
American-born descendants of
Spanish settlers
mestizos and mulattoes
Those of Native American and European descent and people of African and European descent, respectively
Native American and African
Those whose heritage did not include Europeans