Embodying diversity: problems and paradoxes for Black feminists
Sara Ahmed
The Dynamics of Democratic Exclusion
Charles Taylor
The Apology
Direct Democracy and Puritan theory of membership
Joshua Miller
Trial of _________
Anne Hutchinson
Liberal Society and the Indian Question
A Desire for Land but Not People: Herrenvolk Democracy and the Violent Legacies of the Mexican-American War
Immigrant America? How Foreignness "Solves" Democracy's Problems
Color of law
Richard Rothstien
Race for Profit
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Punishment and Inclusion
Andrew Dilts
Workplace Democracy
Five Faces of Opression
Iris Marion Young
Diversity is seen as a virtue but often only indicates the presence of nonwhites in a space rather than more significant factors like how much they are able to contribute to or influence those spaces
Embodying Diversity by Ahmed
The image of the angry black feminist is needed to create change because by expressing contentment and gratitude as expected by POC, it gives the impression that the POC are satisfied with the status quo when they are not
Embodying Diversity by Ahmed
Whiteness is the norm and nonwhites are expected to be grateful to be included in their spaces
Embodying Diversity by Ahmed
Organizational culture;
Whiteness is the norm and nonwhites are expected to be grateful to be included in their spaces
Embodying Diversity by Ahmed
Have to be angry in order to make change happen even if it is seen as disruptive and unproductive for white feminism
Embodying Diversity by Ahmed
By engaging in a system, you become that system
the apology, plato
Plato was simply questioning them, not alleging anything
the apology, plato
Antidemocratic tendencies
apology, plato
Corruption of youth
apology, plato
apology, plato
Members needed to demonstrate their worth in order to be accepted, and they were only a member of that specific church
Direct Democracy and Puritan theory of membership, Joshua Miller
It appears that democracy inherently needs to exclude, as we would need to vet citizens as well as we vet politicians
Direct Democracy and Puritan theory of membership, Joshua Miller
Sexism and biases can be very damaging in direct democracies
Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Removal of unfit people is necessary in direct democracies
Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Those who challenge authority in direct democracy are dangers to it
Trial of Anne Hutchinson
They thought natives were child-like and needed to be civilized
Liberal Society and the Indian Question, Rogin
Whites needed to expand to keep up with growing needs of expansionism
Liberal Society and the Indian Question, Rogin
Whites stacked the deck against natives and then gave them “free choice”
Liberal Society and the Indian Question, Rogin
Used natives to engage in behavior not allowed in liberal society
Liberal Society and the Indian Question, Rogin
Whites believed Mexicans were incapable of democracy
Cruelty as Citizenship, Beltran
Expansion was stopped by realization that they would need to include Mexicans, and so they stopped expanding and began work to assimilate the Mexicans in the US
Cruelty as Citizenship, Beltran
Mexicans were legally white but socially non-white, and this was non-democratic
Cruelty as Citizenship, Beltran
class mobility
Immigrant American? How Forgiveness “Solves” Democracy’s Problem, Honing
immigrants engage in community building and sustaining
Immigrant American? How Forgiveness “Solves” Democracy’s Problem, Honing
patriarchal family focus
Immigrant American? How Forgiveness “Solves” Democracy’s Problem, Honing
immigrants show that the social contract is real because they literally sign papers
Immigrant American? How Forgiveness “Solves” Democracy’s Problem, Honing
5th myth: immigrants promote democracy, not the state, and citizenship is not given to you but is the act of demanding changes
Immigrant American? How Forgiveness “Solves” Democracy’s Problem, Honing
Rejects argument that segregation resulted from private practices
The Color of Law - A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America, Rothstein
Public policy, law, and other specific government actions have intended to prevent African Americans and whites from living among one another
The Color of Law - A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America, Rothstein
These policies and laws are unconstitutional
The Color of Law - A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America, Rothstein
De facto
That is a product of private practices, not from law or government
The Color of Law - A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America, Rothstein
de jure
From the law and public policy
The Color of Law - A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America, Rothstein
Felon disenfranchisement makes felons - who are predominantly BIPOC - excluded from democracy
Punishment and Inclusion, Dilts
Even those who are not felons are shaped by disenfranchisement because there is an understanding that at any moment your democratic rights can be taken away
Punishment and Inclusion, Dilts
banks and real estate industry as a whole undermined Black home ownership via U.S. housing policies related to the FHA housing when the HUD ended redlining.
Race for Profit, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
“predatory inclusion” African American homebuyers were granted access to conventional estate practices and mortgage financing on more expensive and unequal terms
Race for Profit, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Unions are good for workers, good for our communities and economy, and good for democracy, but they are stopped by companies
Democracy Workplace, Sweeney
Lack of union participation as a means to demonstrate undemocratic practices.
Democracy Workplace, Sweeney
Social division of labor: Steady process of transferring results of labor from one group to another
Five Faces, Iris Marion Young
Social division of labor: Relegation to being people that the system of labor cannot or will not use
Five Faces, Iris Marion Young
Social division of labor: Power is stolen from groups and given to others because opportunities are stolen
Five Faces, Iris Marion Young
Cultural imperialism
Universalizing dominant groups attributes, marking a group as other, stereotyping them, and marking them as invisible
Five Faces, Iris Marion Young
Oppressed people are subject to random, unprovoked attacks to their person or property for no other reason than hatred. Even when this does not happen, there is a fear that they have specifically due to their membership in a group
Five Faces, Iris Marion Young