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- Audrey flack
- beauty is fading
- jewelry and art are physical temptations
Marilyn Monroe
- Warhol
- 2 panels
- celebrity worship
- person becomes product
6 Themes
time, place, identity, body, language, spirituality
the way things go
Rube Goldberg machine, plot relies on time
more love hours than can ever be repaid and the wages of sin
mike kelley, time, objects evoked memory
house with ocean view
marina abramovic, daily actions over time
better homes, better gardens
kerry James marshall, place, memories vs reality
broken pebbles scratched white
Andy Goldsworthy, site specific art
kitchen table series
carrie mae weems, how we deifine our identity
tracey Moffatt, how identity was seen by others
thinner than you
maureen Conner, body comparison
maren hassinger, body interaction
white noise
Joseph grigely, written notes to deaf artist
Alison watt, spirituality, absent presence
for you
tracy emin, feminine handwriting in cathedral
focus of abstraction in Europe
beliefs, trauma, intangibles
what was abstraction of Europe influenced by?
post WWII devestation, realism seems irrelevant post war
sacking and red
Alberto burri, materials of bandages and wound covers
CoBra group
highly influential artists in Europe inspired by the art of children and mentally ill
art informel
German abstraction without intellectual baggage
lyrical abstraction
gestural, linear forms
spontaneous brushwork
a letter to my son
asger jorn, family themes, inspired by children's art
asger jorn, despair of war referencing Guernica
questioning children
Karel appel, founder of CoBra, "begging children" poverty after war
it's all over the city
wols, fear and anxiety
georges mathieu, painted live
georges mathieu, energy, aerial views
abstraction in Europe will later influence:
- post minimalism
- neo expressionism
- performance art
what is pop art
reaction against abstract expressionism with "low" subject matter
the independant group
artists in London challenging elitist culture
american pop
- life in the U.S.
- rejection of academic art
british pop
- academic art
- comedy of American life
I was a rich man's plaything
Eduardo paolozzi, themes of technology, pop culture, and consumerism
meet the people
Eduardo paolozzi, consumerism
just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?
Richard hamilton, living room with crammed logos, blurred lines between art and consumerism, contemporary Adam and Eve
roy Lichtenstein, benday cmyk printing, dramatic scene but detached because it's comics
drowning girl
roy Lichtenstein, damsel in disrtress, contemporary beauty standards
I...I'm sorry
roy lichtenstein, unclear apology, blurred lines between painting and printing
house III (high museum of art)
roy lichtenstein, optical illusion
Evelyne axell, zipper, toy helmet, first female European artist to embrace pop art
atomic kiss
Joan rabascall, sensual myth of Hollywood women, glamour hides fear of war
tomato soup can
Andy Warhol, art should be mass produced
beef noodle (19c)
Andy warhol, art should be mass produced
green Marilyn
Andy Warhol
brillo boxes
Andy warhol
Andy warhol
independant group
blurring lines of art and design, pop culture and high culture
who did the this is tomorrow exhibit in London?
independant group
pauline boty, relationship between women and pop culture, sexually and politically charged
it's a man's world
pauline boty, gender roles in society
Eduardo paolozzi, mass media images
fun house
richard Hamilton and John voelcke, this is tomorrow exhibit
on the balcony
Peter blake, combination of high art and low art
self portrait with badges
Peter Blake, American culture, old but wearing teenage clothing
st pepper's lonely hearts club band, Beatles album cover
Peter Blake, collab between musicians and artists
greatness and grandeur
a line made by walking
Richard long, linear timeline, documentary
corner mirror with coral
Robert smithson, "sometimes art is just cool"
spiral jetty
Robert smithson, ancient symbol not always visible always changing color
prominent earthworks artist
Andy Goldsworthy
silhuetas series
ana mendieta, cuban-american, presence vs absence, regeneration, rituals, religion
earth room
Walter de maria, ROOM OF DIRT🔥
lightning field
Walter de Maria, steel posts, experienced over time at lodging site
sun tunnels
Nancy holt, aligned to frame sun during summer and winter solstice's
let's define happenings
late 1950s, involved audience, dismantling definition of "art"
1960s group engaged audiences in active experiences
18 happenings in 6 parts
allan Kaprow, ideas of chance, encounters, never the same
scattered tires to jump on
John cage, composer of SILENCE
the anthropometrics of the blue period
yves klein, nude women as "living paintbrushes"
household: woman licking jam off of a car
allan Kaprow, absurdity of consumerism
allan Kaprow, unusual meal involving yelling
cut piece
Yoko ono, cut off pieces of clothing, women as passive in art
meat joy
Carolee Schneemann
- performers covered in paint crawling on the floor in fish, meat, and poultry
- women's control over sexuality
catalysis III
Adrian piper, biracial female
- walked through NYC wearing "wet paint" sign
- boundaries of what is socially appropriate
mythic being
Adrian piper, filmed through NYC
how to explain pictures to a dead hare
Joseph bueys, held hare carcass in arms coated in honey (life) and gold leaf (wealth) with one iron foot
I like America and America likes me
Joseph beuys, live coyote in gallery, wrapped in animal fat and felt
five day locker piece
chris burden, in locker for 5 days with 5 gallon water container and container for urine
chris burden, intentionally shot by friend, bystander effect
relation in time
ulay and marina abramovic, 17 hours connected by hair that is their bond
- 60s-70s
- art, politics, and culture merge
- social and political
conceptual art
- rejects heroism of pollock
- includes women
- concept is most important
standing open structure block
sol leWitt, created concept, assistants carried out product
wall drawing 88
sol leWiitt, created concept, others carried out product
wall drawing 164
sol dewitt, created concept, others carried out product
one and three chairs
Joseph kosuth, chair, photo of chair, and definition
which is most accurate?
an oak tree
Michael Craig-martin, catholic background, not a glass of water, but an oak tree
merda d'artista
Piero Manzoni, produced 90 cans with ? inside, based on father's critique of his work
the act of drinking beer with friends is the highest form of art
tom Marioni, 16 friends to have a drink with him
the sound of ice making
Paul kos, 25 pounds of ice with 8 microphones, mimic press conferences during Vietnam war
art by telephone
walter de maria, if phone rings, answer it, phone never rang
WPA (Works Progress Administration)
41% of artists were female
harlem renaissance
recognition of women of color
woman artists in revolution
women students and artists for black art liberation
homage to my young black sisters
Elizabeth catlett, social justices hollowed to emphasize childbearing, "force of nature"
faith Ringgold, race riots, references Guernica, meant to represent fear of future
for the woman's house
faith ringgold, female inmates in prison, bi-racial children