25-40 cm long Odd-pinnately compound 7-11 leaflets Elongated oval shape Fine & sharply toothed Sessile - rusty tufts of hair where leaflets join rachis
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White Ash
20-30 cm long Odd-pinnately compound 5-9 leaflets (usually 7) Leaflets stalked Oval in shape Weakly toothed to wavy
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12-15 cm long, 7-10 cm wide Margin glandular Base lopsided, heart shaped
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Bur Oak
15-30 cm long, 7-15 cm wide Broadest above the middle 5-9 lobes Rounded lobes, terminal lobes largest Variable shape
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Balsam Poplar
Simple Broadly ovate, tapers to a sharp tip Underside creamy white with rusty patches
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Largetooth Aspen
Simple Ovate to orbicular Large blunt widely spaced teeth on the margin Petiole flat
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Northern Red Oak
Alternate or whorled arrangement 6-8 mm long Clustered terminal buds Sharp pointed Overlapping reddish-brown scales
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Yellow Birch
7-11 cm long, 3-5 cm wide Margin sharply double serrate Base narrowly round to cordate Apex acute to acuminate Usually 12 or more pairs of lateral veins
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Red Maple
5-15 cm long, 3-10 cm wide 3-5 lobes Shallow v-shaped notch between lobes Petiole 5-10 cm long
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White Birch
5-13 cm long, 2-5 cm wide Deltoid to ovate Margin double serrate Lacking teeth on blade adjacent to petiole