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Female Mate Choice
Influences male ornamentation evolution; can be reduced by natural selection.
Nonrandom Mating in Plants
Certain individuals preferentially mate; not random in wild plant populations.
Evolution of Sociality Drivers
Group defense, resource provision, and mate protection drive social evolution.
Kin Selection
Selection favoring relatives' reproductive success; key in eusocial evolution.
Ecological Constraints
Environmental factors limiting social evolution; influence eusociality.
Behavioral Ecology
Study of social relations within populations; part of sociobiology.
Measure of offspring contribution to future generations; genetic success.
Gamete size-based male/female designation; determines sex in organisms.
Organism with both male and female reproductive functions.
Sexual Selection
Differences in mating success due to reproductive rate variations.
Intrasexual Selection
Competition within one sex for mating; winner mates.
Intersexual Selection
Mate choice based on specific traits; influences evolution.
Bluehead Wrasse
Species with males developing blue heads to attract females.
Slipper Limpet
Hermaphroditic species where individuals function as both sexes.
Sexual Selection Role
Shapes traits related to mating; impacts evolution.
Mate Choice Factors
Include behavior, physical traits, and fitness in selection.
Best Adapted Mating
Sexual selection doesn't guarantee best-adapted individuals mate.
Guppy Mate Choice
Female preference for brightly colored males; tradeoffs exist.
Scorpionflies Mating
Male guarding resources to attract mates; larger males more successful.
Comparative Method Experiment
Studies nonrandom mating using different species or populations.
Territory quality
Significant in sociality evolution
Lifetime reproductive success
Studied in males and females in social groups
Cooperative breeder
Florida Scrub Jay's social group structure
Aid breeding pairs in Florida Scrub Jay groups
Cooperative breeding
Observed in Florida Scrub Jays due to limited territories
African lions live in groups for hunting and defense
Complex sociality with reproductive castes, e.g., ants
Comparative method
Used to study social evolution across species
Kin selection
Favors helping behaviors among related individuals
Inclusive fitness
Enhances survival and reproduction of family members
Limited breeding opportunities
Drive evolution of sociality in species
Altruistic behavior
Sacrificing for relatives' benefit in nature
Population ecology
Studies interactions of organisms with environment
Genetic influence
Affects traits and adaptations in populations
Pattern of spacing in a population
Death rate and survival proportion in a population
Age structure
Distribution of individuals across age groups
Birth rate
Number of offspring produced per unit time
Population growth
Change in population size over time
Distribution Patterns
Different ways organisms within populations are distributed
Evenly spaced individuals in a population
Individuals grouped together in a population
Individuals scattered randomly in a population
Desert Shrubs Distribution
Changes over time from clumped to regularly spaced
Intensifies with population density, affecting distribution patterns
Intraspecific Competition
Competition between individuals of the same species
Interspecific Competition
Competition between individuals of different species
Organism Size and Population Density
Density decreases with increasing organism size
Different species have preferences for temperature and climate
Tiger Beetle Species Preference
Cicindela longilabris prefers lower temperatures due to metabolic rate
Damuth's Study
Herbivorous mammal density decreases with body size increase
Self-Thinning Principle
Plant density decreases as plant size increases
Rarity & Extinction Vulnerability
Based on range, tolerance, and population size
Minimum Viable Population
Population size preventing extinction
Factors Contributing to Extinction
Include habitat alteration, hunting, pollution, and more
Resource Limitation
Increases extinction risk due to competition for limited resources
Fluctuating Equilibrium
Balance between population growth and resource availability
Movement of individuals into or out of a local population
Survivorship Curves
Summarize survival patterns in a population at different ages
Type I Survivorship Curve
High survivorship early on, rapid decline in old age
Age Distributions
Reflect population history, reproduction, and future growth potential.
Species Distributions and Climate Shifts
Changes in species' habitats due to climate shifts.
Population Dynamics Equation
Calculates population size based on births, deaths, immigration, and emigration.
Net Reproductive Rate (R0)
Estimates average number of offspring produced by an individual in a population.
Geometric Rate of Increase (λ)
Rate at which a population grows over a certain period.
Generation Time (T)
Average time between the birth of an individual and the birth of its offspring.
Per Capita Rate of Increase (r)
Average contribution of each individual to population growth.
Africanized Honeybees Dispersal
Rapid dispersal across South and Central America within 30 years.
Collared Doves Dispersal
Spread from Turkey to Europe post-1900, with sudden dispersal onset.
Holling's Functional Response Models
Describe feeding behavior changes with food density in predators.
Drift in Rivers and Streams
Gradual passive downstream movement in water bodies.
Spates in Rivers and Streams
Flash flood events causing downstream organism movement.
Subpopulations on connected habitat patches exchanging individuals.
Alpine Butterfly Study
Marked butterflies showed dispersal between meadows.
Lesser Kestrels Study
Younger breeding individuals more likely to disperse between subpopulations.
Life Tables
Study mortality and survival patterns by recording age at death.
Static Life Table
Calculates differences in age class proportions to study mortality.
Survivorship Curve
Graphical representation of mortality and survival patterns.
Type II Survivorship Curve
Constant mortality rate throughout lifespan.
Type III Survivorship Curve
High mortality among young, high survival in few adults.
Age Distribution
Proportion of individuals in a population at different age classes.
Age Distribution Examples
Reflect population history; e.g., Type I for Dall sheep.
Rate of Increase (r)
Population size divided by time span; birth rate minus death rate.
Fecundity Schedule
Tabulation of birth rates for different age reproductive individuals.
Number of individuals surviving at different ages.
Phlox drummondii
Species with survivorship and fecundity schedule examples.
Sexual Reproduction
Two parents contribute genetic material to produce offspring.
Asexual Reproduction
Single parent produces genetically identical offspring.
Binary Fission
A form of asexual reproduction in bacteria
A form of asexual reproduction in yeast
Vegetative Propagation
A form of asexual reproduction in plants
Logistic Population Growth
Population growth slows as resources deplete, reaching carrying capacity
Sigmoidal Curve
S-shaped population growth curve
Carrying Capacity (K)
Maximum number of individuals an environment can support
Density-Dependent Factors
Factors like disease and competition that limit population growth
Density-Independent Factors
Factors like natural disasters that limit population growth
Galapagos Finch Study
Boag and Grant studied Geospiza fortis population dynamics
Cactus Finches
Grant and Grant studied finches' interaction with cacti
Large Offspring
Common in mammals, woody plants, and most vertebrates; produced in abundant resources
Small Offspring
Common in fish, insects, and some plants; produced in limited resources