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What is a workbook?
the file in Microsoft that is an extension
What is a worksheet?
it is within a workbook
What are sheet tabs?
it is how you can tell how many worksheets are in a workbook
Where are sheet tabs located?
it is located in the bottom left area of the window
What are columns?
they are the vertical set of cells that are identified by letters
What are rows?
they are the horizontal set of cells that are identified by numbers
What is a cell?
it is the intersection of a row and column
What is an active cell?
it is the intersection of a row and columns
What do you press when you type labels or values in a cell?
you have to press the Enter key
What do you press to complete the entry?
you press the Enter Box
What do you press when you want to get back to ready mode?
you press the ESC key or the Cancel Box
What are the two common views used in Excel?
Normal View
Page Layout View
What is Page Layout View?
it allows the user to see the margins (which includes the Headers/Footers), visible page break, and ruler
When it comes to inserting something in a cell, you can only insert what things?
Where is Text default?
default left alignment
What are the examples of Text?
123 Main St.
Super man
Where is Numbers default?
default right alignment
What are examples of Numbers?
What are examples of Formulas?
What are examples of Functions?
Formulas and functions must begin with what?
must begin an = sign
What are the 4 modes in excel?
What is Ready Mode?
it is not currently "in" a cell, but have a cell active
What is Enter mode?
it is enabled when you are entering text into an empty cell
What is an Edit mode?
it is enabled when you are entering text into a non-empty cell
What is Point mode?
it is enabled when you are using the Range Finder with charts and functions
What is the Enter Mode of the Home key?
it moves to beginning of a row in a worksheet
What is the Enter Mode of the End key?
it moves to end of a row in a worksheet
What is the Enter Mode of CTRL+Home?
it moves to beginning of worksheet
What is the Enter Mode of CTRL + End?
it moves to the last cell of a worksheet
What is the Edit Mode of the Home key & CTRL + Home?
it moves the insertion point to beginning of the cell
What is the Edit Mode of the End key & CTRL + End?
it moves the insertion point to end of the cell
What is an Argument?
it is any piece of information you use with a function
What are examples of an Argument?
What is a Range Notation?
it requires that you specify the Top Left Cell: Bottom Right Cell
What are Examples of Range Notation?
If you use a formula, function, or format that outputs a value that is too wide to fit in the cell, it will display a series of what?
it will display a series of ######## signs (Pound Signs)
What is the Accounting of the Dollar Sign?
it is the Fixed Dollar Sign to the left edge of the cell
What is the Accounting of the Thousands Separator?
a common placed every 3 digits to the left of the decimal
What is the Accounting of Negative Values?
a parenthesis is around the value
What is the Accounting of Decimal Point?
it is two decimal places to the right of the decimal
What is the Currency of the Dollar Sign?
Floating Dollar Sign (can move depending on size of value)
What is the Currency of the Thousands Separator?
a common placed every 3 digits to the left of the decimal
What is the Currency of the Negative Values?
the negative sign (-) is on the left hand side of the $ sign
What is the Currency of the Decimal Point?
it is two decimal places to the right of the decimal
What is a Style?
it is a pre-defined set of formats
What is a Chart?
it is a graphical representation of your data
What is the Sizing Handles?
it is where you look at to notice that the entire chart is selected
What is the LOOKUP?
it is the value in which you are looking up
we need to look up an 88.3% and get a 'B' for the course grade. The 88.3% in this case would be the SEARCH_ARGUMENT
What is the TABLE_RANGE?
it is the argument specified the range of cells in which your table (not including the labels or headings) is located
Where is your table? B8:C14? Z14:AA20? You must specify this as the second argument in the function.
it is the argument that is the trickiest
Columns are usually identified by letters, but this is asking for a number. What column in your table contains the answer you are looking for? Is it in the first column, second column, third column, fourth column, etc? You simply put a number in this argument.
What is the PMT?
What is RATE?
it is the is the rate of interest one must pay
It must be in terms of the time period you are making payments. In other words, if you are making monthly payments, it should be a monthly interest rate. If you are making quarterly payments, it should be a quarterly rate.
it is the number of payments that will be made for the life of the loan
What is the PRESENT_VALUE?
it is the principle amount of money that must be paid back on the loan.
usually the loan amount
Where is the Fill Handle located?
it is located in the bottom right corner of the active cell
What is the Fill Handle?
it is a tool that can copy your cell contents down, up, left, or right a number of cells
The Fill Handle can create what?
it can create a Fill Series
What is Absolute Cell Reference?
it refers to the cell
What is the Absolute Cell Reference denoted by?
it is denoted by a dollar sign ($) in front of the Column Letter and Row Number
What is a Relative Reference?
it is the default reference where there are no dollar signs at all
What is an example of Relative cell reference type?
What is an example of Absolute cell reference type?
What is an example of Row Absolute (Mixed) cell reference type?
What is an example of Column Absolute (Mixed) cell reference type?
What is Relative cell reference type?
the row and column could change
What is Absolute cell reference type?
neither the column nor row will change
always stays the same
What is Row Absolute (Mixed) cell reference type?
only the row will stay the same, while the column could change
What is Column Absolute (Mixed) cell reference type?
only the column will stay the same, while the row could change
Mixed References are used in a very specific domain when you only want what to change?
when you only want either the row or column to change, not both
What is a date?
it is represented by the number of elapsed days since 1/1/1900
What is the function COUNT?
it counts the number of cells with a number in it
What is the function COUNTA?
it counts the number of cells that are non-empty
What is the function COUNTIF?
it counts the number of cells that meet a condition
What is an example of the function COUNT?
What is an example of the function COUNTA?
What is an example of the function COUNTIF?
What is a No Argument?
it is still required to use the parentheses, but you type nothing in them
TODAY() and NOW()
The function TODAY() will return what?
it will return the date
The function NOW() will return what?
it will return the date & time
What is AVERAGE?
it adds up all the values, then divides by how many
What is MIN?
it finds the smallest value in the list
What is MAX?
it finds the largest value in the list
What is MEDIAN?
it finds the value(s) in the middle after sorted
What is one of the most valuable & widely used functions in Excel is what function?
it is the IF() function
What is the IF() function?
it is the first function where you want to know the function layout
What is the function layout?
it is specified order that the arguments must be in
What are examples of the =IF() function?
=IF(C4>=18, "Yes", "No")
=IF(C4<18, "No", "Yes")
=IF(18<=C4, "Yes", "No")
=IF(18>C4, "No", "Yes")