EMT Quiz 5 & 6

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The medical term for fainting is:

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The medical term for fainting is:


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Which of the following BEST describes status epilepticus?

Two or more seizures with tonic-clonic activity without an intervening period of consciousness

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Which of the following is the MOST critical piece of equipment to have immediately available for the seizure patient who has just stopped convulsing? \n


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During reassessment, you notice that your patient is making gurgling sounds. Which of the following should you do immediately?

Suction the airway.

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Which of the following is a typical cause of seizures in children 6 months to 3 years of age?


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Mrs. Butler is a 66-year-old woman who is complaining of chest pain. Which of the following questions would be best in helping you determine if the pain is radiating?

Are you having pain anywhere beside your chest?

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When you begin interviewing your patient, he tells you that he has not felt well for several months, ever since he had his gallbladder removed. He goes on to tell you that he cannot get his wife to schedule a doctor's appointment for him and when she remembers to call, the office is always closed. Which of the following is the best way to proceed?

Ask him why he decided to call 911 today.

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You are caring for a teenager who is having a severe allergic reaction. He has hives all over his \n stomach, is having respiratory distress, and is wheezing. After you administer oxygen, you get a set of vital signs. Medical direction has ordered you to assist with administration of his \n EpiPen®. You will monitor the success of your interventions during the:


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Mr. Hughes is a 49-year-old man complaining of chest pain. To find out about the quality of his chest pain, which of the following questions is most appropriate?

Can you describe how the pain in your chest feels?

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Which of the following is within the EMT's scope of practice for the treatment of the diabetic patient?

Administration of oral glucose

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Which of the following methods should be used to have a patient rate the amount of pain he is having? \n

Have the patient rate the pain on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain).

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Which of the following techniques of physical examination must an EMT master?

Observation, palpation, and auscultation

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Immediately following a rapid physical exam on an unresponsive medical patient, which of the following should you do next?

Obtain baseline vital signs.

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You are alone in the back of the ambulance where you are ventilating an apneic patient. Which of the following is the best way to manage the reassessment?

Continue ventilating the patient during transport and skip the reassessment.

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You are transporting a 30-year-old male who has been shot in the chest. He is suffering from a sucking chest wound and has a decreased level of consciousness. How often should you \n perform a reassessment?

Every 5 minutes

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You are transporting a victim of domestic violence, a 25-year-old female, who was struck on the head several times with a baseball bat. On the scene, she was responsive to verbal stimuli and was bleeding profusely from an open head wound. During transport, the patient becomes unresponsive. Which of the following should you do next?

Primary assessment

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Treatment of someone with a seizure disorder includes all of the following EXCEPT:

placing a bite block in the patient's mouth so that he does not bite his tongue.

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You are treating a 57-year-old male for chest pain. You have gathered all pertinent history of the present illness, completed two sets of vital signs, talked with medical direction, and assisted the patient with two doses of his nitroglycerin. Determination of whether or not the nitroglycerin \n was effective is assessed during the:


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Which of the following is NOT a sign of a hypoglycemic diabetic emergency?

Slow heart rate

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Many diabetics today have an insulin pump. Which of the following statements about insulin pumps is NOT true?

They are usually worn around the ankle.

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The most common medical emergency for the diabetic is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Which of the factors below is NOT a cause of hypoglycemia?

Reduces sugar intake by eating too much

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Which of the following blood glucose levels is considered normal for an adult?

80 mg/dL

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What is epilepsy?

A condition in which a person has multiple seizures usually controlled by medication

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When someone is experiencing hypoglycemia, the body attempts to compensate by using the fight-or-flight mechanism of the autonomic nervous system. Which of the following is NOT one of the fight-or-flight responses? \n

The skin is hot and dry

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Your patient is waking up from a seizure; it was the patient's first seizure ever. When you ask what happened, the patient tells you she had the smell of fresh mown grass just before she \n seized. This sensation is known as a(n): \n


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Which of the following is characteristic of a patient with hyperglycemia? \n

A "fruity" odor of the breath

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The death of brain tissue due to deprivation of oxygen because of a blocked or ruptured artery in the brain is known as which of the following?


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The condition in which there is an insufficient amount of sugar in the blood is called:


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During your primary assessment, you find your patient has an altered mental status. This could indicate which of the following?

Failing respiratory system

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If the blood sugar level is very high, which of the following may result?

Excessive urination, excessive thirst, and excessive hunger

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Which of the following best describes body mechanics?

Proper use of the body to facilitate lifting and moving objects

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Which of the following is not required to prove a claim of negligence against an EMT?

The patient was in fear of bodily harm at the time of the incident.

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The term body mechanics describes the proper use of your body to lift without injury. What are \n the three considerations to review before any lift?

The object, your limitations, and communication

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You are on the scene with a 72-year-old male patient with chest pain. The patient is complaining of shortness of breath but also refuses to go to the hospital, even after multiple attempts urging him to go. Which of the following should you do next?

Fully inform the patient about his situation and the implications of refusing care.

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You arrive on the scene of a 55-year-old male patient. The patient's wife called 911 because he is \n having chest pains. The patient is very angry with his wife for calling 911 because he states he only has heartburn and adamantly refuses any treatment or transport. After signing the patient refusal form, the patient collapses and goes into sudden cardiac arrest. The wife is crying uncontrollably and begging you to do something. What should you do?

Provide emergency care under implied consent.

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Which type of consent must be used by the EMT when seeking to treat a mentally competent adult?

Expressed consent

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What condition must be present before you give oral glucose?

The patient must be conscious and able to swallow with an altered mental status and history of diabetes.

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Inexperienced ambulance drivers tend to ________ while driving with the siren operating.

speed up

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Which of the following is not a responsibility of the Emergency Medical Dispatcher?

Providing medical direction to the responding units

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What medication is given when a patient suffers from a medical or traumatic condition called hypoxia?


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Which of the following is often prescribed for a patient with a heart condition?


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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, many ground ambulance \n collisions occur: \n

at intersections

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Which of the following fluids is not checked by an EMT?


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In which of the following situations should an EMT withhold resuscitative measures from a patient in cardiac arrest?

The patient's caregiver presents a DNR order signed by the patient and his physician.

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Nitroglycerin is indicated for which of the following chief complaints?

Chest pain

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The medical acronym EMD stands for which of the following?

Emergency Medical Dispatcher

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Why should EMTs study pharmacology? \n

As an EMT, you will be trusted to administer medications in emergency situations; many of these may be lifesaving, but there is potential to do harm.

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Which phase of an ambulance call is characterized by receiving a report from the off-going shift and checking the functionality of equipment?

Preparing for the ambulance call


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Your patient is a 10-year-old boy who suffered a possible fractured arm while rollerblading at a \n friend's house. Which of the following is the best way to obtain consent for treatment?

Call the patient's mother at work

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Which of the following best describes a contraindication to a medication?

A reason why you should not give a medication to a patient

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You are treating an elderly male patient in the back of your ambulance. En route, the patient becomes unresponsive. Upon arrival, the ED nurse asks you several questions about his condition. What should you do? \n

You should answer her questions because you may legally share the patient's medical condition with other pertinent health care providers.

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The symptoms or circumstances for which a medication is given are called:


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When lifting a patient, a basic principle is to: \n

know your lifting limits.

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Which of the following refers to the set of regulations that defines the legal actions expected of \n and limitations placed on the EMT?

Scope of practice

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When you give patients nitroglycerin, they sometimes develop a headache. This would be called \n a(n):

side effect

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Which of the following is the correct position of an EMT's feet when lifting?

Shoulder-width apart

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Which of the following statements regarding body mechanics is true? \n

Use your legs to lift

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The administration of oxygen and the application of spinal immobilization are part of which of \n the following for the EMT?

Scope of practice

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You have responded to a nursing home and find an elderly patient in his bed in cardiac arrest. \n Which type of move would you perform to get the patient to a hard surface so you can perform \n chest compressions?

Emergency move

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Your patient is a 40-year-old known diabetic who was found unconscious at work by a \n coworker. What type of consent allows you to treat this patient?

Implied consent

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