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___________________ said personality was defined by body chemicals called humors
slow, sluggish
mind vs body
____-____th centuries were the period for witch hunts and exorcisms
malleus maleficarum
one of the most famous manuals for witch hunts
Pussin, Pinel
18th & 19th centuries led by ___________ and _____________
humane, caring
Pussin created and incurables ward base on ____________ and ____________ treatment
moral therapy
treat hospitalized patients with care and understanding
___________ theory is when we use current understanding of idea and all research from before
this method manipulates independent and dependent variables
rates of occurrence of specific disorder
number of new cases for one specific time period
which study focuses on genotype vs phenotype?
medical model
the term "mental disorder" is derived from the ________ __________
medical model
views abnormal behavior as a set of symptoms that are the cause of underlying illness or brain disorder
origin of medical model
hippocrates said ailments come from natural causes not demons
clusters of symptoms that are indicative of particular disease/condition
medical model fosters inquiry into ___________
informed consent, confidentiality
Ethics in psychological are rooted in __________ ____________, and ____________________
motivated forgetting
Charcot, Breuer
__________ and ____________ used hypnosis to treat hysterical paralysis
the aim of hypnotic therapy was to bring unconscious emotions to the surface so a ___________ could take place
psychodynamic model
based on the internal dynamics of the unconscious mind
analytical psychology
developed by Carl Jung and believed that an understadning of human behavior must incorporate self-awareness and self-direction as well as impulses of the id and mechanisms of defense
According to Jung, emotionally charged images and thought forms that have universal meaning.
inferiority complex
Alfred Adler was in Freud's inner circle but broke away bc he thought people are driven by an _____________ _____________ not by sexual instinct
Karen Horney
stressed the importance of child-parent relationships in dvlp emotional problems
learning by association with things and environment (think Pavlov and salivating dogs)
learning by consequences like reinforcement and punishment(BF Skinner, Watson, think reinforcement)
social cognitive theory
Focuses on changing behavior now, not the past, generally more likely to be rooted in science but it does include role of observing others, very effective in types of therapy and very effective.
self actualization
inborn tendency to strive to become all they are capable of being
___________ models focus on how we view reality based on information, memories, thought processes
According to cognitive models, illness is a result of ________________ thought patterns
Albert Ellis believed that negative emotions arise from _____________________ we make about events we experience, not the events themselves
activating, beliefs, consequences
Albert Ellis's ABC model that states that ____________ events react with __________ to bring about responses to _______________________
Aaron Beck believe that depressions may result from errors in __________. Like judging oneself entirely on the basis os one's flaws or failures and interpreting events in a negative light
Thomas Szasz MD believed that mental disorder classification system is an attempt by society to _________________ those who are different
Szasz vehemently criticized the system of ___________________ commitment
____________ criticized the medical model as turning people into passive "patients" instead of active controllers of their own lives
___________ also argued that people had problems in living
this is aka the biopsychosocial perspective. Mental illness is rooted in biological, psychological, and sociocultural causes
This approach is the most current approach to abnormal behavior
psychodynamic therapy
general term referring to types of psychotherapy that are Freudian based and seek insight and resolve in the conflicts between the dynamic unconscious mind that is believed to root abnormal behavior
free association, dream, transference
The main methods used in psychodynamic therapy was _______ ___________________ and ________ therapy, and analysis of the _______________ relationship
free association
process of expressing whatever thoughts come to mind
behavior therapy
systematic application of the principles of learning to the treatment of psychological disorders. Relatively brief
behavior, personality
behavior therapy is focused on changing _________________ not changing _______________ or deep probing of the past.
systematic desensitization
a therapeutic program that gradually exposes a client to progressively more fearful stimuli while they remain realxed
person centered therapy
major form of humanistic therapy that creates conditions of warmth and acceptance that helps client become more aware and accepting of their true selves
person directed therapy is _____________________
the therapist uses _________________ in person centered therapy where they restate or paraphrase what client says without interpreting or judging them
in cognitive therapy, the aim is to have people identify and understand ________________ thought patterns then change them to improve their life
learned helplessness
the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
rational emotive
____________ ____________ behavior therapy is when the therapist actively disputes irrational or maladaptive beliefs
_______________ eclectics draw techniques from the different approaches
__________________ eclectics attempt to synthesize an approach that draws on principles of other approaches
What is an example of test that has weak reliability?
Jean Baptiste Pussin, Philippe Pinel
Who led the reform movement in the 18-19th centuries?
__________ established an incurables ward based on humane, caring treatment
Pussin and Pinel were robust leader for ___________ therapy
Griesinger, Kraepelin
Following hippocrates' establishment of humors, later, ______________ and _________________ argued that mental disorder has a physical basis
Greisinger and Kraepelin argued that mental disorders have a ______________ basis
talking cures
Charcot and Breuer were rooted in ____________ _____________ in the 1800s
Charcot, Breuer
Led talking cures and used hypnosis as a means of bringing unconscious emotions to the surface so a catharsis could take place
Charcot, Breuer
Who influenced Freud into creating his psychodynamic model
________ proposed a psychodynamic model based on the internal dynamic of the unconscious mind. Illness stems from an imbalance of those unconscious drives/impulses, or from negative childhood experience
_________ created and incorporated analytical psychology from Freud's psychodynamic model. He added more of a role for self-awareness and self-direction.
Alfred Adler
___________ ____________ created individual psychology that says we are driven by inferiority complex and need for superiority
Horney, Sullivan
_____________ and ______________ focused on social contexts and objected to the sexism of Freud's model
BF Skinner
Who focused on operant conditioning?
Pavlov, Watson
Who focused on classical conditioning?
Albert Ellis was focused on ______________ psychology
Watson, Skinner focused specifically on _______________ psychology
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Who were principle figures in humanistic psychology?
Who focused on person centered therapy in order to lead the client down the pathway to self actualization?
Albert Ellis was focused on ___________________ psychology
Aaron Beck
Who developed one of the major models of therapy known as cognitive therapy?
Thomas Szasz
Who focused on sociocultural psychology?
Albert Ellis
Who developed the rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)?
Aaron Beck believed depression is a result from _________ errors
selective abstraction
focus on flaws, ignore strengths
the tendency to interpret a single negative event as a never-ending pattern of defeat and failure
blow things out of proportion
absolutist thinking
thinking in all or nothing or strictly black and white terms (there is no gray area)
Who wrote The Myth of Mental Illness