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a person, place, object, event, concept (often corresponds to a row in a table)
Link between entities (corresponds to primary key - foreign key quivalencies in related tables)
Properties or characteristics of an entity or relationship type
a persson, a place ,an object, an event, or a cenpt in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data
Entity Type
a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics
Entity instance
a single occurrence of an entity type
Strong entity
- exists independently of other types of entities
- has its own unique identifier
Weak Entity
- dependent on a strong entity (identifying owner)... cannot exist on its own
Weak Entity
Does not have a unique identifier (only a partial identifier)
Weak Entity
Entity box and partial identifier have double lines
Identifying Relationship
Links strong entities to weak entities
property of characteristic of an entity or relationship type
Required attribute
must have a value for every entity (or relationship) instance with which it is associated
Optional Attribute
may not have a value for every entity (or relationship) instance with which it is associated
Composite attribute
an attribute that has meaningful component parts (attributes)
Multivalued attribute
may take on more than one value for a givent entity (or relationship) instance
Derived attribute
values can be calculated from related attribute values (not physically stored in the database)
an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type
Candidate Identifier
an attribute that could be an identitfier...satisfies the requirements for being an identifier
Associative Entity
combination of relationship and entity
Unary Relationship
what degreee of a relationship if one entity is related to another of the same entity type
Binary Relationship
what degree of a relationship is when entities of two different types related to each other
Ternary Relationship
what degree of a relationship when entities of three different types related to each other
Each entity in the relationship will have exactly one related entity
An entity on one side of the relationship can have many related entities, but an entity on the other side will have a maxiumum of one related entity
Entities on both sides of the relationship can have many related entities on the other side
Cardinality Constraints
the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another entity
Time stamp
a time value that is associated with a data value, often indicating when some event occured that affected the data value