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Estar preocupado/a
to be worried
Estar nervioso/a
to be nervous
Estar confundido/a
to be confused
Estar desilusionado/a
to be disappointed
Estar enamorado/a
to be in love
Estar orgulloso/a
to be proud
Deber + infinitive
should, ought to (do something)
yo debo comer
I should eat
él/ella debe hablar
he/she should talk
ellos deben...
they should
nosotros debemos hacer la tarea
we should do the homework
Tener que + infinitive
to have to do something
yo tengo que hacer la tarea
I have to do homework
él/ella tiene que estudiar
he/she has to study
ellos tienen que estudiar
they have to study
nosotros tenemos que ir a clase
we have to go to class
Querer + infinitive
to want to do something
yo quiero dormir
I want to sleep
él/ella quiere salir a comer
he/she wants to go out to eat
ellos quieren comer
they want to eat
nosotros queremos hacer ejercicio
we want to exercise
Tomar una decisión
to make a decision
yo tomo una decisión
I make a decision
él/ella toma una decisión
he/she makes a decision
ellos toman una decisión
they make a decision
nosotros tomamos una decisión
we make a decision
Saber (si...)
to know (if)...
yo sé
I know
él/ella sabe
he/she know
ellos saben
they know
nosotros sabemos
we know
Esperar (2 meanings!)
to wait (for); to hope
yo espero
I wait/hope
él/ella espera
he/she waits/hopes
ellos esperan
they wait/hope
nosotros esperamos
we wait/hope
¿A qué edad...?
At what age...?
Casarse (con)
to get married (to)
yo me caso
I get married
él/ella se casa
he/she get married
ellos se casan
they get married
nosotros nos casamos
we get married
Guardar un secreto
to keep a secret
yo guardo un secreto
I keep a secret
él/ella guarda un secreto
he/she keeps a secret
ellos guardan un secreto
they keep a secret
nosotros guardamos un secreto
we keep a secret
someone, anyone
no one, nobody
ser chismoso/a (description)
to be a gossip
yo soy chismoso/a
I am a gossip
él/ella es chismoso/a
he/she is a gossip
ellos son chismosos
they are gossips
nosotros somos chismoso/as
we are gossips
chismear (verb)
to gossip
yo chismeo
I gossip
él/ella chismea
he/she gossips
ellos chismean
the gossip
nosotros chismeamos
we gossip
el chisme (noun)
rumor, gossip
¿Qué pasa si...?
What happens if...? / What if...?
¿De veras?
Really? Seriously?
(hay) algo
(Is there/there is) something
(no hay) nada
(there is) nothing / not anything
yo también
I do too/me too
yo tampoco
Neither do I/Me neither
to reveal
yo revelo
I reveal
él/ella revela
he/she reveals
ellos revelan
they reveal
nosotros revelamos
we reveal