Brain & Behavior Unit 3 Quiz Questions

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Why are pregnant women discouraged from cleaning a cat litter boxes?

a) women experience greater feelings of disgust during pregnancy

b) all of these answers are correct

c) contacting cat feces increases risk of toxoplasmosis

d) contacting cat feces increases risk of rabies

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Why are pregnant women discouraged from cleaning a cat litter boxes?

a) women experience greater feelings of disgust during pregnancy

b) all of these answers are correct

c) contacting cat feces increases risk of toxoplasmosis

d) contacting cat feces increases risk of rabies


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The limbic system includes which brain areas?

a) the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and Broca's area

b) the thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala

c) all of these answers are correct

d) hippocampus, parietal and occipital lobes


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What is the most controversial method of using biomedical science in legal proceedings?

a) a polygraph test

b) heart rate variability

c) a blood sample

d) DNA test


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The tennis player example used in class illustrated what concept?

a) emotional detection is dependent on context

b) men show less emotion than women

c) emotional detection is independent of context

d) women show less emotion than men


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If stress can be so maladaptive to physical health, why did it evolve?

a) In socially complex species, stressful situations over long periods of time increase immune system competence and improve health.

b) Responses to stress are evolutionarily adaptive in the short run as they mobilize an organism to respond to an immediate environmental challenge.

c) The stress response has long-term advantages to mating behavior and breeding fitness.

d) None of these answers is correct.

e) Stress elevates levels of good hormones (like cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine), while suppressing bad hormones (like testosterone).


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Chronic stress exposure increases the risk of cardiac arrest or stroke by in several ways. Which of the following is NOT one of these risk factors?

a) cholesterol build up

b) increased blood pressure

c) buildup of amyloid plaques

d) hypertension 


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Training a computer to read micro expressions may eventually allow us to do what?

a) treat phobias

b) measure someone's stress hormone levels

c) predict who will commit violent crimes in the future

d) detect when someone is lying


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A polygraph is an undisputedly accurate measure of what?

a) autonomic nervous system activation

b) all of these answers are correct

c) cortisol and adrenaline

d) whether someone is telling the truth


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How do we know that the prefrontal cortex is related to emotion?

a) polygraph tests show differences in prefrontal activity during lying

b) prefrontal lobotomies lead to decreased emotional expression

c) none of these answers are correct

d) the prefrontal cortex is not related to emotion


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Which of the following is NOT a basic emotion, as defined by the theory of universal facial expressions of emotion?

a) envy

b) anger

c) contempt

d) embarrassment


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Doing things we enjoy - whether it's watching the Huskers volleyball team kick butt, seeing a play we enjoy at the Lied, or enjoying the fall colors on campus - helps to combat stress by increasing the rewarding effects of _____ in the brain. 

a) cortisol

b) dopamine


d) adrenaline


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After going blind, Richard Chacuers is still able to recognize the emotions based on the facial expressions of his friends and family, despite not being able to consciously aware of the visual information. This phenomenon is known as:

a) cortical visual aphasia

b) emotional accuity

c) prosopagnosia

d) affective blindsight


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Harry Potter's Professor Lupin turns into a werewolf, a transformation often associated with aggression. What hormone is also associated with aggression?

a) serotonin

b) estrogen

c) insulin

d) testosterone


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The Hulk shows no fear. Even though Bruce Banner definitely has fear and a complete brain, it's almost as if Hulk is missing this part of his brain responsible for emotional learning and fear.

a) frontal cortex

b) cerebellum

c) hippocampus

d) amygdala


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On the "Planet of the Apes," the apes exhibit complex forms of aggression. What neurotransmitter system is especially associated with aggressive behavior in humans, and what role does it play?

a) Dopamine; it enhances aggressive behavior.

b) Serotonin; it normally inhibits aggression.

c) Vasopressin; it enhances aggressive behavior.

d) GABA; it inhibits aggressive behavior.


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Karlach the barbarian is known for being aggressive and charging into battle. Of the members in her party, she likely has the lowest levels of _______ being released in her brain.

a) cortisol

b) dopamine

c) testosterone

d) serotonin


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Simba faces a lot of stress, especially when he is chased by a pack of hyenas. What happens to Simba's immune system during periods of stress, and why might this response be beneficial?

a) The immune system is enhanced during periods of stress, helping the body to fight off potential infections.

b) The immune system is unaffected by periods of stress, allowing the body to maintain its normal functions.

c) The immune system is suppressed during periods of stress, conserving energy for dealing with the immediate threat and helping the individual remain mobile.

d) The immune system is suppressed during periods of stress, making the body more susceptible to infections.


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Paige is a student athlete with an active lifestyle, while her friend Jessica tends to spend most of her time sitting at her desk working on her computer science coding assignments. Which factor would most influence the likelihood of either girl getting sick during the fall semester?

a) Personality

b) Age

c) Genetics

d) Physiology


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Toxoplasmosis infection:

a) causes mice to fear cats

b) causes cats to fear mice

c) causes humans to love cats

d) does not appear to change human behavior


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The immune system interacts with the ____ and _____ systems. 

a) nervous, digestive

b) sensory, stress

c) hormonal, digestive

d) hormonal, nervous


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The initial response to stress is know as the _____ _____.

a) flight system

b) perception response

c) alarm reaction

d) alertness


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Based on the example from class, which of the following is true?

a) identifying emotions uses both facial and environmental context clues

b) humans use very different facial expressions for positive versus negative emotions

c) positive emotions are easier to detect than negative emotions

d) negative emotions are easier to detect than positive emotions 


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Stress leads to activation of your:

a) cardiovascular nervous system

b) autonomic nervous system

c) central nervous system

d) somatic nervous system


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Prolonged stress may lead to:

a) loss of all gut bacteria

b) changes to the gut microbiome

c) insensitivity to gut feelings

d) all of these answers are correct


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Which of the following outcomes is associated with prefrontal lobotomies?

a) blunted emotional expression

b) reduced motivation (apathy)

c) memory dysfunction

d) all of these answers are correct


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Which of the following is NOT a basic emotion, as defined by the theory of universal facial expressions of emotion?

a) contempt

b) happiness

c) embarrassment

d) hate


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Taylor Swift enjoys spending her time with friends to help reduce stress. Doing so likely leads to the release of ____, which helps support social bonds.

a) endocannabinoids

b) endorphins

c) oxytocin



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In the movie “Inside Out”, each character represents a different emotion. How do real brains handle different emotions?

a) Each emotion involves differential patterns of activation across a network of brain regions associated with emotion, and there is a good deal of overlap among patterns for different emotions.

b) Each emotion is handled by a specific brain region, like a “happy center” or “sad center”.

c) Each emotion is handled by a single, specific neuron in the brain.

d) Emotions are not handled by the brain, but by the heart.


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The ogre Lump the Enlightened, while unusually intelligent, is often egged on by his ogre subordinates into aggressive states that are controlled by neural circuits in which brain area?

a) ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)

b) ventral tegmental area (VTA)

c) nucleus accumbens

d) Hippocampus


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Elle Woods is an in-demand lawyer, and after a string of tough cases over the past year, she finds herself worn down and with a persistent cough. This chronic stress caused by courtroom appearances has most likely impacted Elle's _________.

a) immune system

b) digestive tract

c) psyche

d) endocrine system


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Which of the following is correct regarding the effects of rabies viral infections, as discussed in class?

a) infection can modify the behavior of infected animals, including humans

b) infection causes psychological, but not physical changes

c) infection can modify the behavior of infected animals, but not in humans

d) infection causes physical, but not psychological changes


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The limbic system includes which brain areas?

a) hypothalamus, spinal cord, and parasympathetic cortex

b) all of these answers are correct

c) cingulate cortex, hippocampus and amygdala

d) adrenal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala


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A group of participants received an injection of ______ to understand whether they experienced a specific emotion. This is known as the _____ experiment.

a) norepinephrine, Schacter & Singer

b) epinephrine, Schacter & Singer

c) cortisol, James-Lange

d) epinephrine, James-Lange


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During situations involving high stress, the _______ activates the ______ nervous system.

a) prefrontal cortex, parasympathetic

b) hypothalamus, sympathetic

c) hypothalamus, parasympathetic

d) amygdala, sympathetic


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Stress is:

a) an emotion

b) all of these answers are correct

c) a physiological response

d) experienced by nearly everyone


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Going to the gym and working out is a great way to combat stress, in part because it leads to the release of "feel good" hormones called ______.

a) endorphins


c) oxytocin

d) endocannabinoids


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Damage to the _______ visual stream could result in an inability to recognize oneself in a mirror. 

a) occipital

b) fusiform

c) ventral

d) dorsal


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Batman's arch nemesis, the Joker, often forces a smile on his face. What is the hypothesis that suggests sensory feedback from our facial expressions can affect our mood, and what is the implication for the Joker?

a) The James-Lange Theory; forcing yourself to smile may actually help you feel happier.

b) The Facial Feedback Hypothesis; forcing yourself to smile may actually help you feel happier.

c) The Facial Feedback Hypothesis; forcing yourself to frown may actually help you feel happier.

d) The James-Lange Theory; forcing yourself to frown may actually help you feel happier.


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In the movie "Star Wars", Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader is often seen as a result of his inability to control his anger. What part of the brain normally inhibits rage responses like Anakin's and how is this related to the concept of a subcortical circuit of emotion?

a) The hippocampus normally inhibits rage responses and is not part of the subcortical circuit of emotion.

b) The amygdala normally inhibits rage responses and is part of the subcortical circuit of emotion.

c) The cerebral cortex normally inhibits rage responses and is part of the subcortical circuit of emotion.

d) The hypothalamus normally inhibits rage responses and is not part of the subcortical circuit of emotion.


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In the "Fast and Furious" series, the characters often find themselves in high-stress situations. What is the initial response to stress called, and what part of the body is responsible for preparing the body for action during this response?

a) The initial response to stress is called the fight-or-flight response, and the adrenal medulla readies the body for action by releasing epinephrine and norepinephrine.

b) The initial response to stress is called the stress response, and the adrenal cortex readies the body for action by releasing cortisol.

c) The initial response to stress is called the alarm reaction, and the hypothalamus readies the body for action by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

d) The initial response to stress is called the alarm reaction, and the anterior pituitary readies the body for action by releasing a hormone that drives the adrenal cortex.


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Ross Geller is often dealing with stress, especially during his multiple divorces. What happens to his immune system during periods of elevated stress, and what is one potential consequence?

a) The immune system is suppressed during periods of elevated stress, leading to slower wound healing.

b) The immune system is enhanced during periods of elevated stress, leading to slower wound healing.

c) The immune system is enhanced during periods of elevated stress, leading to faster wound healing.

d) The immune system is unaffected by periods of elevated stress, and there is no impact on wound healing.


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For a tricyclic antidepressant drug, the term "tricyclic" refers to:

a) none of these answers is correct

b) the number of times a day the drug is taken.

c) the number of neurotransmitters it is an agonist for

d) the type of synapse the drug acts on


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As discussed in  class, prolonged treatment with antipsychotics may lead to which of the following?

a) drug-induced parkinsonism

b) substance-induced psychotic disorder

c) drug-induced synesthesia

d) dopamine withdrawal syndrome


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Which of the following is correct, in regards to the causes of schizophrenia?

a) decreased glutamate leads to increased dopamine

b) increased glutamate results in increased dopamine

c) decreased dopamine results in decreased glutamate

d) decreased dopamine results in increased glutamate


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Which of the following are common symptoms of major depressive disorder:

a) suicidal ideation

b) weight gain

c) all of these answers are correct

d) weight loss


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According to the neural model of anxiety, the _____ plays a key role in contextualizing fear inducing sensations and helping us decide how to interpret them. 

a) amygdala

b) thalamus

c) hippocampus

d) cerebellum


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John's parents describe him as highly irritable, tired, and often tense. He is constantly  worrying even though there is nothing happening in his current environment to explain this. These symptoms have gotten much worse, particularly in the last two months.  What is John most likely experiencing? 

a) generalized anxiety disorder

b) panic disorder

c) depression

d) phobic disorder


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Frequency thoughts about germs are an example of a(n) ____, where as counting is an example of a(n) ______.

a) worry, maladaptive behaviors

b) obsessions, compulsions

c) compulsions, obsessions,

d) intrusions, maladaptive behaviors


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Electroconvulsive shock therapy:

a) is used for treatment resistant depression

b) is used to treat some cancers, but is no longer used for mental disorders

c) is used to treat phobias

d) is no longer used for treatment


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According to the textbook, traditional neuroleptics may lead to 

a) neuroleptic ataxia

b) neurogenic ataxia

c) tardive dyskinesia

d) ataxic dyskinesia


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Following the discovery of Thorazine, ______ became obsolete as a treatment for schizophrenia.

a) deep brain stimulation

b) electroconvulsive (shock) therapy

c) none of these answers are correct

d) prefrontal lobotomy


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Which of the following is a NEWLY APPROVED treatment for depression?

a) ECT

b) LSD

c) ketamine (esketamine)

d) psilocybin


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Actor Jim Carrey has been open about his use of Prozac (an SSRI) to manage his depression. According to the text, how do SSRIs work?

a) They increase synaptic serotonin levels

b) They decrease synaptic serotonin levels

c) They inhibit the reuptake of monoamines

d)They induce large-scale seizures



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Bruce Springsteen has been diagnosed with treatment resistant depression after being on multiple antidepressant drugs. His doctor suggests he try _____ treatment, a technique involving stimulation of the cortex via focused magnetic pulses through the scalp.

a) fMRI


c) ECT

d) rTMS


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For a tricyclic antidepressant drug, the term "tricyclic" refers to

a) the similarity of the drug to the first three existing antipsychotics

b) the number of compounds originally discovered in this class of drugs

c) the number of neurotransmitters it is an agonist for

d) none of these answers is correct


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Someone with schizophrenia:

a) may have positive or negative symptoms, but not both

b) may still have positive symptoms, even while on medication

c) will experience no symptoms if properly medicated with antipsychotics

d) are more likely to have cognitive symptoms if they are female


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Studies have evidence that people with depression exhibit ____ activation in the ______ when interpreting emotions.

a) increased, amygdala

b) none of these answers are correct

c) decreased, prefrontal cortex

d) decreased, amygdala


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Sarah has a history of adverse childhood experiences, while Nick does not. If both these individuals are exposed to a traumatic event which of the following statements is supported, based on the research evidence discussed in class?

a) none of these answers is correct

b) Sarah is less likely than Nick to develop PTSD

c) Sarah and Nick are equally likely to develop PTSD

d) Sarah is more likely than Nick to develop PTSD


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Which of the following is an abbreviation for a common diagnostic criteria for depression and other mood disorders?






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Exposure to glutamate inhibiting drugs would be MOST likely to cause psychotic symptoms in which group?

a) college age students

b) elementary aged children

c) none of these answers is correct

d) geriatric adults


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Bipolar disorder is often treated with:

a) lithium

b) haloperidol

c) phencyclidine

d) diazepam


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What was one of the first examples that mental disorders may be caused by physiological changes?

a) depression was linked to diet

b) paralytic dementia was linked to syphilis

c) none of these answers is correct

d) anxiety was linked to genetics


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Barbiturates (eg Xanax) act as _______.

a) dopamine antagonists

b) GABA agonists

c) dopamine agonists

d) serotonin antagonist


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According to the study discussed in class one of the most commonly reported fears and phobias is

a) heights

b) storms

c) clowns

d) failure


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If Robert Downey Jr., who has a history of drug use, were to use Phencyclidine (PCP), how might this impact his mental state according to the text?

a) It would only induce positive symptoms of schizophrenia

b) It would have no effect on his mental state

c) It would improve his mental state

d) It could induce a state resembling both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia


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Pop star Demi Lovato has been open about her struggles with bipolar disorder. Based on the text, which of the following treatments might be used to manage her condition?

a) Deep brain stimulation

b) Lithium

c) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

d) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been explored as a technique for treating various psychiatric disorders. For which of the following disorders has DBS been tried according to the text?

a) Panic attacks

b) Phobias

c) All of the above

d) OCD


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In the TV show "Monk", the main character, Adrian Monk, exhibits symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). According to the text, which of the following treatments might be effective for his condition?

a) Deep brain stimulation

b) All of the above

c) Cognitive behavioral therapy

d) Frontal lobotomy


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After abusing amphetamines for an extended period of time, users frequently develop a tolerance. This means that they require larger doses to experience the desired drug effect. What side effect may also occur?

a) drug-induced synesthesia

b) substance-induced psychotic disorder

c) drug-induced parkinsonism

d) dopamine withdrawal syndrome


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___ is associated with reduced dopamine activity, whereas ___ appears to be  caused by overproduction of the same neurotransmitter.

a) Alzheimer's; Parkinson's

b) Parkinson's; schizophrenia

c) schizophrenia; Parkinson's

d) schizophrenia; Alzheimer's


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Individuals are often diagnosed with more than one mental disorder; for example anxiety and depression. These are known as ____ diagnoses. 

a) comorbid

b) hereditary

c) generically predisposed

d) additive


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Irrational fears related to specific objects, activities, or stimuli in the environment is known as what anxiety disorder?

a) social

b) panic

c) phobias

d) generalized


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Long-term treatment with l-dopa to control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease has been associated with the development of

a) euphoria

b) drug addiction

c) schizophrenia like symptoms

d) panic attacks


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Which of the following statements is accurate?

a) bipolar disorder is more similar to schizophrenia than depression

b) all of these answers are correct

c) atypical antipsychotics may help symptoms in both bipolar and schizophrenic disorders

d) manic phase of bipolar disorder may resemble schizophrenic delusions


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Epigenetic causes of schizophrenia suggest ______ play a role in the development of the disorder.

a) genes, but not environment

b) environment, but not genes

c) both genetics and environment

d) neither genes nor enviroment


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________ and ____________ act on serotonin and norepinephrine. 

a) tricyclics and barbiturates

b) barbiturates and antipsychotics

c) tricyclics and SNRIs

d) SSRIs and SNRIs


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Which of the following is a risk factor for developing schizophrenia? 

a) living in a larger city

b) all of these answers are correct

c) low birth weight

d) genetic heritability


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What drug is used to potentially prevent PTSD?

a) antipsychotics

b) beta blockers

c) lithium

d) alcohol


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George is a high school senior and is worried that he will end up having schizophrenia like his older cousin Max who he sees often at family events. His mom tells him that because they are distantly related, George will have a _______ chance of developing schizophrenia.

a) Unknown

b) Lesser

c) Greater


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In the hit TV show “This Is Us,” the character Randall experiences periods of severe anxiety and depression. If Randall were to seek treatment, which of the following might be most effective according to the text?

a) SSRIs alone

b) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy alone

c) Deep brain stimulation

d) Both SSRIs and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy together


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Tony and his wife participated in at-home genetic testing with kits from the company 23andMe, as they were curious about the heritability of depression in their children. Which of the following statements is true?

a) Environmental factors do not influence whether depression results

b) Depression is not heritable

c) Many genes contribute to making a person more or less susceptible to depression

d) There is a single gene for depression


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The recent legalization of cannabis in several countries has sparked debates about its potential use in treating various conditions. How have substances like cannabis been historically used in relation to anxiety?

a) To increase anxiety

b) None of the above

c) To diagnose anxiety disorders

d) To control anxiety


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Which of the following is an example of a declarative memory?

a) All of these are examples of declarative memories

b) Riding a bike

c) Reciting your telephone number

d) The mirror-tracing task


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Ashley's friend asks her where she put her laptop.  Ashely is not able to remember, so she comes up with an excuse.  This is referred to as __.

a) autobiographical rewrite

b) illusory deception

c) confabulation

d) episodic failure


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Why is an enhanced synapse important?

a) it allows cells to pass messages more effectively

b) it prevents cells from dying due to overexposure to sodium

c) it allows cells to pass messages less effectively

d) it creates a memory


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What you’re doing right now - using deliberate recall of previously learned information to complete this exam is an example of what type of memory?

a) hippocampal

b) procedural

c) declarative

d) factual


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The nervous system changes in response to the environment. This is known as _____.

a) neuroplasticity

b) cognitive flexibility

c) regeneration

d) memory formation


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Which statement is correct?

a) none of these answers is correct

b) LTP is only effective in classical conditioning

c) LTP is unrelated to learning

d) LTP is only effective in spatial learning


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Which of the following is correct, regarding the conditioned eye blink response, as discussed in class?

a) the tone is the unconditioned stimulus

b) the tone is the conditioned response

c) the air puff is the conditioned stimulus

d) the air puff is the unconditioned stimulus


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Which of the following statements is correct, regarding memory in the brain?

a) the hippocampus is not related to memory

b) the hypothalamus is the location of long term memory storage

c) the hippocampus is the location of long term memory storage in the brain

d) none of these answers is correct


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In the movie "Inside Out," the character Joy tries to ensure that Riley's happy memories stay intact. These happy memories are examples of which subtype of declarative memory?

a) Procedural memory

b) Episodic memory

c) Semantic memory

d) Implicit memory


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The last few weeks of the semester at UNL is considered a stressful event for many people. According to the text, which drug could potentially diminish the traumatic aspects of these memories?

a) Paracetamol

b) Ibuprofen

c) Aspirin

d) Propranolol


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In the movie "Limitless," Eddie Morra takes a pill that enhances his brain function. If this pill worked by affecting synaptic activity, which of the following might it do?

a) Increase the sensitivity of the postsynaptic receptors

b) Decrease the amount of neurotransmitter released

c) Increase the inactivation of the transmitter

d) Decrease the number of postsynaptic receptors


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Given the recent advancements in AI technology, if an AI’s learning process were compared to synaptic plasticity, which statement would be most accurate?

a) AI’s learning process is not influenced by the frequency of signal transmission.

b) AI learns new information by decreasing the strength of its synaptic connections.

c) AI’s learning process is not comparable to synaptic plasticity.

d) AI learns new information by strengthening the synaptic connections through repeated activation.


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Déjà vu:

a) all of these answers are correct

b) is likely caused by miscommunication between the temporal and frontal lobes

c) may be more common in those with temporal lobe epilepsy

d) does not generally occur before age 8


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LTP depends on AMPA and NMDA receptors for _____ (calcium, glutamate, dopamine, sodium). These receptors are often found in the same synapse, in cells located in the _______ (frontal lobe, cerebellum, amygdala, hippocampus). When AMPA receptors are activated, they open an ion channel and allow ______ (sodium, glutamate, potassium, calcium) to enter the cell. If AMPA receptor activity causes the cell to ______ (hyperpolarize, depolarize, repolarize, fire an action potential) sufficiently, the NMDA channel becomes unblocked and sodium and _______ (glutamate, calcium, negative, potassium) ions are able to pass through. Once inside the cell, these ions phosphorylate the _____ (AMPA, NMDA, GABA, IBL1) receptor channels, making it so more positive ions can pass through into the cell. They also increase the number of AMPA receptor channels on the ______ (presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptic, glia) cell. The cell may also release chemicals that increase ______ (sodium, glutamate, nitric oxide, GABA) release by the sending cell. This process results in an ______ (enhanced synapse, enhanced presynaptic cell, enhanced postsynaptic cell, depressed synapse), and the process is called _______ (long term depression, long term potentiation, classical conditioning, memory formation).

glutamate, hippocampus, sodium, depolarize, calcium, AMPA, postsynaptic, glutamate, enhanced synapse, long term potentiation

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When trying to learn new information, using the method of loci activates the _____ in addition to the "usual" memory regions of the brain.

a) cerebellum and parietal lobes

b) occipital and frontal lobes

c) parietal and occipital lobes

d) brain stem and occipital lobes


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While celebrating his 21st birthday Rodger tries to complete a “Power Hour” challenge, drinking a shot of beer every minute for an hour.  After 20 minutes of drinking, he blacks out and cannot remember what happened for the rest of the night. This is an acute example of which type of amnesia?

a) misplaced

b) toxic

c) retrograde

d) anterograde


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Increasing glutamate in the hippocampus would likely result in which of the following effects?

a) increased likelihood of LTD

b) decreased NMDA receptor activity

c) increased likelihood of LTP

d) decreased AMPA receptor activity


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Which is NOT one of the actions that result in a synapse becoming enhanced?

a) retrograde signals reduce the amount of glutamate released into the synapse

b) increased number of AMPA receptors in the synapse

c) increased sodium enters the cell

d) magnesium block is removed from NMDA channel


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