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Vacillate (VAS•uh•layt)
(v): To be indecisive; To waver
Vapid (VAP•id)
(adj): Without liveliness; Dull; Spiritless
Vehement (VEE•uh•munt)
(adj): Intense; Forceful; Violent
Venal (VEEN•ul)
(adj): Capable of being bribed; Willing to do anything for money; Corrupt
Venerate (VEN•uh•rayt)
(v): To revere; To treat as something holy, especially because of great age
Veracity (vuh•RAS•uh•tee)
(n): Truthfulness
Verbose (vur•BOHS)
(adj): Using too many words; Not succinct; Circumlocutory
Verisimilitude (ver•uh•si•MIL•uh•tood)
(n): Similarity to reality; The appearance of truth; Looking like the real thing
Vernacular (vur•NAK•yuh•lur)
(n): Everyday speech; Slang; Idiom
Vestige (VES•tij)
(n): A remaining bit of something; A last trace
Vex (veks)
(v): To annoy; To pester; To confuse
Viable (VYE•uh•bul)
(adj): Capable of living; Workable
Vicarious (vye•KAR•ee•us)
(adj): Experienced, performed, or suffered through someone else; Living through the experiences of another as though they were one’s own experiences
Vicissitude (vi•SIS•uh•tood)
(n): Upheaval; Natural change; Change in fortune
Vilify (VIL•uh•fye)
(v): To say vile things about; To defame
Vindicate (VIN•duh•kayt)
(v): To clear from all blame or suspicion; To justify
Vindictive (vin•DIK•tiv)
(adj): Seeking revenge
Virtuoso (vur•choo•WOH•soh)
(n): A masterful musician; A masterful practitioner in some other field
Virulent (VIR•uh•lent)
(adj): Extremely poisonous; Malignant; Full of hate
Visionary (VIZH•uh•ner•ee)
(n): A dreamer; Someone with impractical goals or ideas about the future
Vitiate (VISH•ee•ayt)
(v): To make impure; To pollute
Vitriolic (vi•tree•AHL•ik)
(adj): Caustic; Full of bitterness
Vocation (voh•KAY•shun)
(n): An occupation; A job
Vociferous (voh•SIF•ur•us)
(adj): Loud; Noisy
Volatile (VAHL•uh•tul)
(adj): Quick to evaporate; Highly unstable; Explosive
Volition (voh•LISH•un)
(n): Will; Conscious choice
Wanton (WAHN•tun)
(adj): Malicious; Unjustifiable; Unprovoked; Egregious
Willful (WIL•ful)
(adj): Deliberate; Obstinate; Insistent on having one’s way
Wistful (WIST•ful)
(adj): Yearning; Sadly longing
Zealous (ZEL•us)
(adj): Enthusiastically devoted to something; Fervent