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打破偏见 (dǎ pò piān jiàn)
Break prejudice
无限可能(wú xiàn kě néng)
Infinite possibilities
出身(chū shēn)
Family background
退缩(tuì suō)
不改初心(bù gǎi chū xīn)
Stay true to the original aspiration
勇往直前 (yǒng wǎng zhí qián)
Forge ahead courageously
心灰意冷 (xīn huī yì lěng)
开放包容(kāi fàng bāo róng)
Open and inclusive
文化差异 (wénhuà chāyì)
Cultural differences
机遇 ( jīyù )
遭遇 (zāoyù)
Encounter (something bad)
刻板印象 (kèbǎnyìnxiàng)
不知所措 (bù zhī suǒ cuò)
At a loss
立志(lì zhì)
Set one's mind to
离谱(lí pǔ)
Outrageous / Absurd
起早贪黑 (qǐzǎo tānhēi)
Work from dawn to dusk
确保 ( quèbǎo )
选拔 (xuǎnbá)
Select (the best from a group)
一帆风顺(yī fān fēng shùn)
proceed smoothly without a hitch
歧视 ( qíshì )
to discriminate
冷落 ( lěngluò )
to treat somebody coldy; to snub; desolate;
贴标签(tiē biāo qiān)
tiē biāoqiān - to label sth. as...; to stereotype
嘲笑 ( cháoxiào )
to laugh at
凭借 (píngjiè)
to rely on
泄气 ( xièqì )
to lose heart, to be frustrated
质疑 (zhìyí)
to call into question
取决于 (qǔjuéyú)
depending on
国籍 (guójí)
nationality, citizenship
所谓的(suǒ wèi de)
屈服 ( qūfú )
yield; give in;
韩流音乐(hán liú yīn yuè)
K-pop music
竞争实力(jìng zhēng shí lì)
Competitive strength
韩娱(hán yú)
Korean entertainment industry
主流市场(zhǔ liú shì chǎng)
Mainstream market
出道(chū dào)
Debut (as a celebrity or artist)
职业生涯 (zhíyè shēngyá)
断章取义[duàn zhāng qǔ yì]
Quote out of context
顶级品牌(dǐng jí pǐn pái)
Top brand
束缚 ( shùfù )
to bind; restrict; to tie
沉默 ( chénmò )
silent, uncommunicative