PSYCH 200: Maori Perspectives

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  • Concept of genealogy, ancestry, and heritage

  • Beyond human realm, encompasses everything in existence

    • water, trees, Maori gods, fish, etc.

  • Understanding one’s identity and origin

  • Shapes an indv’s journey & identity

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  • Internal connection to the universe

  • Idvs are part of a larger system beyond their physical body

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Tapu (Sacred) & Noa (Profane)

  • Tapu signifies restriction, prohibition, and sacredness.

  • Objects dedicated to an atua (god) are considered tapu and untouchable.

  • Violating tapu = retribution, sometimes severe.

  • Used to control behavior towards others and the environment.

  • Tapu can be lifted or removed through specific rituals.

  • Noa = ordinary, common or free from restriction or the rules of tapu.

  • Tapu associated with land safeguards areas from defilement and exploitation.

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  • Represents the physical life principle, the essence that brings life to the physical

  • Binds spiritual & physical elements together

  • Universal life force present in water, rocks, wind, land, etc.

  • Nurtured thru kindness and care

  • Diminished thry harmful interactions

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  • Derived from the gods, humans are vessels or channels for mana.

  • Represents prestige, authority, control, and spiritual power.

  • Inherited and delegated through lineage.

  • Abuse of mana can result in its loss.

  • Mana is closely related to tapu and inherited at birth.

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  • Value reflected in generosity and kindness towards others and living things.

  • Grounded in respect and reciprocity.

  • Acts of manaakitanga enhance the wellbeing and mana of individuals.

  • Core component of Māori culture.

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  • Relates to belonging, purpose, and relationships.

  • Explored through cultural practices, social protocols, and spiritual connections.

  • Recognizes diversity of experiences and genealogy.

  • Fosters unity and reciprocity within communities.

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  • Guardianship and stewardship of the environment.

  • Responsibility to protect and preserve natural resources.

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  • Reciprocal relationship of teaching and learning.

  • Acknowledges the exchange of knowledge and experiences between teacher and learner.

  • Encourages shared learning experiences and new understandings to grow.

  • Represents holistic learning and personal growth.

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Sir Mason Durie: Te whare tapa wha

Whenua = land

Hauora = Wellness

  • Taha tinana

  • Taha wairua

  • Taha Hinengaro

  • Taha Whanau

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Taha Tinana (Te whare tapa wha)

Physical health

The capacity for physical growth & development

  • Good physical health is required for optimal development

  • “Physical being” supports our essence and shelters us from the external enviro

  • For Māori the physical dimension is just one aspect of health and well-being

    • --> cannot be separated from the aspect of mind, spirit and family.

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Taha Wairua (Te whare tapa wha)

Spiritual health; particular to the Maori wellness model

The capacity for faith & wider communication

  • Health related to unseen and unspoken energies

  • The spiritual essence if a person is their life force

    •  --> determines us as individuals

    • --> a collective

    • --> who and what we are

    • --> where we have come from

    • --> where we are going

  • A traditional Māori analysis of physical manifestations of illness will focus on the wairua or spirit

    • --> to determine whether damage here could be a contributing factor.

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Taha Whanau (Te whare tapa wha)

Family health

The capacity to belong, to care, and to share where indvs are part of wider social systems.

  • Whanau provides us w strength to be who we are

  • Link to

    • ancestors,

    • ties with the past

    • The present

    •  the future.

  • Understanding the importance of whānau and how whānau (family) can contribute to illness and assist in curing illness is fundamental to understanding Māori health issues.

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Taha Hinengaro (Te whare tapa wha)

Mental health

The capacity to communicate, to think, and to feel mind and body ae inseperable

  • Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are integral components of the body and soul

  • This is about how we see ourselves in this universe, our interaction with that which is uniquely Māori and the perception that others have of us

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Wellness Model: Te Wheke (Octopus)

  • Te Wheke is the octopus

    • A symbol from Ancient Hawaiiki, that illustrates the interdependence of all things across the universe.

    • about peace, love, joy and truth to the universe.

  • Concept of Te Wheke (the octopus): define family health.

    • Head: represents te whānau

    • Eyes: represents waiora (total wellbeing for the individual and family)

    • Each 8 tentacles: a specific dimension of health.

      • Dimensions are interwoven --> represents the close relationship of the tentacles.

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1) Wairua (Spiritual Dimension)

  • Spiritual journey: Concept of being a spirit on a physical journey

  • Two waters: Waiora and Waituhi

  • Waiora: Linked to the Central Sun, the Divine Spark

  • Waituhi: Records all actions, good or bad

  • Communication with Divine Source: Through prayer, vibrating with Aroha (Unconditional Love)

  • Day revolves around Aroha for Divine Source

  • Transgression: Sending negative energy to the Rays of the Central Sun for dissipation

  • Rangatira: Sacred meaning in Maori, signifies beginning and ending with the Central Sun, and being the Living Breath

  • Ngati Ra: Refers to all humanity, emphasizing unity and rejecting separation.


  • The creator is a powerful influence

    • --> the uniqueness of being Māori is sustained through this belief.

  • The essence of Wairuatanga is distinctive to Māori spirituality

    • = the holistic wellbeing of an individual

    • = the spiritual synergy of the collective with which an individual identifies

  • Wairuatanga is an essential requirement for the identity and wellbeing of Māori.

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2) Taha Tinana (the physical world)

  • Physical body as the "Kai Pupuri / the Keeper" of the eternal spirit

  • Divine energies within the body:

    • Divine Mother Energy on the left side

    • Divine Child Energy/Inner Universe in the Center

    • Divine Father Energy on the right side

  • Sacredness of the body, particularly the Head and Genital Region

  • Alkaline diet, avoidance of processed foods and dairy products

  • Hydration: Drinking at least 2 liters of water before breakfast

  • Regular exercise for physical well-being

  • Prioritizing safety and happiness

  • Self-love as a "miracle in expression"

  • Gratitude towards Divine Parents and Birth Parents for giving life

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3) Ha Taonga Tukuiho (Breath, Treasures that have come down)

  • Cultural heritage: Treasuring the strands of the cultural cloak

  • Components of cultural identity:

    • Songs, music, dances, stories, history, art forms, rituals

  • Reinforcement of identity and uniqueness

  • Daily celebration through song, laughter, and self-expression

  • Recognition as social scientists and conservationists

  • Belief in unity with Papatuanuku (Earth Mother) and Rangi (Sky Father)

  • Embracing similarities and differences with other cultures

  • Concept of oneness and family across humanity

  • Tradition of "Hongi" (pressing of noses) in greeting, symbolizing interconnectedness with all living things

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4) Mana (Divine Vested Authority)

  • Vested Authority: Granted by the Divine Source and Ancestors

  • Celebration of absolute uniqueness and individuality —> NO WASTED BEINGS

  • Divine Authority: Empowered to stand in own power and wisdom

  • Rejection of being programmed by State or Religion

  • Willingness to stand up for beliefs against the odds

  • Upbringing focused on Spirit of Peace, Love, Joy, and Truth

  • Adoption of neutrality principle in confronting challenging situations

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5) Whanaungatanga (Kinship ties that move in the 4 direactions across the universe)

  • Belief in oneness and unity with all living things, rejecting separation

  • Upbringing in a multi-generational family commune emphasizing respect for all living beings

  • Concept of "Whanau Ora": Every living thing seeking sustenance from Earth Mother is Family from the Central Sun

  • Absence of the word "enemy" in the Maori language, closest term being "hoariri" meaning "quarrelsome friend"

  • Maori regarded as top social scientists globally

  • Interaction with over a hundred nations, receiving love and blessings from many

  • Involvement in international and national organizations promoting unity and oneness, not division

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6) Hinengaro (The Hidden Mother", who is the Intellectual, Mental dimension within us)

The Mind = The Hidden Mother

  • Nurturer/life giver

  • Acknowledges balance between left & right brain

    • Left brain "Tumatauenga" - God of War

    • Right brain "Rongo"- God of peace

    • We have this capacity + we are moving between these 2 states all the time

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7) Ranga Whatumanawa (Relating to the Emotions & senses)

  • Belief in expressing emotions as a means to release tension and express heartfelt feelings

  • Revered as a Whaea (Mother) and Kuia (Grandmother) by people from diverse backgrounds

  • Trusted as a confidante for individuals of all ages, cultures, and religions

  • Witnessing strong emotional releases, including weeping and sobbing, from individuals seeking comfort and trust

  • Understanding the principle of "energy given out is what one gets back"

  • Recognition of children's ability to intuitively sense and express genuine feelings

  • Example of a child expressing dislike for a teacher, highlighting the importance of remaining neutral and composed in such situations

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8) Mauri (Life Principle, Ethos, Psyche)

  • Concept of "mauri Ora" at conception: Unique life force specific to the individual

  • "Wairua": Eternal spiritual essence passed down from past individuals

  • Positive energy aids in maintaining and enhancing the "mauri"

  • Selective interaction with individuals who positively affect one's life force

  • Awareness of medication potentially weakening psychic defenses

  • Prioritization of maintaining control over one's life force and situations

  • Transition of "mauri ora" into "awe/soul energy" upon physical death

  • Responsibility to guide the transition of both "wairua" and "awe/soul energy" back to the Divine Source

  • "Mauri" as a life force originating from the Central Sun, needing to return home alongside the "wairua"

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