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Social Norms
ex: social indicators (literacy, education, etc.), demographic indicators (births, deaths, pop, etc.), gender, race, languages
Geo Category:
relates to government, public affairs, laws, borders/territory, etc.
Geo Category:
relates to monetary values
ex: standard of living, income, tariffs, GDP, unemployment, Imports/exports, etc.
Geo Category:
describes the natural world and/or the human impact
Geo Category:
longitude/latitude, grid system, address
Absolute Location
compass direction
Absolute DIrection
measurement of space between two places
Absolute Distance
where a place is in relation to another place.
Relative Location
directions based on people’s surroundings and perception (left, right, down south)
Relative Direction
approximate measurement of space between two places expressed in time, effort, or cost
Relative Distance -
close together in high frequency
far apart in low frequency
how high or low something occurs in relation to sea levels
Elevation Patterns
everything is related to everything else, BUT near things are more related than distant things
Closer=more related
Tobler’s 1st Law of Geography
as the distance grows, similarities/connections shrink.
-caused by friction decay
Distance Decay
the further away, the more friction, and the less connection
Friction Decay
how people interact with the physical world
Define Human Environment Interaction (HUI)
Physical things people need to survive
- water, fertile soil, food
Theory that the physical environment and available resources determine survival and cultural development
Environmental Determinism
theory that people can adapt to any environment
Map shows entire globe
Global Scale of Analysis
one country divided into areas such as states
National Scale of Analysis
Regions of Earth
ex: Middle East
World Regional Scale of Analysis
state or city divided into groups
ex: counties, neighborhoods, census tracts, etc.
Local Scale of Analysis
Regions of a country
ex: The South, The MidWest
Country Regional Scale of Analysis
different scales = different interpretations.
ex: US election maps shows Texas as red, but Texas election maps show part of Texas as red and part as blue
Scale Impacts Perspective
Events at one scale can affect another scale
ex: war in the Middle East (global scale) affects US gas prices (national scale)
Local Global Continuum (Interdependencies)
An area with similar characteristics that set it apart from other areas
- high level of consistency and commonalities such as economic, social, political, or environmental characteristics that unify a space
- borders do not change easily
Formal/Uniform Regions
- connected by a hub, node, or center point
- usually based on the movement of economic goods, transportation, and communications
Functional/Nodal Regions
-based on peoples opinions NOT facts
- borders vary per person
Vernacular/Perceptual Regions
What type of region is this?
What type of region is this?
What type of region is this?
What type of region is this?
increased interaction around the world
Divides Countries into 3 categories based on economic values, political influence, etc.
- Core, Semi-Periphery, Periphery
Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory
Newly Industrialized Country (NIC)
- indicators ranked in between Core and Periphery
- exploits Semi-Periphery
- B.R.IC.S M.I.N.T.
Semi-Periphery Countries
Developed Countries (MDC)
- high development indicators
- exploits Periphery and Semi-Periphery
Core Countries
Developing Countries (LDC)
- low development indicators
- relies on Core and Periphery
Periphery Countries
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey
B.R.I.C.S. M.I.N.T.
Tropic of Cancer
What does this line represent?
Tropic of Cancer
What line is at 22.3 N?
Tropic of Capricorn
What line is at 22.3 S?
Arctic Circle
What line is at 66.5 N?
Antarctic Circle
What line is at 66.5 S?
Prime Meridian
What line is at 0 E or W?
Arctic and Antarctic circles
Where are high altitudes?
Where are low altitudes?
Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
Where are middle altitudes?
- boundary from which each calendar day starts
- west is ahead, east is behind
International Dateline
Large Scale maps
Which has more detail,
Large Scale of Small Scale Maps?
- smaller areas
- more detail
Large Scale maps
- larger areas
- less detail
Small Scale maps
Show a specific them or type of data
Thematic Maps
Man-Made Features
- boundaries, roads, cities
Political Reference Map
Show where something is in space
Reference Map
Naturally Occurring Features
- mountains, plains, rivers
Physical Reference Map
Bothe Man-Made and Naturally Occurring Features
Combined Reference Map
use shading to show different data levels
Choropleth Map
uses dots to dhow presence of quantity
Pindot/Dot Density Map
use proportionately scale symbols to represent value
bigger symbol = bigger value
Graduated Symbol Map
lines that connect equal points of value
ex: topography
Isoline Map
area sizes are scaled to data
Cartogram Map
shows movement and volume with different sized arrow
Flowline Map
What type of map is this?
What type of map is this?
What type of map is this?
What type of map is this?
Graduated Symbol
What type of map is this?
What type of map is this?
- satellites gather information on Earth
ex: Google Maps
Satellite Imagine
- A computer system
- determines the absolute location
- creates multiOnline Mapping and Visualizationlayer maps for spatial observation
ex: Google Earth, Arc GIS
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- satellite-based system
- determines absolute location
GPS/Satellite Navigation Systems
- collects data reflected from Earth
- creates multi-layer 3D visual renderings
Remote Sensing
- understanding that modern tech makes map-making easier
Online Mapping and Visualization
Spacial Anaylysis
Where something is and why
Four Most COmon Distortions
Shape, Area, Distance, Directions.
Cylindrical/Mercator Projection
- Used in Maritime Navigation
- preserves angles and directions
- size is distorted
Conic Projections
Regional maps of mid-latitudes areas with East-West orientations
Map Projection
map formatting that makes an accurate 2D map of Earth
Plane/Polar/Azimuthal Projection
-Used for Great Circle Routes
-Distorted edge, especially around edges
Robinson Projection
- smaller around mid-level and polar areas than the Mercator
- more accurate shapes and sizes
Gall-Peters Projection
- more balanced ratio between North and South Hemisphere’s to remove North centric bias.