animals cells
what is the functions of cell membrane ?
controls the passage of the entry of the substance in and out of the cell
what is the functions of the nucleus ?
Stores DNA
what is the functions of the nuclear envelope ?
Nuclear pores allow mRNA and ribosome to pass through
what is the functions of mitochondria ?
carry aerobic respiration to produce ATP
what is the functions of ribosomes ?
site of protein synthesis
What is the functions of Cytoplasm?
Responsible for holding the components of the cell and protects them from damage.
stores the molecules required for cellular processes.
Fluid-like substance present between the cell membrane and nucleus.
Contains a network of threads and microtubules that help the cell to maintain its shape and form.
Some of these organelles are not surrounded by a membrane and are called non-membranous organelles, eg: Ribosomes.
what is the functions of lysosomes?
contain digestive enzyme to break down pathogen and old organelles
what is the functions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum ?
it provide large surface area for protein synthesis
what is the functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum ?
it synthesise, store , transport → lipids and carbohydrates
what is the functions of the gogil apparatus ?
it modifies protein
Sort , package and transport molecules around the cell.
what is the functions of the vesicles ?
it helps to transport substance around the cells.
what is the functions cytoskeleton ?
Providing support to cellular organelles and maintaining their position
Involved in movements of cellular material e.g. moving chromosomes during cell division
Mobilising the cell
Motor proteins helps the vesicles to move around in cytoskeleton, motoring proteins binds to skeleton
what is the functions of the microtubules ?
it helps to functions the cell’s shape and it’s movement
e.g the intracellular of organelles
what is the functions of the centrioles ?
it helps the chromosomes to sperate during cell division.
Centrioles are involved in organizing microtubules in the cytoplasm.
responsible for the spatial arrangement of the cell
What is the function of chloroplast
Site of photosynthesis
Light energy is trapped by chlorophyll and used to make ATP . Water is also split to supply oxygen.
When Hydrogen is reduce CO2 , using energy from ATP to make carbohydrates, occurs in the stroma.
Chloroplast are abundant in leaf cells Eg the palisade mesophyll layers
What is the functions of Vacuole ?
The vacuole is surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast.
it filled with water and solutes and maintain cell stability cuz when full it pushes against the cell wall , making the cell turgid.
If all the plant cells are turgid then this helps to support the plant such as non woody plants
Cilia & Undulipodia
These are protrusions from the cell and are surrounded by the cell surface membrane
The epithelial cell lining you or airways each have many hundreds of cilia that beat and move the band of mucus.
Nearly all cell types in a human have one cilium that acts as an antenna, it contains receptors and allow the cell to detect signals abt its immediate environment.
Cellulose + Cell wall
The cell wall is on the outside of the plasma membrane, made from bundles of cellulose fibers.
it’s strong and prevents plant cells from bursting when turgid
→ provided strength
→ maintain the cell’s shape
→ Contribute to the strength and support of the whole plant
→ they are permeable and allow solutions to passes through