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What year was New York founded
What type if colony did New York begin as
3 facts about Henry Huson
Explorer for the Dutch
Sails up the Manhattan river (now called Hudson River)
Sets up settlement on the tip of Manhattan Island and present day Albany
Who was more interested in slave-trade than settlments
The Dutch
1 fact about the Dutch West India Company
Netherlands in America worked for the company in wages, but not a lot of them liked to
Original name for New York
New Amsterdam
What year is King James II awarded land in America in claimed by the Dutch to King Charles II (brother)
When the British fleet arrive at New Amsterdam and the Dutch surrender, why do the the Dutch surrender (3 reasons). What does New Netherland splits colony by?
The Puritans are trading with Dutch, which is illegal
The English crown revenues
Can tap into fur trading
New Netherland splits the colony, which is illegal
Who is New York City named after
Duke of York
5 facts about Duke of York and New York
Begins to offer free land to draw settlers
Noticed 18 different languages spoken\
Sells land, but still has to charge a rate
Offer religious toleration
You can worship the way you want to
Good place for puritans who want to leave
Created an assembly
5 facts about King James and New Jersey colony
Became King of England in 1685
1685; divided bottom of New York into 2 proprieties : East Jersey and West Jersey
Named for a proprietor born on the island of Jersey
No natural labor, inhibits people from settling there
Small farms
The two proprietary go bankrupt, and the crown takes over and unites them into New Jersey
7 facts about Pennsylvania and Quakers
Founded by a Quaker for a safe haven in
Quakers are being persecuted in England
Believed religion was corrupted by man, believed it was a true relationship with God.
Saw God communicating with you is more important than the Bible, Church, and rituals
Called meetings, not services
Refused baptism
15,000 Quakers were arrested, several thousands executed
2 facts about William Penn Junior
Arrested for a time
Quaker who was hated by his father
He was beaten by his father
2 facts about William Penn Senior
British is in a civil war, so he lends Britain, money
When Senior Penn dies, his son Penn Junior inherits his money
What year Pennsylvania named after William Penn Senior
4 facts about Pennsylvania
Begins voyages to Pennsylvania
Capital is Philadelphia
Fair treatment Native Americans
Purchases some land from them
Sells some land
Allow for complete religious freedom; a lot of people began to move there, even some
Allows for an elected assembly
Trying to lure other settlers from the other colonies to move there
Needed a coastline, asks King Charles if he could buy it
Taken over by Anglicans
What year was Delaware founded/granted
11 plant and 6 animals part of the Old World to New World
2 factors of Environmental impact
Smallpox, measles, chicken pox, malaria, yellow fever, flu, and cold