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How many people in England and Wales commit another crime within a year of being released?
46% of prisoners in England and Wales
Is the rate of reoffending high in the UK?
one of the highest in the western world
How many arrests were of females in the UK?
How much of the prison population is male Uk?
What % of victims in domestic abuse cases are female? What % of defendants in domestic abuse cases are male?
Females - 84%
Male - 93%
which types of crimes do men tend to commit?
sexual abuse, violence against the person, drug offences
which types of crimes are associated with women?
prostitution, fraud, shoplifting
How much of CJS is female?
33% of police officers are female, 41% judges are female in 2021/2022
How much higher is the female arrest rate for violent crimes UK?
63% higher than in 1980 compared to 2019
Who is more likely to live in poverty? men or women?
22% of women have a persistent low income compared to online 14% of men
How much of the general population do black people make up compared to the prison population?
3% vs 13%
How many times more likely are EMs going to be stopped and searched by the police?
3 times
Who is more likely to have a custodial sentence?
Ethnic minorities, not majorities