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what does probability vary between
0 (no possibility of event) and 1 (event will happen)
how to convert from % to probability
divide by 100
how to convert from probability to %
multiply by 100
research hypothesis
what we believe about the world
statistical hypothesis
formal statements about population from which we are drawing our sample
Null hypothesis
formal statement that the effect we are looking for does not exist in the population
Alternative hypothesis
formal statement that the effect we are looking for does exist in the population
P value
Probability of observing data at least as extreme as yours if the null hypothesis is true
Provides an index of the (un)likeliness of data, under the assumption the null hypothesis is true
If our data = very unlikely under the null hypothesis, P value = very small
cut off point P value
P value less than 0.05 (p<0.05)
result = statistically significant → REJECT NULL HYPOTHESIS
P value larger than 0.05 (p>0.05)
no statistically significant result → ACCEPT NULL HYPOTHESIS