exam is on friday don’t forget t study addendum
different types of books in the bible
free will
a gift from God that allows us to love and also choose good from bad
to spread the good news of the gospel and of Jesus through our words and throngs the way we live our lives
someone who dies defending their faith
God prepared his people for the clearest revelation of himself in his son Jesus
torah' for the jewish people
deposit of faith
sacred traditions cannot change church
hypostatic union
two natures of christ fully human and funny divine
when the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of christ
teaching office of the church
to repair damage caused by sin
Divine Revelation
god revealing himself to us over time beginning with creation and ending with jesus and the death of the last apostle john
When was the mass/holy communion instituted?
last supper
How was mass traditionally dismissed in Latin? (which words)
“Ite missa est” “go she (the church) has sent you”
When is the Jewish sabbath? Christian sabbath?
Jewish- Friday sundown to Saturday sundown Christians- Sunday when christ rose from the dead
Which website can help you find a Catholic church wherever you are?
Why do we have to attend mass on Sunday? Does Monday mass “count?”
the lord told us to keep holy his day
no they don’t count
Why is the priesthood so important?
their would be no mass (no eucharist)
How is the mass different from other worship services?
we have the eucharist
Which sins must be confessed before you may receive Holy Communion?
mortal sins
Why is modesty important (especially in mass)? What does this include?
you can distract others from talking and paying attention to God and to respect others
When did God’s revelation of Himself to us begin?
Which covenant (promise) did each of these men receive from God?
Moses 2. Noah 3. Abraham
promised land, god would make the israelites a great nation
his descendants would number the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach
the rainbow, God would not destroy the whole earthy by flood again
What did God telling Moses “I AM” reveal to us?
God is the origin and end of everything
Who is the true author of sacred scripture (the bible)?
Why do Catholic bibles have more books than Protestant ones?
Martin Luther took out some because he didn’t want to teach it in his religion
Who is the new, everlasting covenant?
How are human beings the high point of God’s creation? What did He give us
that is special? Why did He do so?
we are made in his image and likeness he gave us free will so we could love him in return
What belief is central (of high importance to our Catholic faith?)
the trinity
Explain what we can know about the mystery of the Holy Trinity.
3 divine persons in one god they all have different roles
How does the New Testament start? Who do these 4 books mostly speak of?
the gospels (matthew) jesus
Why did Paul write the letters/epistles?
to live a christian life
Which book tells us about the life of the early church?
Acts of the Apostles
Which book recounts a vision of John while exiled on Patmos?
Know the Wisdom and Historical Book songs well.
What are the 4 ends (reasons for) every mass?
petition, adoration, repetition, thanksgiving
Why were you created?
to know love and serve god
The exam will have 27 T/F questions and 23 multiple choice. There will be no short answer questions.
“Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.”
st jerome
“In the beginning was the ———- and the Word was with God and the Word was ———. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through Him…——- 1: 1-2
word, god, john
“Joy is the net of love by which we can capture souls.”
mother teresa
Why is modesty (particularly at mass) so important? It shows respect for yourself and for God - and others.
It keeps the focus on Jesus - lessens distractions.
How are angels the same as humans? How are they different? Angels are purely spiritual beings
They were never human. We both have free will and intellect.
What does the word “reason” mean? Is it different from free will?
to be able to think, understand and make decisions. Free Will is a gift that allows us to use reason. yes it is different
Was the bible always as we find it today? Who determined the Canon? When was this decided?
No, it was not. It was decided in the 300’s A.D. by the Council of Rome.
Who were some of the Old Testament prophets? What was their job? Are there prophets today?
Job - Listen to God and share the message with God’s people. In the OT, to prepare us for Jesus’ coming. In recent centuries, to prepare us for His second coming. OT prophets - Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Moses
Bethlehem means “house of bread.” How is this ironic? Is anything a coincidence for God?
Jesus was born there. Jesus is the bread of life. No.
Why do we genuflect? To whom do we genuflect?
Sign of profound reverence to the Eucharist (jesus)
What important items are there in the sanctuary of the church? What happens where?
Altar - where transubstantiation takes place
Ambo - where readings are read
Tabernacle - where Jesus’ body is kept