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v. liên kết với
I always … the smell of baking … my childhood.
v. công nghiệp hóa
to become greater in size, number or importance; to make something greater in size, number or importance
v. mở rộng
… to do sth The waist (thắt lưng) …s to fit all sizes.
v. tàn phá
The bomb …ed much of the old part of the city.
The building was completely …ed by fire.
The church was badly …ed by the 1997 earthquake.
what’s the damage?
(informal) a way of asking how much something costs
Account for
1. to be a particular amount or part of something
The Japanese market … … 35 per cent of the company's revenue.
2. to be the explanation or cause of something
sym: explain
Oh well, that …s … it (= I understand now why it happened).
n. sản lượng đầu ra
the process of helping something/somebody to make progress or succeed; the progress that is made
n. sự tiến bộ
v/n. tiên phong/ người tiên phong
adj. introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc.
tính sáng tạo
There will be a prize for the most … design.
to introduce new things, ideas or ways of doing something
v. sáng tạo
n. sự sáng tạo
relating to vehicles that are driven by engines
adj. thuộc về ô tô
the … industry
the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of people
n. sự phổ biến
Her novels have gained in … over recent years.
n. sự đột phá
to make/achieve a …
existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity
adj. nguyên bản
The room still has many of its … features.
connected with political revolution
adj. mang tính cách mạng
a … leader
adj. that is easy to carry or to move
nhỏ gọn dễ mang theo
The equipment is lightweight, … and easy to store.
to make information available to the public
v. phát hành, công bố
… a statement (bản tường trình)/report/document/poll(bài khảo sát)/study
to let somebody come out of a place where they have been kept or stuck and unable to leave or move
sự giải thoát, sự phóng thích (điều lo lắng, sầu muộn, bệnh tật...)
… sb from sth Firefighters took two hours to … the driver from the wreckage.
Be credited with
v. được công nhận
The group has been widely … … creating the sound of heavy metal (kim loại).
n. sự công nhận
We did all the work and she gets all the … !
adj. of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international
nội địa
He was a chief White House adviser on … policy (chính sách đối nội) .
opp: foreign
adj. angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
hung hăng
They became increasingly … as the evening wore on.
Seals have been known to exhibit … behaviour towards swimmers.
… towards sb She warned that her dog was … towards strangers.
Mass market
Thị trường đại chúng
sản phẩm thị trường đại chúng
Mass-produced hybrid car
Sản xuất hàng loạt xe lai
Zero-emission car
Xe hơi không thải khí
Ultimate solution
Giải pháp tối ưu
Sustainable mobility
Tính di động bền vững
world-beating product
Những sản phẩm đẳng cấp cao thế giới
In the realm of sth
an area of activity, interest or knowledge
n. trong lĩnh vực gì đó
Keep sb informed of
cập nhật thông tin cho ai biết
Please … me fully … … any developments.
take over
tiếp quản (công việc, công ty..)
Lan has … … responsibility for this project
(… from) thay thế
It has been suggested that mammals (động vật có vú) … … from dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
v. to control or have a lot of influence over somebody/something, especially in an unpleasant way
thống trị, thống lĩnh
She always says a lot in meetings, but she doesn't ….
n. a list of items to be discussed at a meeting
chương trình họp
We have a very full … of issues to discuss.
a plan of things to be done, or problems to be addressed
on the … In our company, quality is high on the ….
n. the business or industry of producing goods in large quantities in factories, etc.
sự chế tạo
Many jobs in … were lost during the recession (suy thoái kinh tế).
n. the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops:
sự bán lẻ
The clothing company has six … outlets (= shops) in Perth.
n. third in order, rank or importance
… education
n. an official document that shows that permission has been given to do, own or use something
giấy phép
to get/obtain/have a …
to grant/issue (cấp) a …
service sector
the part of a country's economy that is made up of businesses that provide services:
khu vực dịch vụ
in the … … The new jobs are all in the … … , such as retailing, business services, and call centres.
n. vận tải
raw material
nguyên liệu thô
commercial service
dịch vụ thương mại
private service
dịch vụ tư nhân
insurance agent
đại lý bảo hiểm
n. khu cắm trại
cruise ship=cruise liner
a large ship like a hotel, that people travel on for pleasure
tàu du lịch
Courier service
dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh
n. cảng
tax deduction
n. the process of taking an amount of something, especially money, away from a total; the amount that is taken away
khấu trừ thuế
compensate for=make up for
đền bù, bồi thường, bù đắp
Nothing can … … the loss of a loved one.
Nothing can … … … the loss of a child.
n. khí thải
n. a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization
người điều hành
company/corporate/business/industry …s
marketing/advertising …s
mental extraction
sự tách kim loại
Australia has developed efficient techniques for … … which means the raw material can be mined (khai thác) quickly.
oil drilling
sự khoan dầu