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God is always beyond our understanding; Augustine said "If you understand God, it is not God."
The Holy Trinity
God is a relationship; the foundational mystery of Christian faith in God; Father - Son - Holy Spirit
God knows all things; not like a data-cruncher, but in the understanding of love and care; "to really know someone."
self sufficiency
God is sufficient and complete in Godself; lacking in nothing, needing nothing
creatio continua
God's ongoing and ever present bringing of the universe into being
Something that can be known, but is endlessly knowable and never exhausted
God is unnameable, unknowable, beyond the world
God is accessible, present in the common world
To be perpetually in a protective stance; habitual suspicion and mistrust
To put on a new mind; to live in profound trust
Is the way of "affirmation". God is revealed in the beauty of the created world.
Means "the way of negation"; a path towards God
What is the word we use in English to refer to the mystery at the center of all reality?
Fr. Michael Himes says, "God is least wrongly understood as a ____________"
Duns Scotus task of theology
To keep God free and to keep humanity free
Argument from Causality
No conditional thing (like us) can cause itself. There cannot be an infinite number of conditional things. There must be a first, unconditioned cause to bring anything (and everything) into being.