Chapter 10: Elections and Campaigns

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A meeting of members of the same political party where party delegates are selected

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When a candidate wins, they tend to do better than expected in future contests due to increased name recognition and approval

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Retrospective voting

Voting for a certain candidate because of their past actions in office

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Prospective voting

Voting for a certain candidate because you favor their position on issues

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Valence issue

An issue that everyone agrees on, but the question is whether or not the candidate embraces that view

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Positional issues

An issue where there are opposing views which divide the voters

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Person currently holding an elective office

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incumbency advantage

Tendency for incumbents to perform better in congressional elections

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Strategically drawing boundaries of legislative districts to favor one party

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surge and decline

Tendency for a president’s party to do better when he’s at the top of the ticket, but do worse when he is not because there are less enthusiastic voters

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Tendency for candidates to win more votes because of the presence f a better known candidate at the top of the ticket

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political action committee (PAC)

A committee or interest group that raises and spends campaign money from voluntary donations

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independent expenditures

Spending by PACs to help a party or candidate independently of them

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soft money

Funds obtained by political parties that are spent on party activities

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527 organizations

Organizations under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code that raise and spend money to advance political causes

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Super PAC

A group that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money but cannot coordinate its activities with campaigns

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501(c)4 group

A social welfare organization which cannot devote more than 50% of its funds to politics

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closed primary

Primary election where only registered party members can vote for a nominee

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open primary

Primary election where all voters, regardless of party can vote

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blanket primary

Voters can vote for the Democratic candidates, the Republican candidates, or some from each party

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runoff primary

A primary in which, to be successful, the candidate must receive a majority of all votes cast in that race

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