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a private wrong (other than a breach of contract) in which a person or property is harmed because of another’s failure to carry out a legal duty
Sources of Tort Law
Court Decisions, Statutes and Restatement of Torts
Person who commits the tort
Intentional Torts
The defendant is at fault for causing the plaintiff’s harm because he/she intended to take the action that caused the plaintiff harm
The defendant is at fault for causing the plaintiff’s harm even though he may not have intended to take the action that caused the plaintiff harm, because a reasonable person would have known better (includes reckless conduct)
Strict Liability
The defendant is responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries regardless of whether the defendant was at fault
Eggshell plaintiff rule
a defendant is liable for all damages caused by their actions, even if the plaintiff's pre-existing conditions or vulnerabilities lead to more severe injuries than expected
Transferred intent
when a defendant intends to harm one victim, but then unintentionally harms a second victim instead
Defenses to a tort
consent, self-defense, defense of others, defense of proper
False imprisonment
intentional act that caused confinement/restraint through force or threat of force (with no means of escape)
the publication of false statements that harm a person’s reputation
Invasion of Privacy
the infringement upon an individual's protected right to privacy through a variety of intrusive or unwanted actions
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
intentional act that is extreme and outrageous and that causes severe emotional distress
Defamation per se
remarks considered to be so harmful that they are automatically viewed as defamatory
Trespass to Land
(1) someone enters or causes something to enter or remain; (2) on land of another; (3) without permission
Trespass to Personal Property
intentional harm or interference with the owner’s exclusive possession of the property
taking of someone else’s property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner (a/k/a stealing)
the failure to act as a reasonably prudent and careful person is expected to act in similar circumstances
Elements of Negligence
Duty, Breach of Duty, Causation, Harm
Legal Duty
whether the particular plaintiff was foreseeable
proximate cause
whether the particular harm was foreseeable
Comparative Negligence
A method for measuring the relative negligence of the Plaintiff and the Defendant, with a commensurate sharing of the compensation for the injuries
Contributory Negligence
Negligence by the plaintiff contributed to his or her own injury
Strict Liability
Liability without having to prove fault
Types of monetary damages
Nominal, compensatory and punitive
order to the defendant to do a specific act, or to cease doing a specific act