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Caliper diameter of trees to be preserved
200 mm
Minimum area of Subdivision project required to have park or open space
1 hectare or more
Minimum area of parks and playground
100 square meters
Minimum width of major road
10 meters
A street or road linking the site and serves as the main traffic artery within the project site and shall transverse the longer axis of the property
Major road
A street or road that services pedestrian/vehicular traffic from minor roads leading to major roads
A road which main function is to provide direct access to lots and other activity centers.
Minor roads
Minimum width of motor courts
6 meters
Maximum length of motor court inclusive of terminal
60 meters
Road which provide for the distribution of traffic among individual lots and activity centers
Service road
A walkway used to break the block and to serve pedestrians and for emergency purposes. It shall not be used as acces for properties
Size of an alley
2 m
Size of setback to be provided by the subdivision abutting public road.
3 meters by 5 meters
Minimum depth of concrete road pavement
150 mm
Minimum depth of asphalt road pavement
50 mm
Distance between offset instersection of roads from corner to corner
20 meters
Maximum length of block
400 meters
Shall be provided with a way at mid length 250 meters
Average daily demand of water for open market and medium cost housing
150 liters per capita day
Water tank capacity (under pd 957)
20% of Average daily Demand plus fire reserve
Distance between street light pole
Every 50 meters
Minimum drainage pipe size for subdivisions open market and medium cost
30 cm
For projects with gross salable area of 1000 sq.m or with 10 or more condominium units.
What is the minimum area of single park/playground.
50 sqm plus 3 sqm per additional family in excess of 10 units
Condition where park or playground in a subdivision is not required
If it is less than 800 meters from an existing public park
Maximum distance of an off-site parking to a condominium project
200 meters
Minimum width of access road or right of way for condominium project
8 meters consist of
6 meter carriageway and
2 meter sidewalk/planting strip
Minimum width of pathwalks for pedestrian circulation
1.20 meters
prescribes the developmental pace, directions and strategies for the optimum use of land resources in a community as well as its role in provincial, regional and national development.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Minimum area of a single occupancy unit
18 sq.m
But may be reduced to 12 sq.m if intended for use of students,employees...
Minimum floor area for family dwelling unit of open market condominium unit
36 sq.m
Minimum floor area of family unit for medium cost condominium project
22 sq.m
Minimum slope of crown of roads
1.5 %
A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or patways or oth natural or man made features, and occupied by or intended for buildings
A dwelling unti completely sorrounded by yards.
Single detached
A dwelling unit with one side attached to a firewall.
Single attached
Dwelling units containing 3 or more living units designed in such a way that they abut each other and are separated from each other by a firewall and provided with independent access.
Refers to housing projects where prices of house and lot packages are within the suggested price ranges as determined through HUDCC resolution and falling under the standards prescribed in these rules
Medium cost and open market
The sole national agency mandated to engage in housing production for low income families
National Housing Authority
Where should be the level of the lot frontage elevation?
Street level
Minimum floor area for open market housing
42 sq.m
Minimum floor area for medium cost housing
30 sq.m
Height of extension of firewall from the roof
30 cm
How many percent of gross area should be alloted for parks and playground for a subdivision with 20 units?
Width of sidewalk for open market housing with a road width of 8 meters
0.60 meters
Minimum lot frontage for single detached corner lot
12 m
Minimum lot frontage for single detached regular lot
10 m
Minimum lot frontage for single detached irregular lot
6 m
Minimum lot frontage for single detached interior lot
3 m
Minimum lot frontage for single attached or duplex
8 m
Minimum lot frontage for rowhouse
4 meters
Maximum number of rowhouses per block
20 units
Maximum length of rowhouse
100 meters
Minimum lot area for single detached medium cost housing
100 sq m
Minimum width of minor roads in economic and socialized housing
6.5 m
Setbacks for economic and socialized housing
Front 1.5 m
Sides 1.5 m
Rear 2.0 m
If ground reservoir is introduced,what is the distance of the buffer that should be provided from the source of pollution
25 m
Minimum diameter or drainage pipe
30 cm
Minimum width of right of way for interconnecting road to the nearest public road
10 m
Maximum length and width of pathwalks
60 meters length and 3 meters width
Minimum ceiling height for economic and socialized housing
2 meters
Maximum floor area of mezzanine
50% of the floor below it
Required exit for units with occupant of 10 or less
1 exit
Size of main door under economic and socialized housing
0.80 x 2.00 meters
Size of bedroom door under economic and socialized housing
0.70 x 2.00 m
Minimum size of toilet door under economic and socialized housing
0.60 x 1.80 m
Minimum width of stair under BP 220
0.60 m
Minimum headroom clearance of stair under BP 220
2.00 m
Minimum thickness of firewall
150 mm
Maximum percentage of area of non-residential
Minimum distance between two buildings where the taller building is 2 storeys high
4 meters
Distance between buildings if the taller building is 3 or 4 storeys high
6 meters
2 meter distance between roof eaves
Minimum area of open space for recreation for residential condominiums
50 sq.m
There are conditions that excempt certain provisions
How many sets of Site development plan(schematic plan) shall be submitted for application for preliminary subdivision development plan?
2 sets with scale of 1:200-1:2000
How many years is the validity of development permit for subdivision
3 years if no physical development is introduced
if the pump motor of __ HP rating or more, its pump rating and specification shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer
minimum width of access to an interior lot
3 meters
the government institution that have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate the real trade and business in registration and license to sell of subdivision lots and condominium units
(HLURB is for licensure of brokers and salesman)