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Adenoma , aden/oma ,
tumor of the gland
Arthralgia , athr/algia
Pain in a joint
Biopsy , bi/opsy ,
looking at or examining living cell or tissue
Cephalic , cephal/ic ,
pertaining to the head
Cerebral , cerebr/al ,
pertaining to the brain
Cystoscopy , cyst/o/scopy ,
the process of looking for and treating problems in the bladder or urethra
Cytology , cyt/o/logy,
The study of cells
Dermatitis , dermat/it is ,
meaning inflammation or irritation of the skin
Diagnosis , dia/gnosis ,
meaning to know of a condition or disease during examination ; to identify a condition or disease during examination
Electroencephalogram , electr/o/encephal/o/gram ,
a record of the electricity in the brain
Epigastric , epi/gastr/ic ,
the area right above the abdomen ; the area over the abdomen
Erythrocyte , erythr/o/cyte ,
A mature red blood cell
Excision , ex/cis/ion ,
The process of cutting out
Gastrectomy , gastr/ectomy ,
The surgical removal of the stomach
Gastroenterology , gatr/o/enter/o/logy ,
meaning the study of the normal function and disease of the gastrointestinal system
Gastrotomy , gastr/o/tomy ,
The process of cutting or making an incision to the stomach
Gynecology , Gynec/o/logy ,
The study of the female reproductive
Hematology , hemat/o/logy ,
The study of blood
Hematoma , hemat/oma ,
tumor of the blood
Hepatitis , hepat/itis ,
inflammation of the liver
Hypogastric , hypo/gastr/ic ,
of or relating to the lower region of the abdomen or stomach
Hypoglycemia , hypo/glyc/emia ,
meaning a condition causing low sugar levels in the blood
Incision , in/cis/ion ,
a surgical cut made in the skin or flesh ; the state of cutting into something
Iatrogenic , latr/o/genic ,
caused the by diagnosis, manner, or treatment of a physician
Leukocyte , leuk/o/cyte ,
A white blood cell
Leukemia , leuk/emia ,
A condition of the white blood cells
Nephrectomy , nephr/ectomy ,
The removal of a kidney
Neuralgia , neur/algia ,
The pain of the nerve(s)
Oncology , onc/o/logy ,
the study of cancer
Ophthalmoscope , ophthalm/o/scope ,
Instrument to view the eye
Pathogenic , path/o/genic ,
capable of causing or generating disease
Pathologist , path/o/logist ,
a person who specializes in disease ; a person who studies disease
Pericardium , peri/cardi/um ,
meaning around the heart or surrounding the heart
Prognosis , pro/gnosis ,
to know of a condition before
Psychology , psych/o/logy ,
the study of the mind
Radiology , radi/o/logy ,
the study of using imaging technology (like x-rays) to diagnose disease
Retrocardiac , retro/cardiac,
behind the heart
Rhinitis , rhin/itis ,
meaning irritation or inflammation of the nose
Thrombocyte , thromb/o/cyte ,
cell fragments that aid in blood clotting
When the suffix starts with a vowel
When should you drop the combining vowel?
removal of
What does -ectomy mean?
thrombo and city
What is the root word in Thromboctyopenia?
Which of the following word pairs are opposite?
inter and
Which of the following word pairs are opposite?
epi and
Which word below is not a color word
the study of
What does -logy mean?
Acromegaly , acro/megaly ,
characterized by marked enlargement and elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, or extremities (adult)
Anemia , an/emia
lack of red blood cells
Angioplasty , angi/o/plasty
surgical repair of a blood vessel
Angiography, angi/o/graphy ,
process of recording blood vessels
Arteriole , arteri/ole ,
small branch of an artery leading to capillaries
Arteriosclerosis , arteri/o/sclerosis ,
hardening of an artery
Atrophy , a/trophy ,
without development
Axillary , axill/ary ,
the skin of the armpit
Biopsy , bi/opsy
surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination
Blepharoptosis , blephar/o/ptsosis ,
drooping of the upper eyelids
Cardiomyopathy ,cardi/o/my/o/pathy ,
disease of the heart muscle
Chronic , chron/ic ,
persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
Hemolysis , hem/o/lysis,
breakdown, separation, destruction, or loosening of red blood cells
Hemostasis , hem/o/stasis ,
to stop bleeding
Hypertropy , hyper/tropy ,
excessive growth or development of an organ or part
Ischemia , isch/emia ,
insufficient blood supply to an organ or part of the body
Laparoscope , lapar/o/scope ,
an instrument for examining the abdominal wall
Leukocytosis , leuk/o/cyt/osis ,
high white blood cell count
Mastectomy , mast/ectomy ,
surgical procedure to remove a part of the breast or the entire breast
metastasis , meta/stasis ,
the development of a secondary malignant growth at a distance from a primary site of cancer
Morphology , morph/o/logy ,
the study of the shape and structure of the (human) body with consideration of development and vital activity
Myalgia , my/algia
, meaning muscle pain
Myeloma , myel/oma ,
cancer in bone marrow
Necrosis , necr/osis ,
death of living cells or tissues to disease or injury
Nephrologist , nephr/o/logist
specialist in the study of the kidneys
Neuralgia , neur/algia ,
pain along the nerve
Osteomalacia , oste/o/malacia
softening of the bones
Peritoneal , peritone/al ,
pertaining to the peritoneum
Splenomegaly , splen/o/megaly ,
enlargement of the spleen
Tracheostomy , trache/o/stomy ,
creation of an opening into the trachea
Thoracentesis , thorac/entesis ,
surgical removal of fluid in chest to help breathing
Thrombocytopenia , throm/o/cyt/o/penia ,
condition where blood platelet count is low
What level of organization comes after tissues?
sex cells
Which cells have 23 single chromosomes?
Which direction term means above another structure?
Which direction term refers to the back of the body?
Which direction terms means towards the lower part of the body?
review planes, regions of the spines, etc from presentation
Acromegaly , acro/megaly ,
characterized by marked enlargement and elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, or extremities (adult)
Adipose , adip/ose ,
of or relating to animal fat or fat tissue
Anabolism , ana/bolism ,
meaning a set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units
Anterior , Anter/ior ,
meaning situated in the front or on the front or forward part of an organ
Body Cavities ,
meaning the body’s internal organization by means of membranes, sheaths, and other structures that separate compartments
Catabolism , cata/bolism ,
meaning a set of metabolic pathways that break down molecules into smaller units
Cytoplasm , cyt/o/plasm
, a component of the cell consisting of gelatinous material; containsthe small organelles of the cell that carry out various cellular activities
Craniotomy, Crani/o/tomy ,
the process of cutting into the skull
Divisions of the Spine ,
the organization of the spine consists of a series of individual bones called vertebrae; the five divisions are Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal
Distal , dist/al ,
meaning situated farthest from the midline or beginning of a body structure
Dorsal , dors/al ,
similar to posterior; situated in the back or on the back part of an organ
Histology , hist/o/logy ,
the study of tissue
Inferior , infra/ior ,
meaning lowermost, below, or toward the feed
Inguinal , inguin/al,
meaning right and left regions on the surface of the abdominopelvic area; lateral to the hypogastric region
Intervertebral , inter/vertebr/al ,
situated or occurring between vertebrae of the spinal column
Karyotype , kary/o/type ,
describes a procedure whereby an individual’s chromosomes are viewed microscopically; a picture of all the chromosome in a cell arranged in pairs