Of Mice and Men - loneliness/friendship

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  • Spends a lot of time reading - doesn’t compensate loneliness

  • Segregated from rest of ranch

  • Enjoys Lennie’s and Candy’s company

  • Used to have friends, not be lonely

  • Loneliness causes bitterness and misery

  • Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him”

  • “I ain’t wanted in the bunk house and you ain’t wanted in my room”

  • “Long as you won’t get out and leave me alone”

  • “They was always near me. Always there”

  • “A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody”

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Curley’s Wife

  • Tries anything to interact with the men - flirtatious, uses the excuse of finding Curley

  • Consistently rejected by the ranch, except Slim

  • Only woman on the ranch

  • Desperate for conversation

  • “I’m looking for Curley”, ““I better look some place else” she said playfully”

  • “They were all closed against her”

  • “Hi good-lookin’”

  • “Ranch with a bunch of guys ain’t no place for a girl, specially like her”

  • “Her words tumbled out in a passion of conversation”

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  • Friend to Lennie, father-like figure

  • Concerned for Lennie

  • Consistently defends Lennie

  • Needs Lennie to avoid loneliness

  • Mutually beneficial relationship

  • Lennie is preventing him from becoming a worse person

  • “Imitated George exactly”

  • “You try to keep away from him, will you?”

  • “Lennie was jus’ scairt”

  • “I want you to stay with me…stay with me…stay with me”

  • “I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you”

  • “After a long time they (people on ranches) get mean”

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  • Affectionate towards George

  • Hallucinates at end and feels guilty about the negative impact he has had on George

  • Manipulates George and threatens to leave him alone

  • Lennie forced by Crooks to imagine life without George

  • “I wouldn’t eat none…I’d leave it all for you”

  • “You never give a thought to George”

  • “If you don’t want me I can go off into the hills…I can go away any time”

  • “”George gonna come back” Lennie reassured himself in a frightened voice”

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  • Questions lack of friendship in society

  • Doesn’t mock G + L friendship like the other characters

  • Critically comments on the unfulfilling lives workers have due to lack of friendships

  • “Ain’t many guys travel around together…I don’t know why”

  • “Funny how you an’ him string along together”

  • “Hardly none of the guys travel around together”, “never seem to give a damn about anybody”

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  • Friendship with dog

  • So desperate for friendship he offers everything to G + L

  • Uses friendship as a weapon against Curley’s Wife

  • Thought of life without dog is upsetting

  • Enjoys being included, even at the expense of Curley

  • Left alone at the end, condemned to a life of loneliness

  • “I had him for so long”

  • “I’d make a will and leave my share to you guys”

  • “You ain’t wanted here…we got fren’s that’s what we got”

  • “The old man squirmed uncomfortably”

  • “Candy joined the attack with joy”

  • “The sound of men grew fainter. The barn was darkening gradually…covered his eyes with his arm”

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  • Jim Crow Laws - 19th to 20th century - legalised racial segregation

  • Woman were expected to work at home and not spend time with other

  • Great Depression - led to a lot of loneliness

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