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A view that interprets the 'thousand years' of Christ’s reign symbolically rather than literally, first suggested by Augustine.
Those who advocated rebaptism, renouncing infant baptism, emphasizing a literal reading of Scripture and separation of church and state.
The belief that those not believing in Jesus Christ will be directly obliterated by God because of their sin.
Anonymous Christians
The idea that salvation may be granted to individuals not visibly identified as Christians or members of a church, affirming universality of grace.
The teaching that Jesus is the highest created being but does not share the same substance as God the Father, declared heretical by the Council of Nicaea.
The teaching that conflicts with Calvinism, stressing human response to the gospel, conditional election, unlimited atonement, and resistible grace.
Atonement, extent of
The theological debate over whether Jesus' death was intended for a limited number (the elect) or for all people.
The Ban
An ecclesiastical sanction that excommunicates a member from the church and its benefits.
Base Community
Small lay Roman Catholic communities among the urban poor, allied with liberation theology for evangelization and social action.
Black Theology
A twentieth-century theological movement interpreting Scripture from the context of the oppression of black people.
Theological views placing Jesus Christ at the center of theological systems.
A spiritual gift or power given by the Holy Spirit to Christians.
Charismatic Movement
A transdenominational movement emphasizing the charismatic gifts of the Spirit, particularly speaking in tongues.
The emphasis on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit within the believer and church community.
The belief that in the Lord’s Supper, the substance of bread and wine coexist with the body and blood of Christ.
Decrees of God
Expressions of God describing how He enacts the divine plan of salvation in history.
A view of God’s activities throughout history, emphasizing different periods where humans are tested.
A North African movement objecting to reinstating Christians who lapsed in faith.
A form of praise to God.
The study of the church as a biblical and theological topic.
Entire Sanctification
The belief found in Wesleyan traditions that a Christian can achieve full sanctification in this life.
The study of the last things or the end of the world.
Ex opere operato
The belief that the effectiveness of a sacrament does not depend on the spiritual goodness of the minister.
Feminist Theologies
Theological perspectives focusing on the experiences and concerns of women.
The work of the Holy Spirit in conveying knowledge and grace through the ministry of the Word of God.
The doctrine of the self-emptying of Jesus in his incarnation.
A place in Roman Catholic theology for souls that have not been redeemed, but are not damned.
The view that the Lord’s Supper is only commemorative of Christ and holds no real presence.
The service of God offered by the people in worship.
The branch of philosophy that studies what is real and questions of ultimate reality.
Moral Theology
The branch of theology dealing with the rightness and wrongness of actions in relation to God.
Mujerista Theology
A movement originating in the 1990s for Latinas focused on liberation and identity.
Marks of the Church
The characteristics of the church as described in the Nicene Creed: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
The philosophical study of being as being.
A religious rite similar to a sacrament that is engaged in as an act of obedience.
Ordo Salutis
God’s activities in bringing humans into a right relationship with Him through Jesus. ie. calling, regeneration, adoption, conversion, etc
Original Sin
The state of sin inherited by all humans due to the fall of Adam and Eve.
The practice of baptizing infants.
A term referring to the second coming of Christ.
The belief that Jesus will return before a future millennium.
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
The belief that Christ will return after a future golden age.
Preferential Option for the Poor
A term emphasizing God's concern for the poor and marginalized.
The Roman Catholic belief in a place of purification for souls before entering heaven.
The belief in a sudden gathering of believers to meet Christ in the air.
An outward sign instituted by God to convey inward spiritual grace.
Biblical term for the underworld destination of souls after death.
A formal division within a religious group.
Soul Sleep
The belief in a period of unconsciousness between death and resurrection.
The Roman Catholic belief that bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ.
The view that all persons will ultimately receive salvation from God.
Visible vs. Invisible Church
Visible church refers to the organized body of believers on earth; invisible church refers to the true believers of God.
Womanist Theology
Theology articulated by women of color focusing on liberation and self-definition.
The views derived from Huldrych Zwingli, emphasizing the Lord's Supper as a memorial.