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Barbary Pirates
US government paying towards the barbary states of North Africa for protection for American merchant ships
Negotiated for reduced payment
Thomas Jefferson
Elected for the third US President in 1800s
Democratic Republicans
Less government (not constructed yet), strict constructionist view, the federal government only did which is only mentioned in the constitution
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson wanted to gain shipping rights in New Orleans
Sold Louisiana for 15 million dollars
Monroe bought the deal
Lewis and Clark
occurred around the early 1800s with the Louisiana Territory with the exploration, who?
John Marshall
chief justice
Marbury v. Madison
Adams ensured that the federalists influence in courts but James Madison did not deliver the appointments
Judicial Review
Check on executives for the judiciary act as unconstitutional. Allowing them to gain more power
Mcculloch v. Maryland
Federal law to state law
War of 1812
French and the British were at war
their American merchant ships were seized
British Impressment
British ships captured Americans and forced to serve in the royal army
Hartford Convention
New England secede (break relationship) with the union
Era of Good Feelings
national unity under the democratic republicans since there was no national bank, no infrastructure or transportation
Henry Clay’s American System
Federally funded internal improvements - disadvantage the South
Protective Tariffs (taxes on imported goods)
Re-establish Bank of the US
Westward Expansion
the push toward west coast of North America
Missouri Compromise
Clay brought Missouri is a slave state and Maine considered a free state and free territory occured in 1819
Adam Onis Treaty
Spain sold Florida
Monroe Doctrine of 1823
Americans getting the control in the western hemisphere, no relations with Europeans Nations
Market Revolution
linking of northern and southern with farms created with agriculture, communication, and transportation
Cotton Gin
crop that includes the seperation of seeds and cotton fiber
American System of Manufacturing
with machines, labor, and tasks for its workers, mass production
Germany and Ireland
leading to the expansion of cheap labor which northern industries
Panic of 1819
First major US recession
irresponsible banking practices and decreased demand for exports
Election of 1824
the separation of democratic republican party
National Republicans
Expansion of federal power
John Adam & Henry Clay
Restrictive views of federal power
Strict constructionists
Andrew Jackson winner for president
Demorats vs. Whigs (Henry Clay)
difference in federal power
prevents the operation and enforcements within its territory of laws that found out it constitutional
Jackson voted the second bank of the United States
Indian Removal Act of 1830
with American Indians tribes East migrating towards the land in the West through the Mississippi River
influenced by European Romanticism with human perfectibility