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where did edward's enemies (the lancs) concentrate their power after 1461
Harlech castle was beseiged by the lancs and held for 7 years until when?
Alnwick, Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh
which 3 castles became focal point for lancs?
when did henry and marg return to england to rally support in the north
Sir Raplh percy
who assisted henry and marg on route to battle of hedgeley moor
what date was henry captured following defeats at hedgeley moor and hexham the year before
Dominic Mancini in 'the usurpation of richard the third'
who described edward as having a 'gentle nature' and 'cheerful aspect' and in what book did he write this in?
James III and Louix XI
who did edward establish better foreign relations with?
to exploit trading opportunities and and to secure an ally should the french renege on their truce
why did the king open negotiations with the duke of burgundy?
French king's daughter
who did warwick want edward to marry?
the Hanseatic League
who did edward fail to make a trade agreement with which would have increased his trade and customs revenue
national debt
what economic feature remained high, despite an improving economy
how many well off gentry, alongosde 13 lancs peers, did he take lands and titles and offcies off to redistribute them to yorkists
in what year did parliament pass acts of attainder against lancastrians to seize their lands and titles
because the title didn't always come with any land
why did edward's system of patronage fail?
how much did clarence's lands add up tp?
William Neville, Lord Fauconberg
who was made earl of kent
John Neville, Lord Montagu
who was given the earldom of northumberland?
who was made archbishop of york?