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Conde Lucanor (De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava)
(Unit 1 - La época medieval)
Author: Don Juan Manuel (1282 - 1348, Spanish prince and writer)
Literary Terms:
- Metacuento (story within story)
- Moraleja (didactic, something that is meant to teach a moral)
- Hipérbole
- Fábula (a fable, fictional story that conveys a moral)
Romance de la pérdida de Alhama
(Unit 1 - La época medieval)
Author: Anónimo from Spain (1500)
Literary Terms:
- Romance
- Rima asonante en versos pares (repetition of vowel sounds)
- Verso octosílabo
- ln medias res ( in the middle of action)
- Estribillo (“Ay de mi Alhama!”)
Lazarillo de Tormes
(Unit 2 - El Siglo XVI, Renacimiento y la Inquisición española)
Author: Anónimo from Spain (1554)
Literary Terms:
- Protagonista
- Antihéroe (a protagonist, a hero, without the glorious characteristics of a hero)
- Narratorio
- Narrador fidedigno o no fidedigno (a consistent and trustworthy author or not)
- Narrador en primera persona o limitado
- Hipérbole
- Punto de vista
- Flashback
- Alusión
- Alegoría (visual representation of something with didactic intents)
Visión de los vencidos "Los presagios, según los informantes de Sahagún"
(Unit 2 - El Siglo XVI, Colonialismo y el Renacimiento)
Author: Miguel León-Portilla (1926 - 2019, Mexican academic) and Unknown between 1558 - 1575
Literary Terms:
- Simbolismo
- lmágen
- Paralelismo
- Metáfora
- Ambigüedad
- Polisíndeton (mutiple repetitions of the same conjunction)
Segunda carta de relación
(Unit 2 - El Siglo XVI, Colonialismo y el Renacimiento)
Author: Hernán Cortés (1485 - 1547, Spanish conquerer)
Literary Terms:
- Narrador testigo (narrator who is an eyewitness)
- Narratorio
- Enumeración (listing, usually to add details)
- Polisíndeton (the repetition of the same conjunctions)
- Asíndeton (the absense of conjunctions)
Visión de los vencidos "Se ha perdido el pueblo mexica"
(Unit 2 - El Siglo XVI, Colonialismo y el Renacimiento)
Author: Miguel León-Portilla (1926 - 2019, Mexican academic)
Literary Terms:
- Apología (formal defense of an opinion)
- Imágen
- Cesura
- Tono
- Apóstrofe (speaking to an inanimate being)
Soneto XXIII ("En tanto que de rosa y azucena")
(Unit 2 - El Siglo XVI, Renacimiento)
Author: Garcilaso de Ia Vega (1498/1503 - 1536, Spanish poet)
Literary Terms:
- Apóstrofe (speaking to an inanimate being)
- Anáfora (word or expression is repeated at the beginning of a number of sentences)
- Rima consonante (repetition of consonant sounds)
- 2 cuartetos y 2 tercetos
- Endecasílabo
- Cromatismo (imagery of colors)
- Carpe diem
- Hipérbaton (change of order of words to one that is not usually used)
Soneto CLXVI ("Mientras por competir con tu cabello")
(Unit 3 - El Siglo XVII, Barroco)
Author: Luis de Góngora (Spanish Baroque lyric poet)
Literary Terms:
- Apóstrofe (talking to an inanimate object)
- Anáfora (word or expression is repeated at the beginning of a number of sentences)
- Rima consonante (repetition of vowel sounds)
- Cuarteto (stanzas of 4)
- Terceto (stanzas of 3)
- Endecasílabo (lines of 11 syllables)
- Cromatismo (imagery of colors)
- Carpe diem
- Memento mori
- Gradación (a sentence construction in which the last word (s) of one clause becomes the first of the next)
- Enumeración (listing in great extent and detail)
- Asíndeton (the absence of conjunctions)
- Hipérbaton (the swap of words from their usual order)
Salmo XVII ("Miré los muros de la patria mía")
(Unit 3 - El Siglo XVII, Barroco)
Author: Francisco de Quevedo (1580 - 1645, Spanish writer)
Literary Terms:
- Rima consonante (Rhymes in consonants)
- Cuarteto (Stanzas of 4)
- Terceto (Stanzas of 3)
- Endecasílabo (lines of 11 syllables)
- Memento mori
- Enumeración (listing in great extent and detail)
- Hipérbaton (the swap of words from their usual order)
Hombres necios que acusáis (Sátira Filosófica)
(Unit 3 - El Siglo XVII, Barroco)
Author: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648 - 1695, Colonial Mexican writer)
Literary Terms:
- Cuarteto (Stanzas of 4)
- Octosílabo (lines of 8 syllables)
- Retruécano (pun)
- Paradoja (Seemingly absurd statement that is true)
- Antítesis (a statement that contrasts with previous propositions)
- Imagen
- Tono
- Aliteración (repetition of initial consonant sounds)
Don Quijote de la Mancha
(Unit 3 - El Siglo XVII, Barroco y primera novela moderna)
Author: Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616, Spanish modern writer)
Literary Terms:
- Parodia (a comical imitation of a particular writer)
- Sátira (the ridicule of something)
- Intertextualidad (the relationship between texts, especially literary ones)
- Hipérbaton (the swap of words from their usual order)
- Metaficción (fiction that reminds readers of its artificiality)
- Hipérbole
- Héroe
- Antihéroe (a hero who does not possess glorious properties)
- Narrador fidedigno o no fidedigno (a reliable and trustworthy narrator or not)
El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra
(Unit 3 - El Siglo XVII, Barroco)
Author: Tirso de Molina (1583 - 1648, Spanish writer)
Literary Terms:
- Escenario
- In medias res (In the middle of action)
- Estribillo
- Polimetría (use of lines and stanzas of different lengths)
- Diálogo
- Monólogo
- Acotación (stage commentary)
- Aparte (dialogue intended for the audience but not for other characters)
- Romance
- Redondilla (eight syllables lines, and a rhyme scheme of abba)
- Humor
- lronía
En una tempestad
(Unit 4 - Siglo XIX, Románticismo, Realismo y Naturalismo)
Author: José María Heredia (1803 - 1839, Cuban poet)
Literary Terms:
- Heptasílabo (lines of 7 syllables)
- Endecasílabo (lines of 11 syllables)
- Poema no estróflco
- Metonimia (something is refered to with an associated concept)
- Apóstrofe (speaking to an inanimate object)
- Aliteración (the repetition of the same initial consonant sounds)
- Prosopopeya (personification)
Rima LIII ("Volverán las oscuras golondrinas")
(Unit 4 - Siglo XIX, Románticismo)
Author: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836 - 1870, Spanish poet)
Literary Terms:
- Paralelismo
- Anáfora (word or expression repeated in the beginning of sentences)
- Encabalgamiento (the combining of syllables (the ending of a line without punctuation so to be continued in the next)
- Pie quebrado (??? no idea what this is about)
- Hipérbaton (change of usual orders of words in a sentence)
- Exclamaciones
Las medias rojas
(Unit 4 - Siglo XIX, Realismo y Naturalismo)
Author: Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851 - 1821, Spanish writer)
Literary Terms:
- Descripción
- Ambiente
- Atmósfera
- Diálogo
- Narrador omnisciente (he who knows everything)
- Prosopopeya (personification)
- Regionalismos (loyalty to a certain region)
Nuestra América
(Unit 5 - Siglo XIX, Modernismo)
Author: José Martí (1853 - 1895, Cuban poet and philosopher)
Literary Terms:
- Metáfora
- Símil
- Símbolo
- Metonimia (refering to a figure by mentioning something closely associated)
- Hipérbole
- Tono
- Antítesis (propositions that oppose one another)
- Paradoja
A Roosevelt
(Unit 5 - Siglo XIX, el Modernismo)
Author: Rubén Darío (1867, 1916, Nicaraguan poet)
Literary Terms:
- lmagen
- Paradoja
- Antítesis (opposing propositions)
- Metonimia (refering to something by mentioning something closely associated)
- Verso libre (stanzas and lines with no structure)
- Símbolo
- Apóstrofe (addressing an inanimate audience)
- Prosopopeya (personification)
El hijo
(Unit 5 - Siglo XX Realismo y Naturalismo)
Author: Horacio Quiroga (1878 - 1937, Uruguayan writer and poet)
Literary Terms:
- Metaficción (fiction that reminds its audience of its artificiality)
- Desdoblamiento (unfolding action)
- Ambiente
- Prosopopeya (personification)
- Ambigüedad
- Fluir de conciencia (line of reasoning of a conscious being)
- Narrador fidedigno o no fidedigno (a consistent and trustworthy narrator or not)
San Manuel Bueno, Mártir
(Unit 5 - Siglo XX, La Generación del 98)
Author: Miguel de Unamuno (1864 - 1936, Spanish poet)
Literary Terms:
- Flashback
- Ambigüedad
- Narrador fidedigno o no fidedigno (trustworthy and consistent narrator or not)
- Símil
- Metáfora
- Símbolo
- Punto de vista
- Trama
- Desdoblamiento (folding into action)
- Metaficción (fiction that constantly reminds of its artificiality)
- Yuxtaposición (when two elements are compared side by side)
Rima asonante en versos pares
Usually historical and legendary
Octosílabas (8 syllables)
Undefined length
14 lines total
2 cuartetos
2 tercetos
Endecasílabas (11 sílabas)
Main idea in 3rd and 4th stanzas
Siglo XIV -XV
Siglo XV - XVI
Carpe diem
Muchos sonetos
Inquisición española
Siglo XVI - XVII
Carpe diem
Memento mori