Human Sexuality Final

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What is the difference between sex and sexuality?

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What is the difference between sex and sexuality?

SEX: the distinction between females and male, engaging in sexual behaviors

SEXUALITY: includes sex, but also encompasses the entire realm of human experience that is more or less closely connected with sex (total expression of who you are)

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How has the media shaped sexuality?

Media facilitates a “virtual urbanization”

Expanded the concept of “normality,” such that very few sexual kinds are still stigmatized as shameful or named mental disorders

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Understand the anatomical makeup of genitalia and the make up

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Understand the menstrual cycle, the different phases

  • The menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 days, driven by changes in hormones produced by the ovaries

  • menstrual phase: discharge of endometrial tissue and blood

  • Preovulatory phase: maturation of an ovarian follicle

  • Postovulatory phase: marked by the presence of the corpus leteum, a hormone-secreting structure formed by the follicle that ruptured at ovulation

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What are the most sensitive parts of the male and female genitalia?

women: clit

men: the tip (fremulum)

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How does sperm pass through to ejaculation?

  • Sperm leave the testicle through the epididymis and pass to the urethra through the vas deferens

  • ejaculation is caused by contractions of the urethra and pelvic floor muscles

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What are the Malarian and Wolffian Ducts?

  • Female and male embryos possess both Wolffian and Mullerian ducts

  • WOLFFIAN: are precursors of the male reproductive tract

  • MULLERIAN: are precursors of the female reproductive tract

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What are some social influences on a child’s gender development?

  • surroundings- how parents talk to their children “big boys dont cry” etc

  • other children

  • if a girl grows up doing girl typical stuff, she will grow up to with the same female behaviors

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Be familiar with sexual attraction, what do the sexes find attractive?

WOMEN: older men, status or wealth

MEN: physical attractiveness, visual sexual stimuli

  • Both sexes are attracted to symmetry

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Does the menstrual cycle have an impact on a woman’s appraisal of attractiveness? How so?

  • women are more interested in sex and more sexually active during the 6 fertile days of the menstrual cycle

  • women prefer more masculine faces near the time of ovulation, when most likely to conceive, prefer less masculine faces over time

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Understand the sexual response cycle defined by Masters and Johnson

  • has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

  • model focuses solely on physiological markers of sexual arousal; it does not address the psychological components of arousal and desire

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What happens in each phase of the sexual response cycle?

Excitement: when sexual arousal begins (women- increased blood flow to labia, erection of clit and nips, vaginal lubrication-- men- get hard and testicles elevate)

Plateau: when sexual arousal is maintained (women- increased muscular tension in outer third of vagina and surrounding muscles-- men- may have secretions of fluid from bulbourethral glands, penis more erect, testicles further elevate)

Orgasm: the subjective experience of pleasure and release at sexual climax (brief sequence of muscle contractions, heart rate increase, accompanied by emission and ejeculation in men)

Resolution: physical signs of sexual arousal subside, muscles relax, heart rate and blood pressure return to normal, about 15 mins

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Understand the different sexual positions

  • woman-above position: gives women greater control (cowgirl)

  • side by side position

  • rear-entry: doggy- not necessarily on all fours, can be standing up

  • splitting the bamboo: girl has one leg up and one down like a split, guy in the middle

  • anal penetration: literally anal sex

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What muscles keep the anus closed?


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What is true about hookup culture on college campuses?

  • “sex should be emotionless, avoiding anything resembling romantic intimacy”

  • dominates campus social life

  • factors:

    • sex ratios

    • fewer men, easier to demand and receive sex

    • alcohol

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What are the different types of love? What is the most common at the beginning and further on in the relationship?

passionate (limerence): “falling in love, head over heels”

companionate: cooler emotion, sense of attachment, commitment, intimacy, trust (intimacy and commitment)

Consummate: (passionate, intimacy, and commitment)

Romantic: (intimacy and passion)

Fatuous: (passion and commitment)

Liking: (intimacy)

Infatuation: (passion)

Empty: (commitment)

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The process of determining if one is pregnant or not- when pregnancy tests are most accurate- what happens in order to tell if it’s accurate

  • blood tests are very accurate

  • tests for presence of hCH

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How is a fetus’s gestational age counted based on the American Pediatric Association?

  • number of weeks since the onset of the last menstrual period

  • each trimester is 3 months long

  • 39 weeks

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What are the stages of labor and what happens in each stage?

first stage (uterine contractions): contractions cause the cervix to begin to thin out (effacement) and open up (dilation), lasts for a couple of hours, many women choose epidural

second stage (delivery of baby): passage of fetus through birth canal, toward the end baby’s head begins to appear at vaginal opening

third stage: birth placenta

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At what point in a pregnancy are the majority of abortions performed?

first trimester 9-12 weeks (vacuum aspiration)

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Be familiar with contraceptives and their effectiveness- which are most effective, do they protect against STIs and STDs

condoms: protects from STDs, prevent pregnancy but can still break

the pill: effective at preventing pregnancy, does not protect from STDs

IUD: can be left in for several years, protect from endometrial cancer, does not protect from STDs

diaphragm: covers the cervix, must be professionally fitted, sperm can migrate around the edges

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What contraceptive are barrier method contraceptives? (sperm is not able to connect)

male and female condoms

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What are alternative types of contraceptives, fertility awareness

  • fertility awareness

  • everything but sex

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Understand victims of sexual abuse- do they blame themselves? Are they likely to confront abusers or not?

  • children who are victims are at risk for PTSD and disassociation

  • blame themselves, do not confront abusers

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What are different types of sexual relationships?

  • hooking up

  • casual sex

  • cohabitation

  • long distance relationships

  • same-sex relationships

  • non cohabiting relationships

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What is the trend for teen birth rates?

  • declining dramatically in the US

  • decrease in pregnancy and decrease in abortions

  • twice as high among Hispanic and Black Americans

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What puts an individual or a couple at risk for divorce?

  • poor communication

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How do men and women differ in what happens following divorce?

  • women take longer but are happier at the end

  • men remarry first

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Understand different terms for menopause, andropause, etc. (How do men and women change over time and w fertility)?

  • transition to infertility, known as menopause (natural decline in reproductive hormones)

  • decrease in sexual satisfaction, andropause

  • perimenopause, before menopause, phase marked by irregular period

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What are some challenges gay children face?

  • feminine boys became homosexual or bisexual

  • current trends- next generation will find greater acceptance

  • discrimination

  • experienced hostility and can strongly color their worldview as adults

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Understand homophobia and other phobias that relate to alternative sexual orientations

transphobia: hatred of transgender people

homophobia: hatred of gay people

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Understand some of the different types of sexual behaviors

voyeurism: arousal by watching people have sex and they do not know you are there

sadomasochism: aroused by physical pain and humiliation

objectaphelia: arousal by inanimate objects not associated with the body

transvestism: cross-dressing because it is sexually arousing

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What is pedophilia?

  • a man who is sexually interested in children

  • begins in adolescence and grows through the lifetime

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What are some of the common sexual disorders for both men and women and potential treatments?

dyspareunia: most common in women: pain while fucking, antibiotics, lubricant, prolong foreplay, clit stim

vaginismus: fear of sex and closes up-sex therapy, vaginal dilators

for men: premature ejaculation- stop and start method

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What is the current situation with STIs in our country? How do we compare to other countries around the world?

  • the highest prevalence of HIV and AIDS

  • US has the highest curable rates of STIs

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What STDs can be treated? which are curable and uncurable?

herpes, HEPb, HSV, HPV, HIV/AIDS- uncurable

everything else able to be treated: find it quickly, antibiotics, etc

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What are some symptoms of STDs?

herpes: cold sores

HEPb: jaundice, fever

HIV: acute flu-like illness

Syphilis: ulcer, rash/fever

Gohnorrea: thick, cloudy discharge

Chlamydia: thin discharge and pain

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What sexual behaviors put you at the greatest risk for contracting an STI?

  • contact with an HIV partner

  • not getting tested

  • not using barrier methods

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Who is at the greatest risk of being raped or sexually assaulted?

  • LGBTQ people

  • women at greatest risk of being raped by a friend

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what element is required to gain a conviction in a sexual assault trial—what must be present for a conviction?

  • under legal age of consent

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What are the phases of IPV and what happens in each stage?

  • Tension Building: abuser is moody, threaten victim, commit minor assaults or property damange

  • Violence: no more than a day, victim fights back and tries to protect themselves

  • Reconciliation: abuser comes to victim and promises it will never happen again, apologizes, victim will try and drop initial charges

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What are the different types of stalking and harassment?

Intimate Partner: obsessive

Cyber Stalking

Erotomania: having a delusional belief of a sexual desire but unattainable person (people who stalk celebrities and love the person but its a fantasy)

Grudge Stalking: seeking revenge

Delusional Stalking: the belief that the victim is in love or could be in love with the stalker

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What is the sex work hierarchy?- moving from street prostitutes to high-end sex workers

  • majority of the hierarchy works for escorting services

  • escorts make more than prostitutes

  • prostitution on the decline

  • street has risks

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What is sex trafficking and how underage individuals are involved in it?

  • promised things

  • move around the country

  • easier to manipulate

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