Post Classical APWH Cram Chart
Factor in the flourishing of Song China
Justified their rule over the people
Ruler above subject (Employee - Employer)
Father above son
Husband over wife
Older brother over younger brother
Older friend over younger friend
King or Monarch
Nobles or lords
Peasants or serfs
Emerged in India, spread throughout Asia
Four Noble Truths:
To live is to surfer
Suffering comes from attachment
To become happy you must free yourself from attachment
Reach Nirvana (personal contentment) by following the Eight-Fold Path
Most recant of the 5 world religions
The Five Pillars:
Declaration of Faith, belief in Allah and his messenger (Shahada)
Prayer, 5 times a day (Salat)
Fasting, during Ramadan (Sawm)
Almsgiving, giving to the poor (Zakat)
Pilgrimage, to Makkah (Hajj)
United under a shared belief and language
Religions that send out missioners to convert people