Lecture 4
Juror Biases
can influence juror verdicts
and unfair decision-making by jurors can result in injustice
official case evidence that was introduced in court and used by the jury
has the strongest impact
Extra Evidentiary
evidence that was not introduced in the case
heard outside the trial
mostly used at the end to reach the final verdict
not officially used in court, maybe heard from outside sources
Pre-trial Bias
Pre-existing biases prior to trial
Can stem from pre-evidence presentation (e.g., publicity)
problematic for high profile cases
more frequent in modern society
biases resulted from the case that popular within the community
related to the case at hand
not inherent biases
as you experience information along the case itself
it can bring disadvantages for those involved in the case
Cognitive BIas
Heuristics and associated biases can lead to errors in judgements
Bias from External Legal Actors
Expert testimony can influence juror perceptions of evidence strength
Expert witnesses may not be impartial decision-makers themselves
unlikely to be rational
bias during the trial
expert witness are brought into explain things better to the jury
often brought into explain evidence
problem: authority effect
may put more weight onto what they were saying and apply it to their decision
Snowball effect
bringing in their bias to influence the jurors
leaking out during trial testimonies
Implicit Bias
Implicit attitudes
Implicit stereotypes
Hate Crimes
Biases can influence juror perceptions of victim blame
Intimate Partner Violence
Biases in domestic cases can shape how jurors perceive evidence and testimony
Sexual Offences
Stereotypes facilitate the criminalization of LGBTQ+ people for various sexual offences
Voire Dire
Opportunity to identify existing juror biases
Validity of considering orientation/identity
Identification with individuals in the case
Evidence Type
some have larger impacts than others
Jury Orientation
Using video orientations to target biases
doesn’t include anything specific
Can include an invitation to take an IAT
Focus on the bias most related to the trial
Jury Selection
Voir Dire = Opportunity to identify biases
Attorneys may struggle with identifying implicit biases
Building salience
want to bring to light of LGBTQ+ and inform jurors so that they’re aware
some people try to hide them
Jury Instruction
Conventional instructions do little to combat bias
Could include more information about implicit bias
clear and detail
Expert Testimony
Help jurors understand the impact of implicit bias
Better understanding of implicit bias in the case
Better understanding of their own implicit biases
how to become aware
how to respond to them and let them impact decision making
Possibility of making the issue worse
fear that there will be the opposite effect
may lose confidence in their neutrality
ignore the fact that their implicit biases are actually influencing them
Lack of Understanding
Even criminal justice professionals are not fully informed
who is training the trainers about implicit biases?
Viral Bias
is a result of the viralness and publicity of the case/trial
Pre-decisional Distortion
early preference leading to a verdict
brain might take this as a cognitive bias
might distort anything after the fact; to fit to what is already in your head
Implicit Attitudes
evaluations, negative or positive of a particular social group
how we evaluate other groups we see in society
Implicit Stereotypes
beliefs that we have on groups
Explicit Homphobes
they know and show it
Hard Question: hard or pointed questions
feelings towards LGBTQ+ groups and controversial topics
don’t want to ask questions that are super specific
Soft Questions: less controversial
Would you feel comfortable if a gay couple moved next to you?
Closet Homophobes
aware of these biases but will try to hide it in order to fit in with the group
Proxy Questions
tries to get to the topic indirectly
lifestyle, attitudes
Do you have any friends who are gay?
Implicit Homophobes
believe in LGBTQ+ community, but they don’t know they actually have biases
Authority Effect
may put more weight onto what they were saying & apply it to their decision
Hard Questions
hard or pointed questions
Proxy Questions
tries to get to the topic indirectly