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piaget: preoperational intelligence (2-6 years)
includes imagination and language, internal images of experience children label with words; logical operational thinking is not yet possible, symbolic thought » major accomplishment, helps explain animism
belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive, lifelike qualities, research today suggests that Piaget may have overestimated the use of this
principle that the amount of a substance remains the same - is conserved - when its appearance changes, preschoolers cannot do this
focusing on only one aspect of a situation while ignoring others, while conservation describes understanding that an object's properties remain the same despite changes in appearance
a child's inability to mentally reverse a sequence of events or understand that an action can be undone
limitations of Piaget’s research
Piagetian conservation tasks require words, when tasks are modified - younger children may perform better, Piaget underestimated cognition during early childhood
vygotsky: social learning
cognitive development is embedded in the social context, children are curious, observant, always asking questions
the role of mentors in vygotsky’s social learning
present challenges - zone of proximal development, scaffolding, offer assistance (without taking over), add crucial information, and encourage motivation
theory of mind
involves a person’s theory of what other people might be thinking, emergent ability, become aware that someone else might have false beliefs
language learning and development
comprehension is always greater than production
learning a word after one exposure
grammar - overregularization
applying the rules of grammar when they should not
grammar - pragmatics
adjusting language according to audience and context, seen in pretend play
effective strategies/experiences that aid reading
code-focused teaching, book-reading, parent education, language enhancement, and preschool programs
early childhood education - homes and schools
teacher-child interaction relates to learning, quality matters
child-centered or developmental programs
stress each child’s development and growth, allow children to follow their own interests, influenced by piaget and vygotsky » encouraged by developmentalists
teacher-directed programs
goal is to make child ready to learn for elementary school, stress academic subjects, taught by a teacher to an entire class
intervention programs - head start
originated in 1960s, belief in serving the whole child, children show immediate IQ gains, increases do not lats, benefits are strongest for children in poverty, rural areas, and with disabilities
developmentally appropriate educational practice
psychologist david elkind believed that society tends to push young children too much, believed that children require developmentally appropriate educational practice, education is based on the typical development and unique characteristics of a child; learning should be encouraged, not pushed