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Normal vs Abnormal Fear & Anxiety
Fear: present, flight or fight, sympathetic nervous system kicks in
Anxiety: future oriented, symptoms of tension & doesn’t always activate sympathetic nervous system
Panic Attacks
expected or unexpected, lasts roughly around 10 mins, physical & cognitive symptoms
Areas of the brain for anxiety/fear & panic attacks
limbic system & overactive amygladaare key regions involved in processing fear and anxiety responses.
Additive Models for anxiety/fear & panic attacks
Triple vulnerability model
Bio & Psych risk factors for fear/anxiety & panic attacks
Bio: genetic vulnerability, family genetics
Psych: low serotonin, early childhood, stressful life events
Categories of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety DO
Panic DO
Social Anxiety DO
Specific Phobia
Selective Mutism
Seperation Anxiety
Body Dysmorphia
Generalized Anxiety DO
a disorder that consists of chronic worry (GAD), excessive & uncontrollable, can last about 6+ months.
3.1 % of the general population have it
the onset is early adulthood, slow moving with cognitive behaviors
Treatments include: medication, pharmacotherapy, benzodiazapines & anti depressants
a disorder that makes you feel like you cannot escape, combotic/independent
onset is young adult
risks are emotional reactivity, physical alarm reaction & catastrophic thinking
Treatment includes: medication & different therapys
Specific Phobia
extreme irrational fears, avoidance, unreasonableness
eg: animals, bugs, heights, storms & situational
Selective Mutism
rare childhood disorders where a child is mute in different situations including: school & home.
This condition often emerges in early childhood and can lead to significant challenges in social interactions and academic settings.
Treatments include: therapies with speech
Seperation Anxiety
a disorder that consists of unrealistic/persistant worry, worry about physical danger to others close to & abandonment
treatments include: different therapies
outcomes include: nightmares, refusing to go to school, work etc
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event
Obsessive compulsory disorder
consists of obsessive cleaning/contamination, forbidden thoughts, symmetry or exactness
causes include early life, different thoughts, biological aspects or antibodies (strep)
treatment include: medication, exposure response (ERP)
a chronic disorder that consists of obsessive hair pulling, most with scalp & eyebrows
a chronic disorder that consists of skin picking
caused by anxiety & fear of infections
treatment includes: behavioral habit reversal
Major Depressive DO
a disorder that consists of single or recurring episode, depressive mood state, lasting around two or more weeks, with cognitive symptoms
Persistant Depressive DO
a mood disorder characterized by two years or more of depressed or dysthymic mood
Dysthymic DO
part of persistent depressive disorders
Double Depression
individuals who suffer from both major depressive episodes & persistant depression
Bipolar I
alternation of major depressive DO with full manic episodes
Bipolar II
alternation of major depressive DO with hypomanic episodes (not full manic episodes)
Cyclothymic DO
chronic mood disorder with alternating mood elevatio & depression that isn’t severe
Premenstrual Dysphoric DO
A mood disorder in women during there menstrual cycle
consists of depressive, anxious, & irritable symptoms
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation DO
a mental disorder in children of recurrent temper outbursts against a background of irritable mood
Biological, Psychological & Sociocultural contributors for mood disorders
Biological: familial & genetic influences
Psychological: stressfull life events, stress & depression
Areas of the brain: endocrine system, hypothalamic-pituitary-aldrenocorital axis, neurotransmitters
the intentional act of ending ones life
Suicide is the ___ leading cause of death
Causes of Suicide
stressful life events
biological aspects
personality traits
other factors include: hopelessness, losses, & different treatments
Culture & Geographical Suicide Facts
prominently white phenomenon
high suicide rate for native americans
Psychological Autopsy
postmorten psychological profile of suicide victim constructed from interviews with people who know the person
low levels of serotonin may be associated with suicide & violent suicide attempts
Treatments for Suicide
different programs
limit lethal weapons
watching the individual
co-morbidity in anxiety disorders
Comorbidity: The co-occurrence of two or more distinct disorders
Psychodynamic theory as developed by Freud saw phobias as:
Repressed ID impulses
Psychodynamic Approaches: Theories which assume that unconscious conflicts develop early in life, and part of the therapy is designed to identify life events that may have caused these unconscious conflicts.
In the famous “Little Albert” study by Watson & Rayner, they attempted to condition in him, a fear of his pet white rat. This was done by
Pairing the rat - the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) which produced the unconditioned response (UCR) and subsequently conditioned response (CR).