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Where were the Mycenaeans located?
greek mainland
Like the Minoans, what was the success of the Mycenaeans based on and what locations did they sail to?
trading. Such as, sicily, italy, egypt, and mesopotamia
How did the Mycenaeans live on the mainland?
they lived in separate city-states Trojan War:
around what year
Trojan War:
around what year
1200 bce
between which two civilizations
mycenae and troy
what is the romantic legend associated with this conflict
kidnapping of helen
REAL REASON! of romantic legend
economic rivalry between Mycenaeans and Troy
what was the result of the Trojan War
Troy got seized and the city burned down to the ground
What happened to the Mycenaeans after the fall of Troy?
Mycenaean civilization crumbled under the attack of sea raiders.
raised center area of a polis that contained governmental and religious buildings.
The marketplace of an ancient greek polis, center for trade, culture, and politics.
List the common ways that citizens participated in the city-states?
government, religious ceremonies, defense and economy.
In the Greek city-states, what were the two requirements of participating in the government?
male and birthplace
Which groups were not allowed to participate in the daily activities of the government?
women,slaves, and foreigners.
this city-state became suspicious of outsiders and their ideas. Therefore, travel was restricted to and from this city-state. Athens or Sparta?
encouraged travel and trade Athens or Sparta?
Claims to be the birthplace of democracy - “the rule of the people.” Athens or sparta
Had an oligarchy (rule of a few) with two kings who led the city-state as well as serving as generals in the army. Athens or sparta
Main law-making body was the Assembly - a gathering place for all citizens to meet, discuss, and make laws/decisions. Athens or sparta
Women did not participate in politics. Athens or sparta
City-state included a class of helots - a group of captured individuals who became slaves. Many were needed so this city-state could concentrate their time and effort to their daily, military exercises.
Women has no rights and subject to the household
Women had some rights - more than any other city-state
Strong navy
strong army
Taught reading, writing, math, music, poetry, philosophy and more in schools or academies.
Boys taken from parents at age 7 to start training for life in the military. Learned the art of warfare and survival skills.
Military camp for only two years from age 18-20.
Age 20, placed in ranks of military and at age 30, could marry but still lived in army housing. |
Education was important to the people of this city-state as they believed their government was dependent on having well-prepared citizens. Educated citizens would result in a stronger government.
Girls received little to no education - only taught spinning, weaving and other household duties.
Girls educated in subjects and could participate in gymnastics and other sports. This was thought to produce strong, healthy babies.
Women enjoyed freedoms - could move around, own property and looked over property when husband was away.
Women were kept at home and considered property of their husbands
Simple Lifestyle - no luxuries
Democracy with the rule of the people
Enjoyed luxuries and foods from all over their empire due to their ability to travel and trade.
Emphasis on developing culture → art, education, architecture, drama/theater, science, philosophy and more.
Describes the process of what happens when a baby is born in Sparta?
father coudnt get rid of it and had to deliver it to the tribe that the baby belonged to. If a child is healthy, they gave it order for growing up. If it looked puny and ill they ordered it to be taken and moved on.
What are the two possibilities that might happen to a newborn in this process?
it could live a normal life or be weak and die early.
What was the Spartan reasoning for this process?
Answer: for the well being of the child and the public interest.
What are two qualities or characteristics taught to Spartan youths at age 7?
How to endure pain and conquer battle
Reading and writing
What are two qualities or characteristics taught to Spartan youths at age 12?
Growing and harvesting weeds/crops
To steal
The last paragraph tells a story of a boy and a stolen young fox. In your opinion, why didn’t the boy just show the fox to the group of men?
he was lonely and wanted a pet or he didnt want them to kill it. Describe the equipment of the ancient Greek hoplite (armed soldier).
Describe the equipment of the ancient Greek hoplite (armed soldier).
the panoply consisted of a shield, helmet, breastplate, greaves , sword, spear, and tunic.
Describe the battle formation of the phalanx (formation of Greek hoplites).
Organized in the phalanx as rows upon men,
Went 8 ranks deep
describe the terrain (land) of Greece?
3/4ths of Greece is covered by mountains.
highest mountain called Mt olympus
hundreds of rocky islands
How did the seas play a part for the Greeks?
the seas were a vital link to the world outside.
How did the geography, primarily the mountains, play a part in the development of the polis (city-state)?
mountains were barriers for communication.
How did the ancient Greeks view themselves in regards to their polis - meaning did they have loyalty to Greece or to their polis (city-state)?
very loyal to their polis
What civilization existed on the island of Crete?
The minoans
What is the basic storyline of Theseus and the Minotaur?
theusus goes on the island of Crete to stop the Minotaur. Every year the Athens had to send young people as a sacrifice to the Minotaur. Theseus wanted to save his people and went. With the help of the princess who gave him ball of thread to leave. Theseus defeated the Minotaur.
Which civilization developed on the Greek mainland after the Minoans that supposedly conquered the Minoans?
the myceanean civilization
What conflict during the Mycenaean time saw the Greeks battle another city-state across the Aegean Sea?
the trojan war
Which blind Greek poet is responsible for writing the Iliad and the Odyssey?
What was the legendary and real cause of the Trojan War?
economic rivalry with myceaneans and troy
Why did the ancient Greeks believe in a polytheistic faith, just like all the ancient civilizations we studied this year?
Human activities and natural forces
Who was considered to be the top god of the ancient Greeks?
Where did the gods and goddesses supposedly live?
above mount olympus
If you were living during this time period, how do you think your life would have been affected by the belief in this type of religion?
If I lived in ancient greece my life would have totally shaped by their religion. I would pray to different gods depending on what I needed, like asking Poseidon for safe travel on the sea. I would also probably visit temples alot. My whole life would revolve around making sure the gods were pleased.P
In class discussions, students cannot believe that the ancient people practiced these types of religions back in ancient days. Do you think there will come a time when people in the future will look at our religions and think the same way?
People in the future might think the same about what we believe today. As time goes on people learn new things and their ideas change and they will probably be more smarter. Some religions might disappear and also start new ones. But people will probably still have religion in some way.
Which groups were not allowed to participate in their polis’s government?
women slaves and foreigners
What were the requirements for someone to participate in government in the polis?
male and birthplace
What is another name for a city-state in ancient Greece?
What is the difference between a hoplite and a phalanx?
Which empire stretched from the outskirts of Greece down through Egypt all the way to India that threatened Greece after the Ionian city-states revolted?
The Persian empire
What was the conflict between the Greek city-states and Persia called?
What were the causes of the Persian Wars?
Explain the key events of the the Persian Wars
Battle of Marathon.
Battle of Salamis.
Battle of Thermopylae.
Who was Pheidippides and explain his importance?
he inspired the modern Marathon.
What was formed following the Persian Wars to stop future Persian invasion?
The Delian League
Which Greek polis came to dominate Greece following the Persian Wars?
The Delian league and the Peloponnesian War
What was the conflict between Sparta and Athens called?
Peloponnesian War
What were the causes of the Peloponnesian War?
The Athenian control of the Delian leauge
What were the effects of the Peloponnesian Wars?
The Athens enter a “Golden Age” a period when Athens witnessed increased creativity and power.