Comparative politics
The study and comparison of domestic politics across countries.
International relations
Relations between countries, including foreign policy, war, trade, and foreign aid.
The ability to influence others or impose one's will on them.
Comparative Method
A way to compare cases and draw conclusions about political systems.
A cause-and-effect relationship in which one variable controls the changes in another variable
Causation (casual relation)
A cause and effect relationship in which one variable directly influences changes in another variable.
Qualitative methods
Research methods focused on evidence such as interviews, observations, and archival research, characterized by a deep, narrow focus that helps generate theory.
Quantitative methods
Research methods that involve a wider use of cases not limited by area specialization, utilizing statistical analysis and mathematical models, often based on economic reasoning, and start with a testable theory.
Normative statement
A statement that requires a value judgement, describing how the world should be according to certain opinions or ideologies.
Empirical Statement
A statement based on observable facts and statistics.
An individual's ability to act independently, without fear of restriction or punishment by the state or other individuals or groups in society.
A material standard of living shared by individuals within a community, characterized by equal status, rights, and opportunities.
Democratic rule
A political system in which political power is exercised either directly or indirectly by the people.
Authoritarian rule
A political system in which a small group of individuals holds power over the state without being accountable to the public.
The organization that maintains a monopoly of force over a given territory; A set of political institutions to generate and execute policy regarding freedom and equality.
Highly institutionalized and sovereign. Characterized by institutions like militaries, police forces, taxation, a judiciary, and a social welfare system
The legitimate right to exercise power.
The capacity to carry out actions and policies within a territory independent of external actors and internal rivals.
The fundamental rules and norms of politics, embodying long-term goals that guide the state regarding individual freedom and collective equality, where power should reside, and the use of that power
the leadership that runs the state. Hold particular ideas regarding freedom and equality, and attempts to use the state to realize those ideas
A political system that integrates states, regimes, governments, and the populace residing under that system.
Traditional legitimacy
the idea that someone or something is valid because "it has always been that way."
certain aspects of politics are to be accepted because they have been built over a long period of time. Part of historical identity and very institutionalized.
Charismatic legitimacy
opposite of traditional legitimacy. Based on the power of ideas or beliefs, instead of history and continuity. Embodied by individuals who can move and persuade the public. Not institutionalized and commonly dies with the individual, but can be transformed into traditional legitimacy
Rational-legal legitimacy
not based on history or ideas and their presenters. Based on a system of laws and procedures that are presumed to be neutral or rational. Offices and rules hold authority instead of the leaders. Strongly institutionalized.
powers (taxation lawmaking, security, etc) are devolved to regional bodies and to local legislatures that control specific territories within a country. Defined in the national constitution and not easily changed.
Asymmetric federalism
A type of federalism where power is distributed unequally among regional bodies.
Unitary states
Political systems where power is primarily concentrated at the national level, with limited local authority; national governments oversee most areas of policy.
The process of decentralizing power within a state, bringing authority closer to the citizens and potentially resolving cultural conflicts.
Strong state
A state that is able to fulfill basic tasks, such as defending territory, making and enforcing rules, collecting taxes, and managing the economy
Weak state
A state that has difficulty fulfilling basic tasks. Can't defend territory (rivals, organized crime, rebel movements, etc), unable to make and enforce rules, tax evasion and public noncompliance is common, and no control over the economy. Government officials are unfaithful and corrupt. Not legitimate or institutionalized
Failed state
extremely weak states with no structure. Instability can be found in some areas and some not (not always complete anarchy). States can fail to different degrees, in different ways/areas