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organize and summarize data
draw inferences about data when only partly observed
individual for whom the information is collected
characteristic about each element
Data (singular)
value of a variable associated with one element
point in a column or row
Variable (many)
set of singular data values collected for variable
whole column or row
the entire data collected
program/tool used for data entry
Descriptive statistics
organize,summarize,display,data collected
nominal and ordinal variables
Inferential Statistics
used to make predications about a larger population based on a sample
Quantitative methods
testing theories using numbers
aka continuous variables
ratios or intervals (scale)
Qualitative methods
testing theories using language
aka categorical or discrete variables
nominal or ordinal
characteristic or measureable property that can change from one observation to another
Nominal Variable
classifies data into distinct categories with no order of ranking
presented by pie charts or barcharts
descriptive categories
Ordinal Variable
order of the values matters
presented by pie charts and bar-charts
ranked categories
Interval variable
central characteristic that can be measured along a numbered continuum
0 value is not possible or absolute
presented by histograms
numbers represent fixed measurement units
meaningful relationships
value of 0 serves as reference point
presented by histograms
Measurement hierarchy (weak to strong)
nominal —> ordinal —> scale
Independent Variable
the one that is changed by person doing experiment
aka predictor shown on x-axis
Dependent Variable
the one that is measured in the experiment
aka response criterion outcome
shown on y-axis
all the variables that stay the same in the experiment
aka covariates