Honors US History 10
The foreign minister of Canada. He formed NATO; wanted to form "an association of democratic peace-loving states to defend Western Europe against an attack from the Soviets."
An association of peace loving states attempting to defend Western Europe against an attack from the Soviets; mutual military assistance; when one is attacked it is an attack against them all
all new hires for a job in the US had to get investigated by the government; this was to identify potential security risks, particularly suspected communist affiliations
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Investigated threats of subversion and propaganda that attacked the US government; investigated alleged disloyalty and rebel activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and organizations suspected of having Communist ties
Chairman of HUAC, where he played a key role in fueling the anti-communist investigations of the time
Democratic senator who leads the hunt for communists in the movie industry, labor unions, state departments, and the United Nations. Also created the McCarran-Walter Act
Soviet spy who was put on trial for giving the Soviets information about the atomic bomb. Executed on the electric chair.
Typed David Greenglass's notes for the soviet union; also involved in espionage for the soviets; Executed by the electric chair; 1st woman executed in almost 100 years
Leader of the Chinese Communist Party; gives the 70-20-10 rule; self-development then compromise with nationalists then fight the Japanese
referred to a list of people, mainly in Hollywood, suspected of being communists and who should not be hired
a communist country controlled by the Soviet Union after being divided up at the end of WWII
a democratic country split up between and supported by the US, GB, and France; it was the front line of the Cold War in Europe which hosted NATO troops to deter aggression from the East
Leader of the Nationalist Party in China; supported by the U.S.; after U.S. stopped giving support, China fell to communism and this person + his followers went to Taiwan