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Circadian rhythm
natrual internal clock and the changes in each phase
disruption to circadian rhythms
jet lag shift work, anything prolonging hours of being awake as well as excessive sleep at wrong times.
NREM 1 & 2
categorized as light sleep, heartbeat, eye movements, brain waves, and breathing activity begin to taper down. then your brain waves slow down and have noticeable pauses
deep sleep, your brain waves are short but strong. the body takes this time to reinforce immune system and repair injuries
Hypngogic sensations take place in _______
NREM 1 and are brief hallucinations that take place as you're falling asleep.
REM SLEEP (paradixucal)
parodoxical indicates similarities to awareness, the brain acts as if it is somewhat awake. rapid eye movment, irregular movement, high heart rate, increased brain activity, dreams
The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation. accompanied by vivid dreams, increased depth and intensity of primary rem SLEEP,
whats the correct order? : A) NREM 1 , 2 , 3 REM 4 B) NREM 2 1 3 REM 4 C) REM, NREM 1 2 3
spend more time in _____ as night goes on
Spend less time in ____ as night goes on
spend very little time in ____
memory consolidation
the theory that sleeps helps us think and process what happened through thee day and save memories
theory that sleep is meant to restore the body and cells
the disorder making it hard to fall asleep
uncontrollable sleep attacks
sleep apnea
temporary stopping of breathing throughout the night
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder:
Rare sleep disorder where individual acts out their dream
sleeping walking through NREM 3